A free portable photo editor focused on pro-grade features, high performance, and maximum usability. - GitHub - tannerhelland/PhotoDemon: A free portable photo editor focused on pro-grade features,...
2D raster & vector editor that melds traditional layers & tools with a modern node-based, fully non-destructive procedural workflow. - GitHub - GraphiteEditor/Graphite: 2D raster & vect...
WorldWindExplorer: A 3D virtual globe geo-browser app framework based on WorldWindJS, Bootstrap and KnockoutJS. Includes 3D globe and 2D map projections, imagery, terrain, markers, plus solar and c...
The WorldWind Kotlin SDK (WWK) includes the library, examples and tutorials for building multiplatform 3D virtual globe applications for Android, Web and Java. - GitHub - WorldWindEarth/WorldWindKo...
Gaea+ is an open source Virtual Globe based on NASA World Wind. - GitHub - gaeaplus/gaeaplus: Gaea+ is an open source Virtual Globe based on NASA World Wind.
Download Eagle Mode for free. Zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers and more. Eagle Mode is a zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers, games, and more. This project is about a futuristic style of human-computer interaction, where the user can visit almost everything simply by zooming in.