PIZZA WARS: The Rise of Bully Maguire
Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man except it's just the memes
The entire MCU except it's just the memes
Peter Parker delivers pizza in the battle of New York
"Peter Parker vs Eddie Brock ""You Want Forgiveness? Get Religion"" - Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Peter Parker Evil's Dance (Scene) - Spider-Man 3 (2007)
"Spider-Man 3 Dance Scene with ""Realistic"" Audio - (No Music)"
Why all world maps are wrong
Making accurate world maps is mathematically impossible.Follow Johnny on Instagram us make more ambitious videos by join...
Cultivating a digital knowledge garden (PKM)
I discovered the area of Personal Knowledge Management this year, and it's been a rewarding journey to develop a system that works for me, and that now houses the majority of my writing from years gone by. In this video, I explain some of the ways that I approach this topic (as well as briefly going off piste to discuss why I like the terminology of a 'digital knowledge garden'.) Enjoy!
00:00 Introduction - Cultivating a digital knowledge garden (otherwise known as PKM)
01:23 What I want to achieve with this system
03:28 World after midnight - a world with too much information
04:53 Some principles that I'm trying to apply to my knowledge garden
07:54 How do I actually go about cultivating my garden?
08:58 'Deep dive' on capturing information
11:43 ''Deep dive' on idea generation
13:34 The trade-offs that result from flexible systems
14:08 Mistakes I've made in my structuring
16:21 Demo of searching database with filters and queries
18:23 Further resources
18:36 What's coming up next?
Further resources
- Building a Second Brain: An Overview
- Ali Abdaal The Second Brain - A Life-Changing Productivity System
- Note Wars: The Age of the Linked Note
- What is PKM? What is Personal Knowledge Management?
- World after Midnight TED Talk -
Icons from Freepik at
Why nasa lies - Bitchute
Early warning cartoon 1930
Learn Greek While You Sleep
How to learn Greek? Learn Greek while you sleep. This video features the most important basic Greek words and phrases that teach grammar automatically. They are especially useful for the beginning student of this cool European Language.
Audio in English and Greek
To use just play the video before sleeping...
If you want to really learn Greek, the best way is to listen and speak the most common Greek phrases as often and as accurately as possible. If you want to learn Greek well, these videos will help you do that. And doing it in a relaxed way is even better!!!!
Check Out Some Other Languages!
Learn Egyptian Arabic While You Sleep:
Learn Standard Arabic While You Sleep:
Learn Mandarin Chinese While You Sleep: (3 Hours) (8 Hours)
Learn Spanish (Spain) While You Sleep: (8 Hours) Latin American Spain Spanish
Learn Japanese While You Sleep:
Learn Korean While You Sleep:
Learn Italian While You Sleep: (Updated 8 Hours)
Learn French While You Sleep: (1 Hours) (8 Hours)
Learn German While You Sleep: ( 8 Hours)
Learn Hindi While You Sleep: (3 Hours) (8 Hours)
Learn Russian While You Sleep: (3 Hours) (8 Hours)
The idea is to be in as relaxed or calm a state as possible. Put on headphones if you need to. Best time is the right before you go to bed. The brain is supposedly more receptive in that relaxed state.
The plan: listen to this as often as possible until the words and phrases are natural to you, that you don't even need to think to say them.
These phrases can be used mainly for the first encounters. What do you say to people who you don't know at all or don't know very well? Those phrases.
My name is Evan (eko). Happy learning.
Let me know if you want to learn anything specific. :)
"Untold Depths" by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
The Matrix Movie
Who Is Bill Gates (Documentary)
Experimento sobre hielo WTC 9/11
Experimento sobre WTC 9/11
A solution they DO NOT want you to know
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Where you can get the substance referenced in video:
A great brand of raw apple cider vinegar that I use:
As for those who feel moved to support this work, HALLELUJAH!
