Hilary Hahn plays Ernst' s Grand Caprice on Schubert's Der Erlkönig, Op. 26
Hilary Hahn performs Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst's Grand Caprice on Schubert's Der Erlkönig, Op. 26 "Le roi des aulnes". This transcription on Schubert's Der Erlkonig is considered as one of the most difficult violin pieces ever composed and Hilary's performance is sublime!
Feel free to buy me a coffee ^^
Inspired by 2WEI:
Patreon ☞ https://www.patreon.com/rafalbienias/overview
Instagram ☞ https://www.instagram.com/delarson_p/
Sheet Music ☞ https://www.musicnotes.com/sheetmusic/mtd.asp?ppn=MN0196280
Arranged and played by Rafał Bienias
Here's the long requested Song of Storms from the iconic Ocarina of Time. One of the more memorable themes from the game, especially in how you learn it. Oh Link, you time-paradox inducing hero.
Sheets: https://www.musicnotes.com/l/HBNQ8
Piano Man's Discord: https://discord.gg/Qj6Zp2S
Youtube Piano Community Discord: https://discord.gg/gPAXjXs
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3sZ4vMtEasLtArHwboaEjq
Affiliate Links (Equipment)
Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3vhqAYg
Stand: https://amzn.to/3vhr2FW
Pedal: https://amzn.to/3gqfrik
Digital Audio Interface w/Cables: https://amzn.to/3cuZDte
=======(The Details)=======
This cover originates back from 2016 from the first round of piano duels between myself and Zebeldarebel. Long-time viewers will notice I changed a few things around and cut the ending portion.
Also, full disclosure there are a lot of little flubs/mistakes in this performance (not detrimental to the recording imo) but there was one missed bass note I couldn't abide and I edited in audio from a different take to fix it. It was a silly 'brain-fart' and I didn't want to scrap the entire take because of it. Sharp eared and eyed viewers should be able to spot it.
Your Pianist,
Erik C.
P.S. Up next is an even longer requested semi-original tune. AKA my outro music and perhaps a few extra goodies.
P.P.S. Let me know if you've been here since the first round of VERSUS where the cover originates from and I'll give you a virtual high five 🙌
#songofstorms #ocarinaoftime #zeldapiano
=======(More Info)=======
Tracks: Song of Storms
Composer: Koji Kondo
From: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Arranged and Performed by: Erik Correll
Midi: https://www.patreon.com/posts/song-of-storms-25823513
Sheets: to be announced
Audio: https://www.patreon.com/posts/song-of-storms-25823575
======== (Credits)=======
A very special thanks to all my patreon supporters, especially top donors:
Joy Weidner
Michael Barnett
Michael Afanador
Marcinko Orozco
Cameron Sanders
Keita Elyssar
Rodney Jones
Quentin Ponath
=======(Bonus Level)=======
Piano Bros. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piano.bros/
For more great covers, check out the other Piano Bros. Ryan Z 'Piano Guy's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Zebeldarebel
Support the Channel and Bonus Content (Midis and Audio Files): https://www.patreon.com/pianoman
VERSUS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo2M-UmSnPWF22N4m1HL37_U4ItntkTaR
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pianomanarrangements/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pianomasian
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Complete (Wichita State University Chamber Players)
A live recording with soloist John Harrison, the Wichita State University Chamber Players, and conductor Robert Turizziani.
Violin Concerto No. 1 in E major, Op. 8, RV 269, "La primavera" (Spring)
I. Allegro (0:00)
II. Largo e pianissimo sempre (3:47)
III. Allegro pastorale (6:44)
Violin Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 8, RV 315, "L'estate" (Summer)
I. Allegro non molto (10:53)
II. Adagio e piano – Presto e forte (16:05)
III. Presto (18:05)
Violin Concerto No. 3 in F major, Op. 8, RV 293, "L'autunno" (Autumn)
I. Allegro (20:47)
II. Adagio molto (25:57)
III. Allegro (28:36)
Violin Concerto No. 4 in F minor, Op. 8, RV 297, "L'inverno" (Winter)
I. Allegro non molto (31:59)
II. Largo (35:38)
III. Allegro (37:53)
The Four Seasons (Italian: Le quattro stagioni) is a group of four violin concerti by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, each of which gives a musical expression to a season of the year. They were written around 1721 and were published in 1725 in Amsterdam, together with eight additional violin concerti, as Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione ("The Contest Between Harmony and Invention").
The Four Seasons is the best known of Vivaldi's works. Unusual for the time, Vivaldi published the concerti with accompanying poems (possibly written by Vivaldi himself) that elucidated what it was about those seasons that his music was intended to evoke. It provides one of the earliest and most-detailed examples of what was later called program music—music with a narrative element.
Vivaldi took great pains to relate his music to the texts of the poems, translating the poetic lines themselves directly into the music on the page. In the middle section of the Spring concerto, where the goatherd sleeps, his barking dog can be marked in the viola section. Other natural occurrences are similarly evoked. Vivaldi separated each concerto into three movements, fast-slow-fast, and likewise each linked sonnet into three sections.
