
Midjourney Bot
Midjourney Bot
Use `/imagine` to generate an image in under 60 seconds, based on a text prompt! See what the community made on and have fun expanding your imagination with friends!
Midjourney Bot
JMusicBot Wiki
JMusicBot Wiki
🎶 A Discord music bot that’s easy to set up and run yourself!
JMusicBot Wiki
Pancake Discord Bot
Pancake Discord Bot
Pancake is an easy to use, high-quality, multi-purpose Discord music bot with moderation, fun, and more!
Pancake Discord Bot
Instagram Saver - Telegram Bot
Instagram Saver - Telegram Bot
Download images, videos and texts from Instagram. Бот позволяет сохранять фото, видео и тексты из Instagram.
Instagram Saver - Telegram Bot
Song🆔 - Telegram Bot
Song🆔 - Telegram Bot
Open-source bot that can identify music, similar to Shazam. Support: @SongIDsupportbot
Song🆔 - Telegram Bot
Telegram Channels
Telegram Channels
List of the best Telegram channels, groups, bots and stickers. You can search channels, sort them or rate them to be on top of the list.
Telegram Channels
TriviaBot - Telegram bot
TriviaBot - Telegram bot
This bot allows you to test your trivia knowledge. Add it to groups if you'd like to compete with friends.
TriviaBot - Telegram bot
The best Discord security and checkpoint bot! Used in over 133602 servers!
Xenon Bot
Xenon Bot
Use Xenon Bot to Backup, archive, copy, clone or synchronize your discord server and take advantage of hundreds of free templates.
Xenon Bot
Hide This Bot - Telegram Bot
Hide This Bot - Telegram Bot
An open-source solution to keep your private messages hidden from prying eyes.
Hide This Bot - Telegram Bot
Music is meant to be enjoyed with others. Here at Rythm, we're making it possible to share and enjoy music with others around the world.
Dank Memer
Dank Memer
Dank Memer is a feature-rich Discord bot with the original twist of being sarcastic and memey. A MASSIVE currency system, tons of memes, and much more!
Dank Memer
InstaSave - Telegram Bot
InstaSave - Telegram Bot
This bot helps you to download images/videos from Instagram. DMCA requests:
InstaSave - Telegram Bot
Secure your name with blockchain in an ecosystem of 700+ million users and assign it as a link for your personal account, channel or group.
With botfather you can create crossplatform bots controlling Android devices and emulators, websites and browsergames or any desktop application, using simple JavaScript and botfathers API.