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Questions for Terral - the man interviewed in this video:
terral@terral03 DOT COM
Terral's video on his You Tube Channel discussing the topic of this video:
Within the above video Terral discusses how people can get more information on those newsletters he mentioned. Lots of info on his website and his newsletters are on a few different topics which may be of interest. The subscription cost is about $2 dollars a month. (I make nothing from pointing people to this brother in Christ, I want to help him in his efforts to educate)
Re: My other research on DE-Toxing ME-TALS for optimal health and to fight against E M F rad-iations ability to impact our bodies:
Here is the very best of the best of footpaths available. It is able to pull heavy metals out of the body (among other tox - ic substances) and they have analysis before/after to prove it. I will be reviewing this product personally at some point, but I already know via Dr. Friedrich Klinghardt recommendation list that it is the very best and most effective one made. He has many years of clinical results from his own patients. This company has excellent customer service and can speak with you directly regarding any questions you may have and if it's right for you. Anyone coming to them that says Dana Ashlie sent you, can receive a small discount. Call them at 1-877-225-3388 ask for Kellyann she will gladly and thoroughly answer any questions you have. More info here:
This is a phenomenal FAR infrared sauna (with a special microprocessor that uses a specific beneficial IN-FARED fre quency to allow maximum de-tox for a fraction of the time.) I just got this sauna to try out for myself, and so far, I LOVE IT for removal of metals and TOX-INS. Discount code for my subscribers just put "DANA" in coupon code box for $100.00 off. Click this link to learn more:
Where you can get RF Meters to check your own microwave/RF/EMF levels at home: - RF Meters
Where men can buy shielded undergarments to protect their future offspring!
Where you can get other shielded clothing to protect from RF:
Where to get Shielding Bedding to block RF:
(also paint, curtains, fabrics, phone cases)
Gear to Protect Mama and Baby from RF
Belly Band (Baby Protection) Page -
Belly Blanket Collection -
Maternity Apparel Collection -
Music Outro:
Dirty Mac by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Efecto ondas EM organismo humano
Si te lo puedes permitir y te apetece, colabora con donaciones al canal: DESCRIPCIÓN DEL VIDEO: Excelente recopilación en este LARGOMETRAJE donde exponemos con TODO LUJO DE DETALLES l
Efecto ondas EM organismo humano
Este video lo puedes encontrar junto con otros más en el canal de Mirlo Blanco - Entrevista con un ingeniero de telecomunicaciones sobr...
Entiende Bitcoin y Ethereum
Esta es una explicación técnica para todo el mundo de como realmente funcionan las criptomonedas, sus transacciones, mineria o minado, sus origenes, problemas y mucho más. ¿Como funciona la minería? ¿Vale la pena minar? No solo aprenderás la historia del Bitcoin y como funciona si no que también entenderas los principios y mecanismos que tiene detrás.
En este video también explico como funciona Ethereum y para que sirve el Ether.
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Marcas de tiempo:
0:00 Introducción
0:38 Dinero Digital
2:00 Sistema Bitcoin
4:12 Block Chain
5:48 Reglas del Bitcoin
7:24 Hash
9:37 Contenido de un Bloque
11:38 Evitar el Fraude
12:59 Sistema Proof of Work
17:52 Los 10 minutos
19:33 Origen de los Bitcoins
22:00 Ethereum y Smart Contracts
23:11 Despedida
Dinosaur 2000
Atheist Debates Christian Students, Then Reveals True Identity
Spoiler Alert: The Brutally Honest Valedictorian's Christian school hosts surprise "atheist" encounter for its upper level high school students to strengthen their apologetics and evangelistic skills. The "UCLA Professor" reveals his true identity at 51:15.
Copyright, The King's Academy, Inc., 2021. All rights reserved.
The Gaze
In my years of doing interviews and roundtables and Q&A’s for the various films we’ve made, there is one question that recurs. No matter the length of the piece or the tone of the room, eventually, inevitably, I am asked about the white gaze. It wasn’t until a very particular interview regards The Underground Railroad that the blindspot inherent in that questioning became clear to me: never, in all my years of working or questioning, had I been set upon about the Black gaze; or the gaze distilled.
I don’t remember when we began making the piece you see here. Which is not and should not be considered an episode of The Underground Railroad. It exists apart from that, outside it. Early in production, there was a moment where I looked across the set and what I saw settled me: our background actors, in working with folks like Ms. Wendy and Mr. and Mrs. King – styled and dressed and made up by Caroline, by Lawrence and Donnie – I looked across the set and realized I was looking at my ancestors, a group of people whose images have been largely lost to the historical record. Without thinking, we paused production on the The Underground Railroad and instead harnessed our tools to capture portraits of... them.
What flows here is non-narrative. There is no story told. Throughout production, we halted our filming many times for moments like these. Moments where… standing in the spaces our ancestors stood, we had the feeling of seeing them, truly seeing them and thus, we sought to capture and share that seeing with you. The artist Kerry James Marshall has a series of paintings of ancestors for whom there is no visual record but for whom he has supplied a visual representation of their person. For me, most inspirationally, "Scipio Moorehead, Portrait of Himself, 1776."
