Volvemos a la carga con un tutorial al más puro estilo RunbenGuo "antigua usanza", esta vez con una introducción a Davinci Resolve de 10 primeros pasos para empezar a aprender a manejar este editor de videos (con versión gratis) que puede ser una gran herramienta de trabajo para miles de personas. Por ello era necesario traer no solo este tutorial, sino también un curso completo de 18h donde desengranar al completo este programa, que quizá sea el mejor editor de vídeos gratis (aunque tiene versión de pago) que hay ahora mismo.
CURSO DAVINCI: https://www.runbenguo.com/escuela/curso-davinci-resolve/
Davinci Resolve: http://bit.ly/36MaOrQ
#Davinci #10primerosPasos #runbenguo
0:00 Inicio
1:33 0 Dónde descargar el programa
2:49 1 Gestor de proyectos
4:10 2 Entender la interface
7:57 3 Gestión de materiales
10:10 4 Crear una secuencia
13:56 5 Recortar
18:07 6 Títulos
19:46 7 Audio
22:40 8 Texto fusión
27:32 9 Etalonaje
30: 54 10 Entrega
Ver Billions (2016) Series24 Serie Completa Latino Subtitulado Billions (2016) Series24 Series Castellano latino.Descargar Billions (2016) MiraDeTodo Serie Online Gratis.
La Sra. Doubtfire, Forrest Gump, la Bestia, Hamlet, Ethan Hunt... todos estos personajes tienen algo en común: la increíble voz de Jordi Brau.
En esta entrevista averiguaremos un poco más sobre su carrera y sobre el mundo del doblaje.
Gracias a Jordi y también a Torrelles por su genial ayuda con la grabación.
Facebook de Jordi → https://goo.gl/oDkzka
Canal de Torrelles → https://goo.gl/FGOmtD
FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/Vv53D8
TWITTER: https://goo.gl/J3Ievb
Los Dioses fardan de que son capaces de ver todos los rincones del Universo en un solo instante... Sin embargo, la Relatividad tiene algo que decir al respecto.
No te pierdas ningún video: solo tienes que... SUSCRIBIRTE, ¡es GRATIS!: https://www.youtube.com/user/QuantumFracture?sub_confirmation=1
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Un fabuloso libro para entender con dibujos todo lo que ha ocurrido en el vídeo y además tener una maravillosa herramienta para comprender la Relatividad Especial es "An Illustrated Guide to Relativity" de Tatsu Takeuchi.
Pero si queréis tirar por un aprendizaje más clásico (y también necesario) os dejo un par de libros clásicos:
Special Relativity (MIT Introductory Physics), A.P. French
Classical Mechanics, Herbert Goldstein, Charles Poole y John Safko
El artículo de Wikipedia sobre las comprobaciones constante de que la velocidad de la luz es universal para todos los observadores
(es decir, que se mantiene la invarianza Lorentz; que no se produce una violación lorentziana) es bastante completo. Aunque podrías estar mejor actualizado:
Las animaciones aquí mostradas no pretenden ser precisas, sino mostrar aspectos cualitativos. Tienen propósitos educativos.
Crédito: Jay Bergesen, flickr.com
Crédito: Simon Cockell, flickr.com
Crédito: Paul Pela, flickr.com
Pelo Femenino
Crédito: Glen Bledsoe, flickr.com
Crédito: THOR, flickr.com
Crédito: William Marnoch, flickr.com
Crédito: NIAID, flickr.com
Nebulosa de Carina
Crédito: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, flickr.com
Textura Planetaria
Crédito: Kevin Doolet, flickr.com
Crédito: Ghost of Kuji, flickr.com
Crédito: ernenn, flickr.com
Pelo y Barba rubias de second life
Crédito: Drey Messmer, flickr.com
Casco Viquingo
Crédito: veganstraightedge, flickr.com
Cthulhu 1
Crédito: nefasth, flickr.com
Cthulhu 2
Crédito: Miguel Discart, flickr.com
Crédito: Rishikeshgoudstps, wikimedia commons
Estatua de Atenea
Crédito: Andy Montgomery, flickr.com
Peinado Geisha
Crédito: Lewis Minor, flickr.com
Tono Seleccionar
Game Sound Selection.wav
CC BY 3.0
Crédito: Bertrof, freesound.org
Tono Ping
CC BY 3.0
Crédito: unfa, freesound.org
Campana Clin
Hand Bells, D, Single.wav
CC BY 3.0
Crédito: InspectorJ, freesound.org
Gente Discutiendo
CrŽdito: sonsdebarcelona, freesound.org
Multidimensional, Sarah the Illstrumentalist, Epidemic Sound
Purple Clouds, Sarah the Illstrumentalist, Epidemic Sound
Meditative Moods 2, Gavin Luke, Epidemic Sound
#julioprofe explica cómo determinar el volumen de un sólido de revolución, usando el Método de los Discos.
