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How to Exclude Files and Directories with Rsync
With Rsync you can mirror data, create incremental backups and copy files between systems. When copying data, you may want to exclude one or more files or directories based on their name or location. In this tutorial, we will show you how to exclude files and directories with rsync.
Understanding Linux configuration files
This article explains configuration files on a Linux system that control user permissions, system applications, daemons, services, and other administrative tasks in a multi-user, multi-tasking environment. These tasks include managing user accounts, allocating disk quotas, managing e-mails and newsgroups, and configuring kernel parameters. This article also classifies the config files present on a Red Hat Linux system based on their usage and the services they affect.
The Missing Linux Commands Cheatsheet for Noob DevOps
Before we start I want to mention that this is not a tutorial. Treat the article as a reference.
Ok, you just ssh into a remote pc or VPS. Now what? Where do you even start 🤔? In fact, where are you? Here comes to rescue this following command...
Testing Hugo Shortcodes
Today, I’m just testing out a few new Hugo shortcodes I added to the site. I’ve culled these from around the internet, and hacked together some of my own. You might find them useful, if you’re doing static blogging yourself. You can find all the code on the repo for this site, found here. As I do more and more blogging from the static site generator, this sort of thing will be more and more useful to me, at least.