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Malibu - Miley Cyrus (Boyce Avenue ft. Emily Zeck acoustic cover) on Spotify & Apple
Malibu - Miley Cyrus (Boyce Avenue ft. Emily Zeck acoustic cover) on Spotify & Apple
Tickets + VIP Meet & Greets: Spotify: Apple: iTunes: Google: Amazon: - - - - - - - - - - - - 🔔 Subscribe & make sure to enable all push notifications! 🔔 Watch more of our videos: Acoustic Covers: Original Music Videos: Cover Collaborations: - - - - - - - - - - - - Boyce Avenue: Alejandro Manzano (Lead Vocals, Guitar, Piano): Fabian Manzano (Background Vocals, Guitar): Daniel Manzano (Background Vocals, Bass, Percussion): Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Website: - - - - - - - - - - - - We love Miley Cyrus's new song Malibu and we had an awesome time covering it with our good friend Emily Zeck. - - - - - - - - - - - - Alejandro Manzano of Boyce Avenue and Emily Zeck performing an acoustic cover of “Malibu” by Miley Cyrus #Malibu #MileyCyrus #BoyceAvenue #EmilyZeck - - - - - - - - - - - - Audio & Video Produced by Boyce Avenue Engineered, Mixed & Mastered by Adam Barber Directed by Adam Barber & Alejandro Manzano Filmed by Adam Barber & Fabian Manzano Edited & Colored by Adam Barber Video Assistant: Jesse Scott Filmed at 3 Peace Studios in Sarasota, Florida
Malibu - Miley Cyrus (Boyce Avenue ft. Emily Zeck acoustic cover) on Spotify & Apple
She's With Me
She's With Me
Provided to YouTube by TuneCore She's With Me · High Valley County Line ℗ 2015 High Valley Released on: 2015-10-13 Auto-generated by YouTube.
She's With Me
John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads (Audio)
John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads (Audio)
"Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver Listen to John Denver: Subscribe to the official John Denver YouTube channel: Watch more John Denver videos: Follow John Denver: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: Spotify: YouTube: Lyrics: Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze. Country roads, take me home to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country roads. All my memories gather round her, miner's lady, stranger to blue water. Dark and dusty, painted on the sky, misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye. Country roads, take me home to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country roads." #JohnDenver #TakeMeHomeCountryRoads #OfficialAudio
John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads (Audio)
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
Creedence Clearwater Revival Have You Ever Seen The Rain? Pendulum Lyrics: Someone told me long ago There's a calm before the storm, I know; It's been comin' for some time. When it's over, so they say, It'll rain a sunny day, I know; Shinin' down like water. CHORUS: I want to know, Have you ever seen the rain? I want to know, Have you ever seen the rain Comin' down on a sunny day? Yesterday, and days before, Sun is cold and rain is hard, I know; Been that way for all my time. 'Til forever, on it goes Through the circle, fast and slow, I know; It can't stop, I wonder. CHORUS Yeah! CHORUS
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
My Mother Told Me (Viking Sea Shanty Cover)
My Mother Told Me (Viking Sea Shanty Cover)
The palest ship crew is back... ✹YOU CAN SUPPORT ME AT✹ 🐩 TWITTER: đŸ“· INSTA: đŸŽ” SOUNDCLOUD: đŸŽ” BANDCAMP: EMAIL: #Vikings #MyMotherToldMe #AssassinsCreedValhalla #SeaShanty
My Mother Told Me (Viking Sea Shanty Cover)
Viking 3 OST/Wardruna - Völuspå (432Hz)
Viking 3 OST/Wardruna - Völuspå (432Hz)
Song title from the soundtrack: 18. Floki Appears To Kill Athelstan Slightly extended version Original Video: Original Soundtrack: "If you want to learn the secrets of the universe, study energy, frequency, and vibrations.".........Nikola Tesla. If you wondering about this 440Hz vs 432Hz and not understand/donÂŽt believe it - then check this out or do your own research - I uploading more songs/day so if you donÂŽt want to miss them, please click to the notification bell or directly check my channel. All Credits go to the artist. I do not make any money through my uploads so If you like my work and want that this channel stay alive then please support me, you can do via Paypal here my link -, and also you can find on my Youtube main site the link or on my blog where you can donate via Donorbox - You can also request a song in the comment section, please use the magic word "please" if you ask and a link too would be nice and NOT MORE THEN 1 SONG/COMMENT, and also consider that not every artistÂŽs songs allowed due to copyright law. The requested song will be ready within 1-2 weeks range and I will write to you with a link. If you would like to tune songs in 432Hz and you are lazy to google it or watch videos about it, then click to my channel the about section and you will find the methods in the channel description box. Thank you - Have a wonderful day :)
Viking 3 OST/Wardruna - Völuspå (432Hz)
Knyts - Won't Get This Back
Knyts - Won't Get This Back
Knyts - Won't Get This Back
K/DA Ahri, K/DA Evelynn, K/DA Kai’Sa, and K/DA Akali take the world stage with their debut single. Keep the show going on the Rift with these new Epic skins....