Tema: #Integrales → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6o1uTspYwHnjRu25BhpcDnzWQMt_1JK
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(Video explicado por José Andalón)
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Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll, PhD, is challenged to explain the concept of dimensions to 5 different people; a child, a teen, a college student, a grad student, and an expert.
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Physicist Explains Dimensions in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED
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This video is about how Russian physicist Aleksandr Fridman corrected Albert Einstein about the expansion of the universe. Einstein thought that general relativity implied that space had to be static and unchanging, but he had made a technical error regarding the differentiation of the metric (in particular, I believe he mistook the determinant of the metric for a scalar rather than a tensor density of weight 2). Friedmann didn't make this differential geometric mistake, and the cosmologies he found from the Einstein Equations were more varied in their properties - they could be expanding, or contracting, or (with the cosmological constant), static.
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Alexander Friedmann
Einstein Wrongly Criticizes Alexander Friedmann
Alexander Friedmann Corrects Einstein
Einstein Admits his Mathematical Mistake
Interrogating the Legend of Einstein’s “Biggest Blunder”
Cosmological Considerations in the General Theory of Relativity
On the General Theory of Relativity (Einstein)
The Field Equations of Gravitation
The Einstein Field Equations
Presentation about the Sequence of Events
Tensor Densities:
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Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!
Created by Henry Reich
In this video, Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab talks us through a visualization of the comets that SOHO has witnessed.
Since its launch nearly 20 years ago, NASA and the European Space Agency's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory has spotted 3000 comets. The mission's The Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) instrument blocks out the bright solar disk, making it easier to see the corona of plasma and dust around the Sun, normally only visible during solar eclipses. This instrument also provides a very large field of view of the region around the Sun.
This visualization utilizes SOHO data from 1998 - 2010 and shows over 2000 comets. Comets that were first observed by SOHO carry no labels, and comets witnessed by not discovered by the spacecraft are represented with their labels. Trails on the comets are color coded based on family: yellow - unaffiliated comets, red - Kreutz group, green - Meyer group, blue - Marsden, cyan - Kracht, and magenta - Kracht 2.
To find the visualizations without narration or music, please visit http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/goto?4344
This video is public domain and can be downloaded at: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/goto?11975
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Planets and stars can be really big, but they pale in comparison to some of the largest black holes out there. In this video, we take a look at the full size range of black holes, from collapsed stellar remnants the size of a city to the solar system-sized monsters that dominate galaxies.
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Odyssey by Savfk (copyright and royalty free dramatic, orchestral, intense, epic soundtrack music) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF8mFWPilPg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harryevett_official/
Made with Blender 2.79
The Truth About Toilet Swirl - Southern Hemisphere
SYNCHRONIZE WITH DESTIN’S VIDEO: http://bit.ly/NorthernSwirl
Both videos on one page (for desktop): http://bit.ly/ToiletSwirl
Subscribe to Smarter Every Day: http://bit.ly/SubscribeSED
Click to tweet: http://bit.ly/ToiletSwirlTWT
Some notes:
We each repeated the experiment 3 times, and got the same results every time. For those of you who might be skeptical, great! A right circular prismatic kiddie pool is only $10 and you can do the experiment for yourself at your latitude. There's really no reason you shouldn't do it for yourself.
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Gordon McGladdery did all of the sound design for the video. We used two songs from other artists (licensed of course). Derek split the first one up so it fades from video to video, and Gordon split the instruments up on the second one. There are violins on one video and percussion on the other for example. It's really neat.
The neat earth animation at the beginning and the synchronizing timer was made by http://eisenfeuer.com/. He also made still images of the earth from the top and the bottom.
Thanks to Vanessa for filming in Sydney: http://youtube.com/braincraftvideo
There was a study performed at MIT years ago (http://web.mit.edu/hml/ncfmf/09VOR.pdf) that explained the physics involved. We repeated some of these demonstrations, but on opposite sides of the globe…and in a way that can be easily understood.
This site is a great resource on the Coriolis effect and ways people have gotten it wrong:
Es uno de los mayores genios de la historia, una persona muy querida y admirada. Carismático, talentoso, hábil... lo tenía todo. Tenemos en este #5 al grandioso Richard Feynman.
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At the heart of the Milky Way, there's a supermassive black hole that feeds off a spinning disk of hot gas, sucking up anything that ventures too close -- even light. We can't see it, but its event horizon casts a shadow, and an image of that shadow could help answer some important questions about the universe. Scientists used to think that making such an image would require a telescope the size of Earth -- until Katie Bouman and a team of astronomers came up with a clever alternative. Bouman explains how we can take a picture of the ultimate dark using the Event Horizon Telescope.
