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TouchCAD, the official web page. TouchCAD is a 3D CAD, modeling and unfolding unwrapping software for Mac and Windows. TouchCAD is well-suited for marine and boat design, tents, awnings, inflatable objects, sail design, photo realistic 3D to 2D image unfolding, etc. Lundström Design är en komplett leverantör med full service, support och utbildning för TouchCAD.
ArcSite is an easy-to-use drawing program, created to help in-home sales professionals save time, close more deals, and stand out from their competition.
nanoCAD - professional, cost-effective CAD Software with powerful 2D/3D modeling tools for viewing and drawing DWG files in engineering and architecture. Free download.
Rapid prototyping CAD IDE for RepRap and RepStrap 3D printing machines. - GitHub - GilesBathgate/RapCAD: Rapid prototyping CAD IDE for RepRap and RepStrap 3D printing machines.