Why Modern Movies Look So CLEAN and How To Fix Them
Join our Award Winning Online Film Academy with over 1,200+ video lessons and over 110+ hours of content for only $97!!https://www.tomorrowsfilmmakers.comCon...
The Films of 1990: Cradle of Love
We completed our Films of the 80s series and now it’s time we kick the door open and show up to party in the 90s. With that being said, I proudly present you...
Cyberpunk 2077 with New Ultra Realistic Ray Tracing Mod | Driving in Photorealistic Night City
Driving in Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 with close to realism, photorealistic ray tracing modded graphics. Made possible with DLSS 3.5, ReSTIR GI Path Tracing and the ...
Fastest Rubik's cube 3x3 WR (3.13) sec WORLD RECORD
World Record 3x3 (3.13) secondsSo happy to achieve a life goal of getting fastest single 3x3
GTA 6 Trailer but it's faithfully recreated in GTA 5
Finally here it is, GTA 6 Trailer recreated in GTA 5! As the intro suggest I spent way too much time on this video lmao, the chop shop update really hampers ...
GTA 6 trailer but it's GTA 5
All videos used for creating this edit:Drone shots and landscape views:
GTA 6 Trailer But It's GTA 5
my recreation of the gta vi trailer in gta v this took like a billion years to make 😭Song: Love Is A Long Road by Tom Petty
Browse the Web Better | CTT - YouTube
The problem with the modern internet is ads, sponsored posts, and pay walls. Enter RSS feeds as a solution.Subscribe to the sites and information you want to...
Ilya: the AI scientist shaping the world - YouTube
Ilya Sutskever, one of the leading AI scientists behind ChatGPT, reflects on his founding vision and values. In conversations with the film-maker Tonje Hessen Schei as he was developing the chat language model between 2016 and 2019, he describes his personal philosophy and makes startling predictions for a technology already shaping our world. Reflecting on his ideas today, amid a global debate over safety and regulation, we consider the opportunities as well as the consequences of AI technology. Ilya discusses his ultimate goal of artificial general intelligence (AGI), ‘a computer system that can do any job or task that a human does, but better’, and questions whether the AGI arms race will be good or bad for humanity.
These filmed interviews with Ilya Sutskever are part of a feature-length documentary on artificial intelligence, called iHuman
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#IlyaSutskever #ChatGPT #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #OpenAI #Documentary
Day of the Tentacle Remastered Full Game Walkthrough - No Commentary
Day of the Tentacle Full Game Walkthrough This is Day of the Tentacle Gameplay Walkthrough that covers the Full Game with No Commentary. This video contains Day of the Tentacle All Cutscenes, All Boss Fights, All Campaign Missions & the ending of Day of the Tentacle with No Commentary.
#Day of the Tentacle #Day of the TentacleFullGame #RabidRetrospectGames
Day of the Tentacle Description
Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle is a graphical adventure game, originally released in 1993, and published by LucasArts. It is the eighth game to use the SCUMM engine. It was released simultaneously on floppy disk and CD-ROM. Day of the Tentacle was designed by Dave Grossman and Tim Schafer.
The game, a loose sequel to Maniac Mansion, is focused on Bernard Bernoulli — the only one of the three playable characters that was featured in the first game — and his friends Laverne and Hoagie, as they help Dr. Fred Edison using a time machine to prevent Purple Tentacle from taking over the world. The game utilizes time travel and the effects of changing history as part of the many puzzles to be solved in the game.
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The Perfect Windows 11 Install
Setting a clean Windows 11 is difficult with all the built-in bloat. This guide fixes all that to give you a clean system that is easy to manage.Website Guid...
How Computers BOOT: From Startup to Viruses
Dave explores how a computer starts up, or boots, from scratch. From the initial reset to loading the operating system, Dave shows you all the steps.