The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.
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Como pasar una ecuación en forma paramétrica a cartesiana
Con éste video sabrás cómo obtener una ecuación en forma cartesiana a partir de una ecuación en forma parametrica.
El ejercicio es:
Dada la función en forma paramétrica.
Obtén la función en forma cartesiana, determina el dominio y el rango, la gráfica e identifica a la función.
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Tags: #Ecuación parametrica a rectangular #Dominio de ecuación paramétrica #Rango de ecuación paramétrica #Calculo #Funciones #Grafica de funcion
¿Cómo funciona la radio?
¿Por qué las ondas de la radio son de tantos herzios?
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http://www.facebook.com/ScienceReason ... Quantum Mechanics (Chapter 1): A Brief History Of Quantum Mechanics.
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1. A Brief History Of Quantum Mechanics
2. The Structure Of Atoms
3. Wave Function And Wave-Particle Duality
4. The Uncertainty Principle
5. The Spin Of Fundamental Particles
6. Quantum Entanglement
The history of quantum mechanics began essentially with the 1838 discovery of cathode rays by Michael Faraday, the 1859 statement of the black body radiation problem by Gustav Kirchhoff, the 1877 suggestion by Ludwig Boltzmann that the energy states of a physical system could be discrete, and the 1900 quantum hypothesis by Max Planck that any energy is radiated and absorbed in quantities divisible by discrete energy elements, E, such that each of these energy elements is proportional to the frequency ν with which they each individually radiate energy.
Planck insisted that this was simply an aspect of the processes of absorption and emission of radiation and had nothing to do with the physical reality of the radiation itself.
However, at that time, this appeared not to explain the photoelectric effect (1839), i.e. that shining light on certain materials can function to eject electrons from the material.
In 1905, basing his work on Plancks quantum hypothesis, Albert Einstein postulated that light itself consists of individual quanta. These later came to be called photons (1926). From Einstein's simple postulation was born a flurry of debating, theorizing and testing, and thus, the entire field of quantum physics.
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics#History
Quantum mechanics (QM) is a set of principles describing the physical reality at the atomic level of matter (molecules and atoms) and the subatomic (electrons, protons, and even smaller particles). These descriptions include the simultaneous wave-like and particle-like behavior of both matter and radiation ("waveparticle duality").
Quantum Mechanics is a mathematical description of reality, like any scientific model. Some of its predictions and implications go against the "common sense" of how humans see a set of bodies (a system) behave. This isn't necessarily a failure of Quantum mechanics - it's more of a reflection of how humans understand space and time on larger scales (e.g., centimetres, seconds) rather than much smaller.
Quantum mechanics says that the most complete description of a system is its wavefunction, which is just a number varying between time and place. One can derive things from the wavefunction, such as the position of a particle, or its momentum. Yet the wavefunction describes probabilities, and some physical quantities which classical physics would assume are both fully defined together simultaneously for a system are not simultaneously given definite values in Quantum mechanics.
It is not that the experimental equipment is not precise enough - the two quantities in question just are not defined at the same time by the Universe. For instance, location and velocity do not exist simultaneously for a body (this is called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle)
Certain systems, however, do exhibit quantum mechanical effects on a larger scale; superfluidity (the frictionless flow of a liquid at temperatures near absolute zero) is one well-known example. Quantum theory also provides accurate descriptions for many previously unexplained phenomena such as black body radiation and the stability of electron orbitals. It has also given insight into the workings of many different biological systems, including smell receptors and protein structures.
Even so, classical physics often can be a good approximation to results otherwise obtained by quantum physics, typically in circumstances with large numbers of particles or large quantum numbers. (However, some open questions remain in the field of quantum chaos.)
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics
How turbulent convection currents in Earth's outer core make its magnetic field
This video is a prequel to one that will appear here: http://ve42.co/Spin
Huge thank you to Prof. Jon Aurnou who spent a lot of time explaining how planetary magnetic fields are created. He changed a lot of my preconceptions. His youtube channel is here:
His research page is here: http://ve42.co/SpinLab
OK, so what were my preconceptions?
1. That the Earth's magnetic field is a passive thing - it shouldn't need a continuous input of energy to maintain itself (that seemed reasonable to me because the magnetic field has been around for a long time and it seems mostly stable). But as it turns out, the Earth is a giant electromagnet, and so of course those currents dissipate their energy as they encounter resistance in the liquid metal through which they flow. So the energy to continuously create these currents comes from the kinetic energy of the liquid metal flows in the Earth's outer core.
2. If it's convection, I'm thinking hot things rising, cooler things falling. But apparently the main effect driving convection is the compositional differences at the boundary with the Earth's inner core. This is because of the differential freezing at the boundary. Things like iron freeze into the inner core, while elements like sulfur do not. Hence the pockets of lighter material which then rise outwards.