El Señor de los Anillos – AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora (Comunidad) - YouTube
El Señor de los Anillos – AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora (Comunidad) - YouTube
ÂżSabĂ­as que el tema de Saruman predice que les va a traicionar? ÂżO que el tema de Galadriel cambia de la escala de los elfos a la de los hombres cuando decide ayudar a la comunidad? ÂżO que el tema de Gollum es el tema de los hobbits sobre armonĂ­as de Mordor? No volverĂĄs a ver El Señor de los Anillos de la misma manera. ╞PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS: ÂżEs el significado universal o subjetivo? ÂżPor quĂ© las partituras estĂĄn en otra tonalidad? Significados, influencias, interpretaciones y fuentes: 🔍 Si quieres saber mĂĄs 🔍 En he recopilado listas y anĂĄlisis de temas y leitmotifs de muchĂ­simas pelĂ­culas/series/videojuegos/Ăłperas. AquĂ­ te dejo los del Señor de los Anillos: 🔍 Howard Shore - Creating The Lord Of The Rings Symphony. MiddleOfMiddleEarth - En este vĂ­deo el compositor Howard Shore habla de sus leitmotifs. El 5/4 de Isengard, al uso del motivo de la Historia del Anillo, cĂłmo va cambiando el tema de la Comunidad del Anillo, y algunas cosas mĂĄs. Y en ocasiones las ilustraciones indican quĂ© leitmotif estĂĄ sonando. Muy recomendable: 🔍 Extended Editions Audio Commentary. Howard Shore - En los extras de los DVDs el compositor Howard Shore va comentando por encima de la pelĂ­cula sus distintos leitmotifs (tema de Gollum, de los NazgĂ»l, de Gondor
): (transcripciĂłn): 🔍 The Music of The Lord of the Rings Films: A Comprehensive Account of Howard Shore's Scores. Doug Adams - En este libro, Doug Adams hace un trabajo increĂ­ble en colaboraciĂłn con Howard Shore redactando toda la informaciĂłn oficial sobre la BSO. Ya os he hablado de este libro anteriormente, es buenĂ­simo: 🔍 The Complete Recordings Liner Notes and Annotated Scores - Antiguamente la productora de las pelis, New Line Cinema, tenĂ­a en su web oficial un PDF gratuito descargable con los leitmotifs de Howard Shore para El Señor de los Anillos: A dĂ­a de hoy ya sĂłlo estĂĄn disponibles en los libretos oficiales de los Complete Recordings, cuyos textos fueron escritos por Doug Adams y estĂĄn incluidos en el libro del punto anterior: 🔍 Projecting Tolkien’s Musical Worlds. Matthew Young - En este libro Matthew Young analiza los leitmotifs de Howard Shore del Señor de los Anillos, utilizando las tĂ©cnicas de Philip Tagg: 🔍 Howard Shore’s Ring Cycle: The Film Score and Operatic Strategy. Judith Bernanke - Este es un ensayo sobre la banda sonora de Howard Shore del Señor de los Anillos, incluido en el libro Studying the Event Film: The Lord of the Rings. Ed. by Harriet Elaine Margolis, Sean Cubitt, Barry King, and Thierry Jutel: 🔍 Music of The Lord of the Rings film series. Wikipedia - En Wikipedia viene una lista de todos los leitmotifs de la banda sonora de Howard Shore del Señor de los Anillos: 🔍 Musical Themes in "The Lord of the Rings". Eric Rawlins - Lista de los leitmotifs de la banda sonora de Howard Shore: 🔍 Score Analysis Project by Theme. - Lista de leitmotifs: 🔍 Score Analysis Project by Track - Lista de pistas de los CD’s: 🔍 Music of The Lord of the Rings Filmseries. yourcompleteinfo - Lista de leitmotifs: 🔍 Music emotions and associations in film music listening: the example of leitmotifs from the “Lord of the Rings” movies. Maria CheƂkowska-Zacharewicz 🔍 From Alberich to Gollum: Hollywood’s Transformation of the Leitmotiv. Andrew J. Reitter:,%20Andrew.pdf?sequence=1 🔍 (continĂșa en que aquĂ­ no caben todos) ╞LAS DOS TORRES: ╞EL RETORNO DEL REY: ╞TODOS LOS TEMAS AL PIANO:
El Señor de los Anillos – AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora (Comunidad) - YouTube
Las Dos Torres – AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de El Señor de los Anillos - YouTube
Las Dos Torres – AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de El Señor de los Anillos - YouTube
ÂżConoces los mensajes secretos que esconde la banda sonora de Las Dos Torres? ÂżSabĂ­as que la peli contiene una de las escenas con mĂĄs complejidad musical de la historia del cine? ÂżTe cae bien Elrond? Si la respuesta a cualquiera de esas preguntas es NO, este es tu vĂ­deo. ╞PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS: ÂżEs el significado universal o subjetivo? ÂżPor quĂ© las partituras estĂĄn en otra tonalidad? Significados, influencias, interpretaciones y fuentes: 🔍 Si quieres saber mĂĄs 🔍 En he recopilado listas y anĂĄlisis de temas y leitmotifs de muchĂ­simas pelĂ­culas/series/videojuegos/Ăłperas. AquĂ­ te dejo los del Señor de los Anillos: 🔍 Howard Shore - Creating The Lord Of The Rings Symphony. MiddleOfMiddleEarth - En este vĂ­deo el compositor Howard Shore habla de sus leitmotifs. El 5/4 de Isengard, al uso del motivo de la Historia del Anillo, cĂłmo va cambiando el tema de la Comunidad del Anillo, y algunas cosas mĂĄs. Y en ocasiones las ilustraciones indican quĂ© leitmotif estĂĄ sonando. Muy recomendable: 🔍 Extended Editions Audio Commentary. Howard Shore - En los extras de los DVDs el compositor Howard Shore va comentando por encima de la pelĂ­cula sus distintos leitmotifs (tema de Gollum, de los NazgĂ»l, de Gondor
