Rick Potvin Flat Earth
Blogs media
...for God so loved THE world...
Decode Hindu Mythology - Wikipedia
A blog to decode and understand the complex myths of Hinduism and allied mythologies
Of the Good Tree
"Knowledge is the food of the soul"
Facts and details that confirm the Earth's true cosmology
Manual de Vuelo
Introducción y breve descripción del contenido del Manual de Vuelo
Ciencia y Espíritu
El Agua de Mar
Músicos por la Consciencia
Benjamin Oakes Blog
A programmer, sustainability enthusiast, and community builder in Iowa City.
Poder Plano
Agenda de Eventos - Tienda de Recuerdos - TV en Directo - Biblioteca.
A Plane not A Planet
Attila Orosz - Medium
Read writing from Attila Orosz on Medium. www.wayoflinux.com, www.beginnersmeditation.info. Every day, Attila Orosz and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
Everything you need to self publish your next best seller!
Károly Zsolnai-Fehér - Research Scientist
Two Minute Papers
NASA Fails
#FlatEarth Discourse has been Hijacked. Visit https://NasaFails.com - The Modern Day Flat Earth Community
El Blog de Tiro Táctico
Chris Titus Tech
Website is designed as a hub to share technology content for both Windows and Linux
3D Game Engine Programming
Helping you build the next generation of 3D game engines
Engineering Projects
Engineering Projects is a website dedicated for making electronics projects, electrical engineering projects, civil, automobile and mechanical projects
Flat Earth Science
Find all the latest videos from the top contributors to the Flat Earth Community in one place. A huge time saver for any flat earth follower
Entity Art
Awakening / Conspiracy Articles and my Art
Excalidraw Blog
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
Mastodon Blog
Official blog of Mastodon, the decentralized social network of the future. Keep up with new developments!