3. I didn't get why the fluid motion was necessary for the generation of the magnetic field. I mean if it's a conducting liquid, it can conduct currents whether it moves or not. But the key is that the liquid metal can 'trap' magnetic fields. I imagine this like how iron channels magnetic fields. Then once these fields are channeled, they can be pulled and stretched, making more magnetic field.
4. Fluids operate very differently in rotating frames of reference. This is something I didn't intuitively grasp. But, as fluids move from the inner core outwards, those particles are moving much more slowly in the direction of rotation than the matter that has been there for a long time, which means the convection currents get deflected and form helices.
Listening to Prof. Arnou's explanation made possible my explanation in the other video (it's really just a summary of what he says here). So thanks Prof. Arnou!
If you are reading this, you've seen a screen with your eyes. But have you REALLY seen it though? Like real proper seen it? Don't worry, Gav is here to help you out. This is How a TV works in Slow Motion. Follow Gav on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/gavinfree/?hl=en
Follow Dan on Twitter - https://twitter.com/DanielGruchy
“The latest 4K TV, LG OLED TV G7”
- LG OLED TV G7 product page link : http://geni.us/SlowMo77G7US
- LG OLED TV G7 Amazon link : http://geni.us/SlowMo77G7USa
Thanks to Destin from Smarter Every Day for lending us the camera - https://www.youtube.com/user/destinws2
Filmed with the Phantom Flex and Phantom V2511 between 1600 and 380,000fps
How a TV Works in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys
How were Gothic cathedrals designed and built? Don't forget to like our video!
To learn more, go to www.civil.uwaterloo.ca/brodland/models.html
You might also like our Beam Bending videos at youtube.com/watch?v=9C9GFs5AK4c&list=PL7XZdlJvl9DoEQVQXxKj9lipupIV3gABH
And our statistics videos at youtube.com/channel/UCzgFXmkwdv_PoiPCPPhxQjQ
Este vídeo presenta la modulación de frecuencia (FM) y la compara con la modulación de amplitud (AM).
Se hace constancia en lo que supone la desviación de frecuencia respecto a la amplitud de la señal moduladora. Por otra parte se presenta el desarrollo matemático de la modulación de frecuencia (FM)
Por último se citan las características de FM:
Mejora respecto al ruido en referencia con al AM
Mayor ancho de banda transmitido
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Sin duda es una gran interpretación acerca de todo lo relacionado con la tecnología y la ciencia en general, el profesor Michio Kaku nos cuenta la historia de la física a lo largo del tiempo, también nos habla de cómo él se intereso en la física, y como esta ciencia nos ha dado prácticamente todas las maravillas tecnológicas que disfrutamos en la actualidad.
Comparto con ustedes este gran vídeo en el cual nos habla mas allá de la historia de la física, incluyendo futuras teorías que en el futuro podrán influir con el tiempo en la vida de todos nosotros y tendrán un enorme impacto de como vemos la realidad. Espero que lo disfruten.
►Fuente: The Floating University
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Seguro que sabes que la gravedad actúa como una fuerza de atracción sobre las masas... ¿o no? Tomás Ortín, investigador del IFT, nos aclara que la gravedad en realidad actúa sobre cualquier forma de energía, incluyendo aquellas que no tienen masa asociada, como la luz o la propia radiación gravitatoria.
No te pierdas ningún vídeo: solo tienes que... ¡SUSCRIBIRTE!, ¡es GRATIS!:
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¿Has visto ya nuestro VÍDEO ANTERIOR?
MÁS VÍDEOS sobre Gravedad, Relatividad General y agujeros negros
- Relatividad General para principiantes: https://youtu.be/iSiHBK1c-Fg
- Los agujeros negros, esos monstruos sutiles, https://youtu.be/tXYDBCC8Thw
- ¿Se puede simular la gravedad? https://youtu.be/mGPj_---04E
- Lista de reproducción: La Relatividad General, 100 años después
Realizado por:
Divulgación IFT
Gracias a:
Tomás Ortín
Documental que descarge hace un par de años de la cuenta de IANUASTELLA aqui en youtube, lamentablemente borraron su canal por lo que dicidi subirlo de nueva cuenta, ojala y no lo borren.
Los meritos son de IANUASTELLA!!!
Why Do Mirrors Flip Left & Right (but not up & down)?
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This video is about why words flip left & right (aka horizontally) in a mirror but not up & down (aka vertically). The answer has to do with specular reflection, mirrors being like windows into another world (alternate universes, just with in and out flipped!), and transparency of the things we write on.
Specular Reflection
PhysicsGirl video about mirrors
Fermat’s principle
Thomas-Fermi screening
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Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!
Created by Henry Reich