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El sol parpadea en Benin Nigeria
El sol parpadea en Benin Nigeria
😱😱 el sol parpadea en Benin Nigeria , justo cuando una multitud o #congregación , se destinaban a iniciar un acto religioso
El sol parpadea en Benin Nigeria
Project Roar - High Altitude Balloon Flight
Project Roar - High Altitude Balloon Flight
Hi guys, normally i post cooking videos, but i have been pretty busy in the last few weeks getting this project done and dusted. My brother and I launched a helium filled weather balloon to an altitude of 31.88km. It battled -34 degree temperatures and 90km/h winds, all while taking a pictures on a time lapse and some video. For more photos and information on the whole project, visit : Ill get back on track with some more cooking videos shortly!
Project Roar - High Altitude Balloon Flight
Que me quedo sin comer - YouTube
Que me quedo sin comer - YouTube
Trozo de la pelicula EL MUNDO ES NUESTRO: entrevista a un individuo que busca a su tia para que le de de comer
Que me quedo sin comer - YouTube
How much helium does it take to lift a person? - YouTube
How much helium does it take to lift a person? - YouTube
The Aéroplume, in France, is a helium blimp sized for one person. €60 gets you half an hour's flight. I had to try it. ■ More about Aéroplume: ■ This isn't sponsored: I paid for my flight at the normal price, I was the one to contact them asking permission, and Aéroplume had no editorial control. I am, however, amazed that in the ten years this has been going, no-one's ever told me about it before! Edited by Michelle Martin I'm at on Twitter at on Facebook at and on Instagram as tomscottgo
How much helium does it take to lift a person? - YouTube
NYC Cyclist vs. Motorcycle - YouTube
NYC Cyclist vs. Motorcycle - YouTube
JOIN US ►► SUBSCRIBE ►► Cyclist vs. Motorcycle, NYC native Rooper Cay takes on a motorcycle down 7th ave FULL VIDEO ►► ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWITCH ►► INSTAGRAM ►► HOTLINE MERCH►► STRAVA ►► ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small in Japan: Hotline Cooper Ray: Quad Locked: 2019 MONSTERTRACK XX: 2019—Sect: Skvoz' Drag Race: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As always filmed in 4K for your optical pleasure. Thank You For Watching! #TerryBarentsen #cycling #shorts
NYC Cyclist vs. Motorcycle - YouTube
FPV drone hitting them super tight gaps #shorts - YouTube
FPV drone hitting them super tight gaps #shorts - YouTube
A couple of tight gaps from the Power house site in Clipstone with permission from @magicfpv. Only DVR as the GoPro battery ran out on this flight, of course it was the one with the gnarliest gaps so goggle dvr will have to do! Full video of the day at this place in the next few days! #fpv #fpvfreestyle #shorts
FPV drone hitting them super tight gaps #shorts - YouTube
DJI FPV Drone Footage Racing an Ambulance - YouTube
DJI FPV Drone Footage Racing an Ambulance - YouTube
DJI FPV Drone Footage Racing an Ambulance Music: InRp - Daydream (Vlog No Copyright Music) #djifpv #dji #djifpvdronefootage Tags: 🏷 dji fpv, dji fpv drone footage, dji fpv combo, dji fpv review, dji fpv cinematic, dji fpv unboxing, dji fpv goggles v2, dji fpv manual mode, dji fpv motion controller, dji fpv freestyle, dji fpv setup, dji fpv drone review, dji fpv range test, dji fpv simulator, fpv drone, fpv drone racing, fpv drone freestyle, fpv freestyle, fpv drone cinematic, fpv drone build, fpv dji, fpv rc car, fpv drone footage, fpv racing, fpv cinematic, fpv one shot, fpv angle, fpv goggles, drones 2021, drones for kids, drones flying, drones with cameras, drones at night, dji footage, dji footage 4k InRp Daydream
DJI FPV Drone Footage Racing an Ambulance - YouTube
The fastest Drone DJI FPV Motion Controller - YouTube
The fastest Drone DJI FPV Motion Controller - YouTube
In this Video you can see the DJI FPV Motion Controller Watch the full video here: If you like this video feel free to subscribe for more Thanks for watching #djifpv #motioncontroller #fpv #fpv #drone #fpvfreestyle #fpvlife #fpvdrone #fpvaddiction #gopro #fpvracing #dronestagram #drones #fpvaddict #droneracing #teamblacksheep #quadcopter #fpvpilot #dronelife #dji #fpvmagazine #fpvlifestyle #dronephotography #fpvracer #fpvquad #fatshark #quaddiction #fpvdrones #runcam #droneoftheday #foxeer #frsky #multirotor
The fastest Drone DJI FPV Motion Controller - YouTube
The astounding athletic power of quadcopters | Raffaello D'Andrea - YouTube
The astounding athletic power of quadcopters | Raffaello D'Andrea - YouTube
Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized Talk recommendations and more. In a robot lab at TEDGlobal, Raffaello D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that help them learn. In a series of nifty demos, D'Andrea show drones that play catch, balance and make decisions together -- and watch out for an I-want-this-now demo of Kinect-controlled quads. The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. You're welcome to link to or embed these videos, forward them to others and share these ideas with people you know. Follow TED on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel: TED's videos may be used for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons License, Attribution–Non Commercial–No Derivatives (or the CC BY – NC – ND 4.0 International) and in accordance with our TED Talks Usage Policy ( For more information on using TED for commercial purposes (e.g. employee learning, in a film or online course), please submit a Media Request at
The astounding athletic power of quadcopters | Raffaello D'Andrea - YouTube
Rotating painting - YouTube
Rotating painting - YouTube
Rate this artwork from 1-10! credit: @limbatrip &木佐貫洋平 LimbaTrip (プロカリンバ奏者) YouTube 💎 Find more - ⁠ 📱 Download our mobile app - 🔗 Visit to discover unique and amazing products⁠ 🎯 Sell your products on Mavigadget - Visit our website for more info!⁠ 💰 Become an affiliate and make money! - Visit our website for more info!⁠ 📣 Use #mavigadget to get featured!⁠
Rotating painting - YouTube
Evento Tierra Plana Barcelona 2022
Evento Tierra Plana Barcelona 2022
FORMAS DE COLABORAR CON EL EVENTO:------------------------------------------• BIZUM: 617-153508• PAYPAL:• PATRE...