Cyberpunk 2077 (2023) Full Walkthrough Gameplay - No Commentary 4K (PC Longplay)
Cyberpunk 2077 Full Walkthrough Gameplay & The Sun Ending with Path Tracing on PC in 4k 60fps. This is my own played and completely edited playthrough withou...
Cyberpunk 2077 - ALL 13 ENDINGS (All Main Endings & Phantom Liberty Endings)
All 13 Cyberpunk 2077 endings and phantom liberty endings including the secret endings in phantom liberty and don't fear the reaper ending. 0:00 Phantom Libe...
How artists can (finally) get paid in the digital age | Jack Conte - YouTube
It's been a weird 100 years for artists and creators, says musician and entrepreneur Jack Conte. The traditional ways we've turned art into money (like record sales) have been broken by the internet, leaving musicians, writers and artists wondering how to make a living. With Patreon, Conte has created a way for artists on the internet to get paid by their fans. Could payment platforms like this change what it means to be an artist in the digital age?
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Terry Davis' TempleOS Brutal Take Down of Linus Torvalds - YouTube
This is an archive channel dedicated to hosting all of Terry A. Davis' old videos before he deleted his channel.Full credit for saving these goes to Vincent ...
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Pirates of Silicon Valley (TV) Año1999Duración95 min.País Estados UnidosDirecciónMartyn Burke Género Drama | ...
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Out of all things one, and out of one all things - YouTube
This series of artwork is a tribute to Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher born 540 BCE. Only fragments of his work have survived. He is famously known in his doctrine “Everything changes and nothing remains still” («τὰ πάντα ῥεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει»). Central ideas of Heraclitus’ philosophy are the unity of opposites and impermanence. Specifically, he states: “Everything is connected and not connected; converging by diverging, harmonious by dissonance, and out of all things one, and out of one all things” («συνάψιες ὅλα καὶ οὐχ ὅλα, συμφερόμενον διαφερόμενον, συνᾷδον διᾷδον, καὶ ἐκ πάντων ἓν καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸς πάντα»). Also: “As the same thing in us is alive and dead, waking and sleeping, young and old, awake and asleep, young and old; the former are shifted and become the latter, and the latter in turn are shifted and become the former” («ταὐτό τ' ἔνι ζῶν καὶ τεθνηκὸς καὶ [τὸ] ἐγρηγορὸς καὶ καθεῦδον καὶ νέον καὶ γηραιόν∙ τάδε γὰρ μεταπεσόντα ἐκεῖνά ἐστι κἀκεῖνα πάλιν μεταπεσόντα ταῦτα»).
This project attempts to explore these concepts visually. Various ideas urge to unfold: Can an image be formed from other irrelevant images? Or, vice versa, can irrelevant images compose a completely new image? Furthermore, can irrelevant images compose more than one new image?
All these ideas sound completely irrational. Undoubtedly, we have the established view that an image is a self contained piece. How else can it be, since an image contains visual information about a specific subject: a portrait of a person, an object, a landscape and so on.
Using an algorithm specifically developed for this purpose, it is possible to explore these groundbreaking visuals. The algorithm deconstructs the images into fragments that are subtly hidden into other images. Then, by blending them together, the ‘hidden’ images are revealed.
First Demonstration
The video above demonstrate this visual concept. The images, as physical objects, are prints on transparent sheets. Only a few possibilities of numerous combinations available are shown:
- a portrait of a baby forms from three images of geometric art
- a portrait of a child forms from three images of geometric art; then a portrait of an old lady forms from the very same images when rotated.
- a portrait of a baby, a man and an aged man form by quartets out of six images of geometric art.
These examples only show the potential of this visual concept, an exploration that has only begun.
Artwork available for sale
A limited number of artwork is available as NFT at OpenSea.
STARFIELD Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - YouTube
Starfield Walkthrough Part 1 and until the last part will include the full Starfield Gameplay on PC. This Starfield Gameplay is recorded in 4K 60FPS on PC an...