): (transcripciĂłn): 🔍 The Music of The Lord of the Rings Films: A Comprehensive Account of Howard Shore's Scores. Doug Adams - En este libro, Doug Adams hace un trabajo increĂ­ble en colaboraciĂłn con Howard Shore redactando toda la informaciĂłn oficial sobre la BSO. Ya os he hablado de este libro anteriormente, es buenĂ­simo: 🔍 The Complete Recordings Liner Notes and Annotated Scores - Antiguamente la productora de las pelis, New Line Cinema, tenĂ­a en su web oficial un PDF gratuito descargable con los leitmotifs de Howard Shore para El Señor de los Anillos: A dĂ­a de hoy ya sĂłlo estĂĄn disponibles en los libretos oficiales de los Complete Recordings, cuyos textos fueron escritos por Doug Adams y estĂĄn incluidos en el libro del punto anterior: 🔍 Projecting Tolkien’s Musical Worlds. Matthew Young - En este libro Matthew Young analiza los leitmotifs de Howard Shore del Señor de los Anillos, utilizando las tĂ©cnicas de Philip Tagg: 🔍 Howard Shore’s Ring Cycle: The Film Score and Operatic Strategy. Judith Bernanke - Este es un ensayo sobre la banda sonora de Howard Shore del Señor de los Anillos, incluido en el libro Studying the Event Film: The Lord of the Rings. Ed. by Harriet Elaine Margolis, Sean Cubitt, Barry King, and Thierry Jutel: 🔍 Music of The Lord of the Rings film series. Wikipedia - En Wikipedia viene una lista de todos los leitmotifs de la banda sonora de Howard Shore del Señor de los Anillos: 🔍 Musical Themes in "The Lord of the Rings". Eric Rawlins - Lista de los leitmotifs de la banda sonora de Howard Shore: 🔍 Score Analysis Project by Theme. - Lista de leitmotifs: 🔍 Score Analysis Project by Track - Lista de pistas de los CD’s: 🔍 Music of The Lord of the Rings Filmseries. yourcompleteinfo - Lista de leitmotifs: 🔍 Music emotions and associations in film music listening: the example of leitmotifs from the “Lord of the Rings” movies. Maria CheƂkowska-Zacharewicz 🔍 From Alberich to Gollum: Hollywood’s Transformation of the Leitmotiv. Andrew J. Reitter:,%20Andrew.pdf?sequence=1 🔍 (continĂșa en que aquĂ­ no caben todos) ╞LA COMUNIDAD DEL ANILLO: ╞EL RETORNO DEL REY: ╞TODOS LOS TEMAS AL PIANO:
Las Dos Torres – AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de El Señor de los Anillos - YouTube
El Retorno del Rey – AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de El Señor de los Anillos - YouTube
El Retorno del Rey – AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de El Señor de los Anillos - YouTube
La evoluciĂłn del tema de Aragorn, los secretos del tema de Gollum, 3 temas nuevos para la Ășltima entrega de la saga... y muchas cosas mĂĄs! Por orden de menciĂłn: Pepe Mediavilla (actor de doblaje de Gandalf): Kai: MĂșsica y Significado de Luis Angel de Benito: ╞PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS: ÂżEs el significado universal o subjetivo? ÂżPor quĂ© las partituras estĂĄn en otra tonalidad? Significados, influencias, interpretaciones y fuentes: 🔍 Si quieres saber mĂĄs 🔍 En he recopilado listas y anĂĄlisis de temas y leitmotifs de muchĂ­simas pelĂ­culas/series/videojuegos/Ăłperas. AquĂ­ te dejo los del Señor de los Anillos: 🔍 Howard Shore - Creating The Lord Of The Rings Symphony. MiddleOfMiddleEarth - En este vĂ­deo el compositor Howard Shore habla de sus leitmotifs. El 5/4 de Isengard, al uso del motivo de la Historia del Anillo, cĂłmo va cambiando el tema de la Comunidad del Anillo, y algunas cosas mĂĄs. Y en ocasiones las ilustraciones indican quĂ© leitmotif estĂĄ sonando. Muy recomendable: 🔍 Extended Editions Audio Commentary. Howard Shore - En los extras de los DVDs el compositor Howard Shore va comentando por encima de la pelĂ­cula sus distintos leitmotifs (tema de Gollum, de los NazgĂ»l, de Gondor
): (transcripciĂłn): 🔍 The Music of The Lord of the Rings Films: A Comprehensive Account of Howard Shore's Scores. Doug Adams - En este libro, Doug Adams hace un trabajo increĂ­ble en colaboraciĂłn con Howard Shore redactando toda la informaciĂłn oficial sobre la BSO. Ya os he hablado de este libro anteriormente, es buenĂ­simo: 🔍 The Complete Recordings Liner Notes and Annotated Scores - Antiguamente la productora de las pelis, New Line Cinema, tenĂ­a en su web oficial un PDF gratuito descargable con los leitmotifs de Howard Shore para El Señor de los Anillos: A dĂ­a de hoy ya sĂłlo estĂĄn disponibles en los libretos oficiales de los Complete Recordings, cuyos textos fueron escritos por Doug Adams y estĂĄn incluidos en el libro del punto anterior: 🔍 Projecting Tolkien’s Musical Worlds. Matthew Young - En este libro Matthew Young analiza los leitmotifs de Howard Shore del Señor de los Anillos, utilizando las tĂ©cnicas de Philip Tagg: 🔍 Howard Shore’s Ring Cycle: The Film Score and Operatic Strategy. Judith Bernanke - Este es un ensayo sobre la banda sonora de Howard Shore del Señor de los Anillos, incluido