Evento Tierra Plana Barcelona 2022
FAST Walking in 30 minutes | Fitness Videos - YouTube
FAST Walking in 30 minutes | Fitness Videos - YouTube
30 minutes of fast walking everyday is so HEALTHY! Make a HEALTHY CHOICE today and WALK with us! We will keep the PACE for you! You just have to move those feet to the BEAT! Let’s WALK! Download, stream, or purchase our latest workouts and accessories! 🚶‍♀️Subscribe to our best-selling app at ➡️ Check out our store on Amazon: 💻 Visit our official website: 📺 Subscribe to our YouTube channel! About Walk at Home by Leslie Sansone ®: 🔹 Walk at Home is the world's leading fitness walking brand. Created by Leslie Sansone, Walk at Home has helped MILLIONS of people live active and healthy lives for over 30 years. Walk at Home is one of the top-selling fitness brands at mass retail, including Walmart, Target, and QVC. Walk at Home's popular YouTube channel has over 2 Million subscribers and is ranked as one of the TOP FITNESS CHANNELS on YouTube. Walk at Home's best selling app offers a fresh, new set of workouts every month! Learn more at 🔹 Follow Walk at Home by Leslie Sansone®: 📸 Instagram: @WalkAtHome 👍 Facebook: @LeslieSansone 🐦 Twitter: @WalkAtHome 📺 YouTube: @WalkAtHomebyLeslieSansone Walk at Home by Leslie Sansone® is a YouTube channel for at home walking workouts and fitness exercises. Join the Walk at Home crew on mile walk workouts, fat burning workouts, workout plans and more. We also love to post videos on strength training, cardio exercises, fast and easy workouts, firming routines, and more! Make sure you hit the subscribe button and turn on the "bell" icon 🔔 for notifications on new workout videos. Say hello in the comments too! 👋Happy walking! #walkathome #fitness #workouts
FAST Walking in 30 minutes | Fitness Videos - YouTube
Tratamiento dolor en el cuello y los hombros - Fisioterapia Bilbao - YouTube
Tratamiento dolor en el cuello y los hombros - Fisioterapia Bilbao - YouTube
Infórmate de nuestros servicios de fisioterapia en Bilbao (Vizcaya) en nuestra web Somos fisioterapeutas especialistas en osteopatía y terapias manuales como drenaje linfático, reeducación postural global, masaje y quiromasaje, así como terapias naturales y alternativas como la fitoterapia.
Tratamiento dolor en el cuello y los hombros - Fisioterapia Bilbao - YouTube
Mat Pilates Clase - YouTube
Mat Pilates Clase - YouTube
Hola pilater@ssss!!! como soy una mujer viajera, terrestre y cósmica (como diría Jodorowsky) os dejo esta muestra de lo que hicimos el curso pasado para que podáis seguir la rutina de cuidar vuestro cuerpo-mente y ser superior. No olvidéis que todos los ejercicios de la clase debéis hacerlos trabajando desde vuestras limitaciones sin frustraciones sino aprendiendo a amarlas para entenderlas y trabajarlas mejor. El momento de esfuerzo siempre es desde la relajación; la exhalación para dejar que el músculo pueda elongarse más sin brusquedad. Al final del video tenéis la relajación que sé que es lo que más os gusta jajaja Especial agradecimiento a Patri por la realización y edición (PROD. PATO ECHEVE) gracias por tu interés y ayuda. Un abrazo a tod@s, espero poder resolver cualquier duda que se os presente. Hasta el próximo Pilater@ssss
Mat Pilates Clase - YouTube