How can I safely shutdown/reboot/logout KDE from the command line? - Ask Ubuntu
I am not talking about shutdown and reboot commands. I want to initiate the same routine from command line that would be performed if I would press the logout/reboot/shutdown button inside the KDE
how can I unlock a bitlocker encrypted volume using linux - Super User
I have a windows 10 system which has its c:\ drive protected using bitlocker. Recently during a windows upgrade, the upgrade failed and now whenever I attempt to boot into the laptop I get into a
Linux: 'Username' is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported - Stackoverflow
After logging into ssh, I got this message:
'Username' is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
How can I resolve this? I'm connecting ssh to my virtual private server.
How To Perform SSD Health Check (6 Effective Ways)
Well, an SSD health check simply means determining the solid state drive's status, transfer speed, optimization, and performance. Thus, this gives you an idea
7 easy methods to check disk type (HDD or SSD) in Linux | GoLinuxCloud
how to check my hard disk is ssd or hdd. what kind of hard drive do I have. how to check ssd. how to check disk type hdd or ssd. how to check disk interface type in Linux.
dual boot - A common /home partition for multiple Linux distributions - Ask Ubuntu
I have an Ubuntu installed in one partition, Debian on the other and now I am planning to install backtrack and SUSE also. Debian mounts a separate partition as its home mount point, whereas Ubuntu