en el libro Studying the Event Film: The Lord of the Rings. Ed. by Harriet Elaine Margolis, Sean Cubitt, Barry King, and Thierry Jutel: 🔍 Music of The Lord of the Rings film series. Wikipedia - En Wikipedia viene una lista de todos los leitmotifs de la banda sonora de Howard Shore del Señor de los Anillos: 🔍 Musical Themes in "The Lord of the Rings". Eric Rawlins - Lista de los leitmotifs de la banda sonora de Howard Shore: 🔍 Score Analysis Project by Theme. - Lista de leitmotifs: 🔍 Score Analysis Project by Track - Lista de pistas de los CD’s: 🔍 Music of The Lord of the Rings Filmseries. yourcompleteinfo - Lista de leitmotifs: 🔍 Music emotions and associations in film music listening: the example of leitmotifs from the “Lord of the Rings” movies. Maria CheƂkowska-Zacharewicz 🔍 (continĂșa en que aquĂ­ no caben todos) ╞LAS DOS TORRES: ╞EL RETORNO DEL REY: ╞TODOS LOS TEMAS AL PIANO:
El Retorno del Rey – AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de El Señor de los Anillos - YouTube
AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de Star Wars. Los temas del BIEN | Jaime Altozano - YouTube
AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de Star Wars. Los temas del BIEN | Jaime Altozano - YouTube
ÂżCĂłmo se relacionan los temas de Luke y Anakin? ÂżCĂłmo se relacionan los temas de Rey y Kylo Ren? ÂżQuĂ© hace Yoda fuera de Star Wars? En este vĂ­deo analizamos los temas del Lado Luminoso de La Fuerza y cĂłmo estĂĄn interconectados formando el "lenguaje musical de La Guerra de Las Galaxias". O Star Wars, vamos. Notas tĂ©cnicas: 1. He preferido llamarlos "mayor" y "menor" en vez de "jĂłnico" y "eĂłlico" porque me ha parecido mĂĄs pedagĂłgico. 2. Algunas veces el audio suena 75 cĂ©ntimos de semitono desafinado. Disfrutad del horror. 🔍 Si quieres saber mĂĄs 🔍 En he recopilado listas y anĂĄlisis de temas y leitmotifs de muchĂ­simas pelĂ­culas/series/videojuegos/Ăłperas. AquĂ­ te dejo los de Star Wars: 🔍 John Williams's Film Music: Jaws, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the Return of the Classical Hollywood Music Style (Wisconsin Film Studies). Emilio Audissino - Este libro explora la mĂșsica de John Williams y su aportaciĂłn a las bandas sonoras: 🔍 Book Review – John Williams’s Film Music, by Emilio Audissino. Film Music Notes, Mark Richards - Este artĂ­culo es una review del libro citado mĂĄs arriba: 🔍 Complete Catalogue of the Musical Themes of Star Wars. Frank Lehman - AquĂ­ Frank Lehman ha hecho una lista de las partituras de todos los leitmotifs de la saga Star Wars. Es sĂșper exhaustivo!: 🔍 John Williams Interview - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - En esta entrevista John Williams habla un poco del tema de Rey: 🔍 Interview: John Williams on Scoring Star Wars: Episode VII - En esta entrevista John Williams habla un poco de cĂłmo ha sido hacer leitmotifs para una saga que ha durado dĂ©cadas: 🔍 Musical themes in the scores, Wikipedia - En Wikipedia hay una recopilaciĂłn de los leitmotifs principales de la saga Star Wars: 🔍 A Field Guide to the Musical Leitmotifs of “Star Wars”. The New Yorker, Alex Ross: 🔍 Listening to “Star Wars”. The New Yorker, Alex Ross: 🔍 Star Wars The Phantom Menace. MusicFromTheMovies - Esta web tiene varios artĂ­culos sobre Star Wars, os dejo por aquĂ­ algunos: 🔍 Decoding The Musical Themes Of 'Star Wars'. WBUR Radio, Frank Lehman - Esto es un programa de radio donde Frank Lehman analiza los temas principales de Star Wars: 🔍 The Very Best of John Williams (Partituras). Dan Coates - Partituras oficiales con arreglos para piano de los mejores temas de John Williams: 🔍 Music from The Star Wars Trilogy - Special Edition (Partituras). Dan Coates - Partituras oficiales con arreglos para piano de los principales temas de John Williams de Star Wars: 🔍 STAR WARS: EPISODE II – ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002) – Complete Score Analysis. JWfan, John Takis - La web de JWfan tiene varios artĂ­culos analizando los leitmotifs de John Williams para Star Wars: 🔍 STAR WARS: EPISODE II – ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002) – Thematic Analysis. JWfan, Mikko Ojala: 🔍 STAR WARS: EPISODE I – THE PHANTOM MENACE (1999) – The Ultimate Edition (Track-by-Track Analysis). JWfan, Mike Troxell: 🔍 The Empire Strikes Back Special Edition: 🔍 Once Upon a Galaxy: A Journal of the Making of The Empire Strikes Back (interview with John Williams). JWfan, Alan Arnold: 🔍 Star Wars 2 LP - Liner Notes: 🔍 El Retorno del Jedi. BsoSpirit, Ignacio Granda - La web de BsoSpirit tiene varios artĂ­culos dedicados a los leitmotifs de John Williams para Star Wars: 🔍 (continĂșa en que aquĂ­ no caben todos) ╞EL LADO OSCURO: ╞CHARLAMOS SOBRE SW:
AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de Star Wars. Los temas del BIEN | Jaime Altozano - YouTube
AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de Star Wars. EL LADO OSCURO. | Jaime Altozano - YouTube
AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de Star Wars. EL LADO OSCURO. | Jaime Altozano - YouTube
