

UltraStar Deluxe
UltraStar Deluxe
A free and open source karaoke game inspired by the Singstar™ game, runs on Windows, Linux and macOS.
UltraStar Deluxe
rhasspy/piper/ · GitHub
rhasspy/piper/ · GitHub
A fast, local neural text to speech system.
Spanish (es_ES, Español) carlfm x_low - [model] [config] davefx medium - [model] [config] mls_10246 low - [model] [config] mls_9972 low - [model] [config] sharvard medium - [model] [config]
English (en_US) amy low - [model] [config] medium - [model] [config] arctic medium - [model] [config] bryce medium - [model] [config] danny low - [model] [config] hfc_female medium - [model] [config] hfc_male medium - [model] [config] joe medium - [model] [config] john medium - [model] [config] kathleen low - [model] [config] kristin medium - [model] [config] kusal medium - [model] [config] l2arctic medium - [model] [config] lessac low - [model] [config] medium - [model] [config] high - [model] [config] libritts high - [model] [config] libritts_r medium - [model] [config] ljspeech medium - [model] [config] high - [model] [config] norman medium - [model] [config] ryan low - [model] [config] medium - [model] [config] high - [model] [config]
English (en_GB) alan low - [model] [config] medium - [model] [config] alba medium - [model] [config] aru medium - [model] [config] cori medium - [model] [config] high - [model] [config] jenny_dioco medium - [model] [config] northern_english_male medium - [model] [config] semaine medium - [model] [config] southern_english_female low - [model] [config] vctk medium - [model] [config]
rhasspy/piper/ · GitHub