Of the painting, from the Met Breuer exhibit KERRY JAMES MARSHALL: MASTRY – “In this painting Marshall created an imagined self-portrait of a real African American artist, Scipio Moorhead, who was active in the 1770s. Few if any images of Moorhead exist in the historical record. Everything we know of his legacy is based on Phillis Wheatley’s first book of poetry, published in 1773 while she was a slave [sic] in Boston. The book’s title page illustration is an engraving of the writer, reportedly modeled on a painting by Moorhead. The engraving remains the only visual proof, however tenuous, of Moorhead’s existence."
In the way that Mr. Marshall sought to honor Mr. Moorhead through this imagined physical representation of the artist, we have sought to give embodiment to the souls of our ancestors frozen in the tactful but inadequate descriptor “enslaved,” a phrase that speaks only to what was done to them, not to who they were nor what they did. My ancestors – midwives and blacksmiths, agrarians and healers; builders and spiritualists, yearn’ers and doers – seen here as embodied by this wonderful cast of principal and background actors, did so very much.
Housekeeping: From end to end what you are hearing here is Nick’s original score. And yet even at fifty minutes, this is barely twenty percent of the score for the show. The same with the images; maybe five of these shots are in the actual show? There are no spoilers here. Other images in this format appear there but not here. All told, we archived four hours of these portraits. They flow in story order, from Georgia to Indiana. NOTE: one of these things, you’ll notice, is not like the others. In the context of the show, its presence will make sense.
A FEW SHOUTOUTS – None of these shots are planned. Occasionally, when the spirit moved us, we stopped making the planned thing and focused on making THIS thing. So shoutout to my brother James for sure; we had a show to film and yet he never questioned, he brought his best to this. Always. Caroline Eseline. Our costume designer. The majority of the souls you see here are inhabited by background actors. Which meant at any moment, the camera could go from a close-up of number one on the call sheet to… a portrait of number 500. It did not matter. Every soul needed full embodiment. And every damn time I saw someone and was moved to portraiture, there was no doubt of their readiness. The same goes for Lawrence Davis and his wonderful group of hair stylists. And Doniella Davy and her makeup team. Mark Friedberg. Liz Tan, Spoon, Jesse and the directing team. Jarrett Morgan, aka Da’ Possum. Alex Bickel. Daniel Morfesis, who cut this and all the teasers that came before. OUR BACKGROUND ACTORS. My most humble thanks.
This is an act of seeing. Of seeing them. And maybe, in a soft-headed way, of opening a portal where THEY may see US, the benefactors of their efforts, of the lives they LIVED.
Much love to you. And so much love to THEM.
Alex Collier Andromeda Alien Contactee 1994 -
Alex Collier Andromeda Alien Contactee 1994 Important Private Interview
63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read
Jesse Ventura visited Google's Santa Monica office on April 13, 2011 to discuss his new bestseller: "63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read."
Hollywood Occultism - Jay Dyer
#jamesbond #hollywood #movies
My talk from the 2015 Secret Space Program Conference. I cover the programming in Bond novels, the secret tech, the breakaway civilization, the esoteric side of films and the deeper significance.
Alan Watt Sobre Programación
Vídeo vuelto a subir gracias al borrado de vimeo... "was deleted at 12:24:30 Fri Nov 25, 2011. We have no more information about it on our mainframe or elsewhere."
Alan Watt es un gran pensador conocedor de cuáles son las estrategias de control que se utilizan por parte de aquellos que ostentan el poder para manipular el pensamiento y voluntad de la gran masa poblacional a través de herramientas como la industria cinematográfica y la televisión, escucha a este hombre y descubre cómo nos lavan el cerebro desde niños.
Obra Maestra es un gran compendio de información narrada por Alan Watt en la que se explica cómo funciona la industria cinematográfica, cómo usan la magia, la programación predictiva y otras técnicas de control e inducción de información para constantemente actualizar nuestra base de datos de lo que es la realidad y lo que vendrá después.
Emilio Carrillo - El momento presente de la humanidad
El momento presente de la humanidad: a las puertas de un NUEVO MILENIO. Zaragoza, 23 de enero de 2021. En esta conferencia Emilio nos hace un análisis magistral del momento actual. Con su sencillez y humildad habitual nos acerca la espiritualidad al día a día de cada uno de nosotros.
Si quieres más información sobre la próxima visita de Emilio puedes visitar nuestra web:
Nasa ISS hoax
These faking astronauts caught in an editing trick.
Controlando la dispersion de aerosoles
Desmontando el NOM
Entrevista del canal @Alto y Claro TV en el que que abordo el Nuevo Orden Mundial (NOM), sus objetivos, fines, características y modus operandi para resetear aquello que somos antes de instalarnos el "nuevo chip".
Tu difusión ayuda a llegar a más gente y a continuar con mi labor