ÂżSabĂ­as que el Tema de Anakin estĂĄ relacionado con Darth Vader? ÂżY que la inusual conexiĂłn de Anakin con La Fuerza se refleja en su mĂșsica? En este vĂ­deo analizamos la banda sonora de Star Wars desde la perspectiva del Lado Oscuro, y en el epicentro estĂĄ la dualidad Anakin/Darth Vader, de la que como si fueran tentĂĄculos saldrĂĄn todas las relaciones motĂ­vicas que conectarĂĄn el universo musical de Star Wars. Nota tĂ©cnica: Algunas escenas estĂĄn desafinadas 75 cĂ©ntimos de semitono, por eso a veces puede parecer que la partitura no estĂĄ en el tono que es. En Bach los mĂșsicos tocan con afinaciĂłn barroca, no es que les haya cambiado yo la afinaciĂłn. 🔍 Si quieres saber mĂĄs 🔍 En he recopilado listas y anĂĄlisis de temas y leitmotifs de muchĂ­simas pelĂ­culas/series/videojuegos/Ăłperas. AquĂ­ te dejo los de Star Wars: 🔍 John Williams's Film Music: Jaws, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the Return of the Classical Hollywood Music Style (Wisconsin Film Studies). Emilio Audissino - Este libro explora la mĂșsica de John Williams y su aportaciĂłn a las bandas sonoras: 🔍 Book Review – John Williams’s Film Music, by Emilio Audissino. Film Music Notes, Mark Richards - Este artĂ­culo es una review del libro citado mĂĄs arriba: 🔍 Complete Catalogue of the Musical Themes of Star Wars. Frank Lehman - AquĂ­ Frank Lehman ha hecho una lista de las partituras de todos los leitmotifs de la saga Star Wars. Es sĂșper exhaustivo!: 🔍 John Williams Interview - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - En esta entrevista John Williams habla un poco del tema de Rey: 🔍 Interview: John Williams on Scoring Star Wars: Episode VII - En esta entrevista John Williams habla un poco de cĂłmo ha sido hacer leitmotifs para una saga que ha durado dĂ©cadas: 🔍 Musical themes in the scores, Wikipedia - En Wikipedia hay una recopilaciĂłn de los leitmotifs principales de la saga Star Wars: 🔍 A Field Guide to the Musical Leitmotifs of “Star Wars”. The New Yorker, Alex Ross: 🔍 Listening to “Star Wars”. The New Yorker, Alex Ross: 🔍 Star Wars The Phantom Menace. MusicFromTheMovies - Esta web tiene varios artĂ­culos sobre Star Wars, os dejo por aquĂ­ algunos: 🔍 Decoding The Musical Themes Of 'Star Wars'. WBUR Radio, Frank Lehman - Esto es un programa de radio donde Frank Lehman analiza los temas principales de Star Wars: 🔍 The Very Best of John Williams (Partituras). Dan Coates - Partituras oficiales con arreglos para piano de los mejores temas de John Williams: 🔍 Music from The Star Wars Trilogy - Special Edition (Partituras). Dan Coates - Partituras oficiales con arreglos para piano de los principales temas de John Williams de Star Wars: 🔍 STAR WARS: EPISODE II – ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002) – Complete Score Analysis. JWfan, John Takis - La web de JWfan tiene varios artĂ­culos analizando los leitmotifs de John Williams para Star Wars: 🔍 STAR WARS: EPISODE II – ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002) – Thematic Analysis. JWfan, Mikko Ojala: 🔍 STAR WARS: EPISODE I – THE PHANTOM MENACE (1999) – The Ultimate Edition (Track-by-Track Analysis). JWfan, Mike Troxell: 🔍 The Empire Strikes Back Special Edition: 🔍 Once Upon a Galaxy: A Journal of the Making of The Empire Strikes Back (interview with John Williams). JWfan, Alan Arnold: 🔍 Star Wars 2 LP - Liner Notes: 🔍 (continĂșa en que aquĂ­ no caben todos) ╞TEMAS DEL BIEN: ╞CHARLAMOS SOBRE SW:
AnĂĄlisis de la Banda Sonora de Star Wars. EL LADO OSCURO. | Jaime Altozano - YouTube
Por quĂ© el nuevo trailer de Star Wars SUENA TAN ÉPICO - YouTube
Por quĂ© el nuevo trailer de Star Wars SUENA TAN ÉPICO - YouTube
Cuando he escuchado el nuevo trailer de Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker me he fijado que han vuelto a utilizar la misma tĂ©cnica que usaron para The Force Awakens, y querĂ­a analizarla porque es muy guay. El nuevo trailer de Star Wars: 🔍 Si quieres saber mĂĄs 🔍 En he recopilado listas y anĂĄlisis de temas y leitmotifs de muchĂ­simas pelĂ­culas/series/videojuegos/Ăłperas. AquĂ­ te dejo los de Star Wars: 🔍 John Williams's Film Music: Jaws, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the Return of the Classical Hollywood Music Style (Wisconsin Film Studies). Emilio Audissino - Este libro explora la mĂșsica de John Williams y su aportaciĂłn a las bandas sonoras: 🔍 Book Review – John Williams’s Film Music, by Emilio Audissino. Film Music Notes, Mark Richards - Este artĂ­culo es una review del libro citado mĂĄs arriba: 🔍 Complete Catalogue of the Musical Themes of Star Wars. Frank Lehman - AquĂ­ Frank Lehman ha hecho una lista de las partituras de todos los leitmotifs de la saga Star Wars. Es sĂșper exhaustivo!: 🔍 John Williams Interview - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - En esta entrevista John Williams habla un poco del tema de Rey: 🔍 Interview: John Williams on Scoring Star Wars: Episode VII - En esta entrevista John Williams habla un poco de cĂłmo ha sido hacer leitmotifs para una saga que ha durado dĂ©cadas: 🔍 Musical themes in the scores, Wikipedia - En Wikipedia hay una recopilaciĂłn de los leitmotifs principales de la saga Star Wars: 🔍 A Field Guide to the Musical Leitmotifs of “Star Wars”. The New Yorker, Alex Ross: 🔍 Listening to “Star Wars”. The New Yorker, Alex Ross: 🔍 Star Wars The Phantom Menace. MusicFromTheMovies - Esta web tiene varios artĂ­culos sobre Star Wars, os dejo por aquĂ­ algunos: 🔍 Decoding The Musical Themes Of 'Star Wars'. WBUR Radio, Frank Lehman - Esto es un programa de radio donde Frank Lehman analiza los temas principales de Star Wars: 🔍 The Very Best of John Williams (Partituras). Dan Coates - Partituras oficiales con arreglos para piano de los mejores temas de John Williams: 🔍 Music from The Star Wars Trilogy - Special Edition (Partituras). Dan Coates - Partituras oficiales con arreglos para piano de los principales temas de John Williams de Star Wars: 🔍 STAR WARS: EPISODE II – ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002) – Complete Score Analysis. JWfan, John Takis - La web de JWfan tiene varios artĂ­culos analizando los leitmotifs de John Williams para Star Wars: 🔍 STAR WARS: EPISODE II – ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002) – Thematic Analysis. JWfan, Mikko Ojala: 🔍 STAR WARS: EPISODE I – THE PHANTOM MENACE (1999) – The Ultimate Edition (Track-by-Track Analysis). JWfan, Mike Troxell: 🔍 The Empire Strikes Back Special Edition: 🔍 Once Upon a Galaxy: A Journal of the Making of The Empire Strikes Back (interview with John Williams). JWfan, Alan Arnold: 🔍 Star Wars 2 LP - Liner Notes: 🔍 El Retorno del Jedi. BsoSpirit, Ignacio Granda - La web de BsoSpirit tiene varios artĂ­culos dedicados a los leitmotifs de John Williams para Star Wars: 🔍 (continĂșa en que aquĂ­ no caben todos) ╞ TEMAS DEL LADO OSCURO: ╞ TEMAS DEL BIEN:
Por quĂ© el nuevo trailer de Star Wars SUENA TAN ÉPICO - YouTube
Escucho a Paco de LucĂ­a y CamarĂłn con dos expertos del Flamenco | ShaunTrack - YouTube
Escucho a Paco de LucĂ­a y CamarĂłn con dos expertos del Flamenco | ShaunTrack - YouTube
Bienvenidos a mi secciĂłn de "vĂ­deo-anĂĄlisis" musical. O, como he bautizado: Shaun-ĂĄlisis :) Hoy tengo el honor de contar con dos grandes amigos en el canal. Ellos son Puli y AndrĂ©s Ángel, guitarristas de flamenco con muchos años de experiencia a sus espaldas dentro de este mundo. Canales de AndrĂ©s Ángel: MĂșsica: Tutoriales: Mi nombre es Shaun y llevo mĂĄs de media vida dedicĂĄndome a la mĂșsica. Soy mĂșsico multinstrumentista, productor, compositor y licenciado en Magisterio de EducaciĂłn Musical. Si te ha gustado este anĂĄlisis/cover suscrĂ­bete para ver mĂĄs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La mayorĂ­a de mis vĂ­deos son desmonetizados por Copyright. Si quieres ayudarme a seguir creando contenido en YouTube te invito a apoyarme en PATREON: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Escucha mi mĂșsica en SPOTIFY: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mis REDES SOCIALES: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTO (Solo profesional, no leo ningĂșn mail recomendado o pidiendo canciones):
Escucho a Paco de LucĂ­a y CamarĂłn con dos expertos del Flamenco | ShaunTrack - YouTube
No Tomorrow - Orson | ortoPilot Cover - YouTube
No Tomorrow - Orson | ortoPilot Cover - YouTube
🔮Live Streaming music đŸŽ¶3 times a week : ▶All of my music on Spotify : 👕New Merch store!! (Hoodies, Capos and Music) : -------------------- ▶ If you want my latest uploads and full back catalogue make sure to click that subscribe button (and the BELL!) and follow me on Spotify! 🎧 ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ acoustic rendition of orson's "no tomorrow" i used the westfield guitar cos i snapped a string on my taylor :s Thanks for listening! #acousticmusic #notomorrow #orson #acousticcover #cover #covermusic #youtubemusic #acoustic chords are verse: Am F Am F Am F D chorus: F G G(with a G# bassnote((1 fret up from G)) and then Am. repeat and then a D on 'i cant even dance' ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ (**** LATEST UPDATES****) I now do regular Live Streams on Twitch so give me a follow there. Watch and interact with me while i jam away , make suggestions and i might just give yours a go ;-) I've just started a Patreon page so I can make videos for you more frequently. I humbly ask that you check it out if you have a few spare dollars and want to get involved with what I do. Thanks! ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ SOCIAL MEDIA : ➜ Facebook: ➜ Twitter: ➜ Instagram: LISTEN to ortoPilot on : ▶ Spotify: ▶ iTunes: ▶ Google Play: ▶ Amazon : ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ AUDIO & VIDEO Produced by : ortoPilot
No Tomorrow - Orson | ortoPilot Cover - YouTube
Nick Drake - Pink Moon - YouTube
Nick Drake - Pink Moon - YouTube
Lyric: I saw it written and I saw it say Pink moon is on its way And none of you stand so tall Pink moon gonna get you all It's a pink moon It's a pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon.
Nick Drake - Pink Moon - YouTube
John Mayer - Free Fallin' (Live) - YouTube
John Mayer - Free Fallin' (Live) - YouTube
Watch John Mayer perform "Free Fallin" live at the Nokia Theatre Listen to John Mayer: Watch more John Mayer videos: Subscribe to the official John Mayer YouTube channel: Follow John Mayer: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: Spotify: YouTube: Chorus: And I'm free Free fallin', fallin' And I'm free Free fallin', fallin' #JohnMayer #FreeFallin #WhereTheLightIs
John Mayer - Free Fallin' (Live) - YouTube
Wonderwall - Oasis (Alex Goot cover) - YouTube
Wonderwall - Oasis (Alex Goot cover) - YouTube
Alex Goot original music: This cover on iTunes: This cover on Spotify: __________________________________ "Wonderwall" cover by Alex Goot. Find me on... Facebook Twitter __________________________________ 'Wonderwall' as originally performed by Oasis Written by Noel Gallagher Published by Sony / ATV Music Publishing
Wonderwall - Oasis (Alex Goot cover) - YouTube
Slash & Myles Kennedy - Sweet Child O' Mine (Rare Acoustic) - YouTube
Slash & Myles Kennedy - Sweet Child O' Mine (Rare Acoustic) - YouTube
Sweet Child O' Mine Rare Acoustic Version Slash & Myles Kennedy @ the MAX Sessions 2010 The classic riff gets a new edge in this acoustic cover. High quality 480p upload, no black bars. All Copyright: UMPG Publishing
Slash & Myles Kennedy - Sweet Child O' Mine (Rare Acoustic) - YouTube
FINGERS Mitchell Cullen Freedom Rides Denmark Markets 2012 Australian Tour Steam Roller - YouTube
FINGERS Mitchell Cullen Freedom Rides Denmark Markets 2012 Australian Tour Steam Roller - YouTube
Thanks for watching my vid. My latest album Through the Storm has just been released (September 2020)! You can buy it (digital download or CD) from my website: Back by Popular Demand FINGERS Mitchell Cullen Australian Tour 2012 Steam Roller with Special Guest Will Blackburn. Albany guitarist, prodigy, and singer song writer , this 18 year old multi-instrumentalist rocks the 12 string guitar performing to the crowds of Denmark Markets WA
FINGERS Mitchell Cullen Freedom Rides Denmark Markets 2012 Australian Tour Steam Roller - YouTube
OneRepublic / Pitbull - Counting Stars / Timber (fingerstyle guitar cover by Peter Gergely) [TABS] - YouTube
OneRepublic / Pitbull - Counting Stars / Timber (fingerstyle guitar cover by Peter Gergely) [TABS] - YouTube
Want to learn playing the guitar? Try the 14 day FREE trial at GuitarTricks with over 11,000 lessons! This is my fingerstyle guitar cover of "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic with some additional parts from "Timber" by Pitbull featuring Ke$ha. This song was requested by you guys, so I hope you'll enjoy it. Leave a comment below and let me know what you think! :) _______________ WANT TO TAKE ONLINE LESSONS FROM ME? Check out this video for more information: _______________ LET'S GET IN TOUCH: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: _______________ DOWNLOAD LINKS: *** ATTENTION: I'm still going to upload the tabs FOR FREE, but first you have to unlock them. Just simply share this Facebook post and if it reaches 50 shares, I'll release the tabs. :) *** ● Tab (PDF) â–ș ● How to download my tabs? â–ș _______________ Mixed by Eddie van der Meer, check him out, he's an amazing guitarist: _______________ Filmed by my brother Marcell.
OneRepublic / Pitbull - Counting Stars / Timber (fingerstyle guitar cover by Peter Gergely) [TABS] - YouTube
Jon Gomm - Everything - YouTube
Jon Gomm - Everything - YouTube
Song, Album and Guitar Tab from: The guitar tab has full super-detailed performance notes to help you learn the song. 'Everything' is the 3rd single from my latest album, 'Secrets Nobody Keeps'. It's a twisted love song. It's about obsession. It's the song I had the most comments about from the album, which really surprised me, just because it's so prog - nearly ten minutes long, two time signatures, shreddy guitar solo, even cameo appearances from other songs... It's played on my guitar Wilma, through a Trace Acoustic TA200 amp, designed in Britain by amp-genius Paul Stevens. Massive thanks to Tom Allen of Trace Acoustic for producing this video. Audio mixed and produced by Whiskas, engineered and co-produced by Jon Gomm. Mastered by Tom "The Frequency" Woodhead at Hippocratic Mastering. LYRICS: I'll tell you all of my fears I'll tell you all of my shame If you'll just lend me an ear That's all I want There is no word I can say There is no chord I can play To make me more of a man And that's all I want That's Everything... Take my hand I'll lead you and we'll never be alone Take my hand I'll lead you and we'll never be alone The city's making you ill It's like you're running uphill Let's jump off the treadmill Just close your eyes I'm gonna build you a house I'm gonna build you a wall To keep you safe from it all Just close your eyes That's Everything... Take my hand I'll lead you and we'll never be alone Take my hand I'll lead you and we'll never be alone Back at the dawning of time When god made Everything He had but one thing in mind To make you mine You're everything to me.... _____________________________________________ Here's all the awesome gear I use to create music. If you wanna buy any of it, if you use the links below then I get a small commission: The new Ibanez JGM10 guitar - Pre-order UK / EU: Pre-order USA: Blackstar Sonnet 60 acoustic amplifier USA: UK / EU: Fishman Rare Earth Blend pickup system USA: UK / EU: Boss OC-5 octave pedal (for sub-bass) USA: UK / EU: Zoom MS70CDR Multistomp effects pedal (for special reverbs and delays) USA: UK / EU: Newtone Jon Gomm signature guitar strings Sontronics SOLO vocal mic TC-Helicon Voicelive 3 guitar & vocal multi-effects pedal MOTU Ultralite AVB mixer/interface
Jon Gomm - Everything - YouTube
Fly Me to the Moon/Lucky (Sinatra/Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat MASHUP) Rick Hale & Breea Guttery - YouTube
Fly Me to the Moon/Lucky (Sinatra/Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat MASHUP) Rick Hale & Breea Guttery - YouTube
Fly Me to the Moon/Lucky MASHUP on iTunes - Fly Me to the Moon/Lucky MASHUP on Spotify - My Original Music on iTunes- More of my music on Spotify - Rick Hale and Breea Guttery sing together in this mashup of two of the most timeless wedding songs: “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra and “Lucky” by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: GUITAR TUTORIAL for this song- SUBSCRIBE TO BREEA’S CHANNEL: VISIT- FACEBOOK- TWITTER- INSTAGRAM- SPOTIFY- Video by: Taryn Brady Hale Video camera used: Lens used: Arranged and produced by Rick Hale and Justin Tyler Drums: Kit Halloff Piano: Drew Nichols Bass: Justin Tyler Guitar: Rick Hale Whistle: Rick Hale Rick Hale is a viral musician and singer/songwriter from Mesa, Arizona known for his smooth vocals, meaningful lyrics, and dynamic writing style. His YouTube channel has millions of YouTube views from fans in more than 200 countries across the world. One of Hale’s singles even climbed to #3 in the world on Spotify’s Viral charts. Hale has been aptly dubbed a “stay at home rock star” as he pursues music while taking care of his six-year-old and four-year-old sons, as well as a newborn baby girl!
Fly Me to the Moon/Lucky (Sinatra/Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat MASHUP) Rick Hale & Breea Guttery - YouTube
Llueve tan fuerte canciĂłn en el salĂłn - YouTube
Llueve tan fuerte canciĂłn en el salĂłn - YouTube
Esta mañana me he levantado y la lluvia me ordenó bien fuerte que ni me duchase, ni me vistiese. Así que con sólo un café y una tostå de pavo encima me marqué esta desgarradora y dramåtica canción. ¿Es una canción del salón? Puede.
Llueve tan fuerte canciĂłn en el salĂłn - YouTube
LOCATION - KHALID [cover by Suriel Hess] - YouTube
LOCATION - KHALID [cover by Suriel Hess] - YouTube
acoustic cover of Location by KHALID. Can we get 1500? listen on soundcloud: track: oldschool montage: CATCH MY LIVE STREAMS: P.O BOX 3324 ASHLAND, OR 97520 SOCIALS: Insta: @surielhess Twitter: @surielhess snapchat: imsurielhess soundcloud: Facebook: MERCH: Patreon Link! Help me make YouTube a full time job! : Send me your location Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause I just need the time and place to come through (A place to come through) Send me your location Let's ride the vibrations I don't need nothin' else but you (I don't need nothin' else but) At times I wonder why I fool with you But this is new to me, this is new to you Initially, I didn't wanna fall for you Gather my attention it was all for you, so don't Take advantage, don't leave my heart damaged To understand that things go a little bit better when you plan it So won't you send me, your location Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause I just need the time and place to come through Send me your location Let's ride the vibrations I don't need nothing else but you (I don't need nothin' else) I don't wanna fall in love off of subtweets so Let's get personal I got a lot of cool spots that we can go Tell me what's the move and I got you I'm only acting like this 'cause I like you Just give me the vibe to slide then Oh, I might make you mine by the night Send me your location Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause I just need the time and place to come through (A place to come through) Send me your location Let's ride the vibrations I don't need nothing else but you (I don't need nothin' else but you) Ride, ride, ride, come and vibe with me tonight I don't need nothing else but you (I don't need nothing else but you) Ride, ride, ride, come and vibe with me tonight I don't need nothing else but you Nothing else but you
LOCATION - KHALID [cover by Suriel Hess] - YouTube
El Mashup Del 2017 | David Rees y Paula PĂ©rez - YouTube
El Mashup Del 2017 | David Rees y Paula PĂ©rez - YouTube
63 canciones en 4 minutos! no estĂĄ en spotify pero sĂ­gueme por si quieres enterarte! instagram! ContrataciĂłn - +34 639 68 27 85 mashup producido y masterizado por Pedro Elipe // @pedro.elipe para escuchar mĂĄs de paula aquĂ­! El Mashup Del 2017 - David Rees y Paula PĂ©rez escĂșchame en SPOTIFY mi primer lanzamiento musical "Ojos" ya estĂĄ disponible! instagram: snapchat: twitter: facebook: soundcloud: Si quieres usar una de mis canciones para algĂșn proyecto, que cante en tu boda, o proponerme algo, contacta por mail (contacto/sponsors) "El arte de convertir una canciĂłn en otra completamente distinta."
El Mashup Del 2017 | David Rees y Paula PĂ©rez - YouTube