If you like this video subscribe to my channel. There are many more videos like this one lovingly prepared and edited by myself for your enjoyment! Check out my extensive playlist collections as well.
Las cuatro estaciones (en italiano: Le quattro stagioni) es un grupo de cuatro conciertos para violín y orquesta (cada uno está dedicado a una estación: La primavera, El verano, El otoño y El invierno) del compositor italiano Antonio Vivaldi.
Compuestos alrededor del año 1721, fueron publicados por el editor Michel-Charles Le Cène en 1725 en Ámsterdam, junto con otros ocho conciertos para violín, como Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione («Concurso entre Armonía e Invención»), Op. 8. El propio Vivaldi afirmó, en la dedicatoria al conde Morzin, que habían sido compuestas con anterioridad: los diversos manuscritos encontrados presentan algunas diferencias que confirman lo declarado por el autor.
"Il cimento", como la precedente colección de conciertos L'estro armonico opus 3, se compone de 12 conciertos. La diferencia entre las dos colecciones reflejan la evolución del gusto de las primeras décadas del siglo XVIII: los conciertos del "cimento", son todos de tipo solista, mientras que en el "estro" junto a cuatro conciertos para violín solista hay ocho concerti grossi.
Las cuatro estaciones es la obra más conocida de Vivaldi. Inusual para la época, Vivaldi publicó los conciertos con unos poemas de acompañamiento (posiblemente escritos por el propio Vivaldi) que describían qué quería representar en relación a cada una de las estaciones. Proporciona uno de los ejemplos más tempranos y detallados de lo que después se llamaría música programática o descriptiva, música con un elemento narrativo. Por ejemplo, el "Invierno" está pintado a menudo con tonos ocuros y tétricos, al contrario el "Verano" evoca la opresión del calor, incluso una tempestad en el último movimiento.
Vivaldi se esforzó en relacionar su música con los textos de los poemas, traduciendo los versos poéticos directamente en música. En la sección media del convierto Primavera, cuando las cabras duermen, su perro ladrando queda marcado por la sección de viola. De la misma manera se evocan otros acontecimientos naturales.
Vivaldi divide cada concierto en tres movimientos, rápido-lento-rápido, y de la misma manera cada soneto se parte en tres secciones. Dos de estos movimientos, el primero y el tercero, están en tiempo de Allegro o Presto, mientras que el de enmedio está caracterizado por un tempo de Adagio o Largo, según un esquema que Vivaldi ha adoptado en la mayor parte de sus conciertos.
All facets of this diamond copyright their respective owners. Please also listen to the Tito Muñoz conducted NPR/live piece below. I hope this moves you as it does me.
Track list/Title/Begin times:
Spring 0 - 0:01
Spring 1 - 0:42
Spring 2 - 3:15
Spring 3 - 6:33
Summer 1 - 9:43
Summer 2 - 13:54
Summer 3 - 17:54
Autumn 1 - 22:54
Autumn 2 - 28:37
Autumn 3 – 31:45
Winter 1 - 33:29
Winter 2 - 36:30
Winter 3 - 39:22
Track list/Title/Duration:
1. Spring 0 0:42
2. Spring 1 2:32
3. Spring 2 3:19
4. Spring 3 3:09
5. Summer 1 4:11
6. Summer 2 3:59
7. Summer 3 5:01
8. Autumn 1 5:42
9. Autumn 2 3:08
10. Autumn 3 1:45
11. Winter 1 3:01
12. Winter 2 2:51
13. Winter 3 4:39
Recomposed by Max Richter
The Four Seasons
Die vier Jahreszeiten
Orchestra: Konzerthaus Kammerorchester Berlin
Conductor: Andre de Ridder
Composer: Antonio Lucio Vivaldi
NPR writeup:
NPR concert conducted by Tito Muñoz:
Released April 28, 2014 by:
Deutsche Grammophon
Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, Winter - Full Version (8D Audio )
It is essential to listen to the audio with headphones to enjoy 8D surround sound. It is recommended to be in a quiet environment and close your eyes. Set the volume high (but not too high so as not to damage your ears).
8D conversion by El Reloj de Sol.
Credits from the original interpretation before the 8D conversion:
John Harrison
License: CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0).
[CC BY-SA (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:10_-_Vivaldi_Winter_mvt_1_Allegro_non_molto_-_John_Harrison_violin.ogg)]
[CC BY-SA (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:11_-_Vivaldi_Winter_mvt_2_Largo_-_John_Harrison_violin.ogg)]
[CC BY-SA (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:12_-_Vivaldi_Winter_mvt_3_Allegro_-_John_Harrison_violin.ogg)]
via Wikimedia Commons.
2CELLOS Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser playing their original song Celloverse
Video by Darko Drinovac
Animation by Krsto Jaram
Editing by Vjeran Pavlinic
Produced, mixed and mastered by 2CELLOS and Filip Vidovic (Morris Studio, Zagreb)
Beethoven String Quartet Op.59 No.1 "Razumovsky"
Matthew Vera and Michael Rau, violins
David Mason, viola
Marza Wilks, cello
Videographer: Simon Yue (SoundProfessional. Boston)
If you have any questions please contact the Simon: soundprofessional@gmail.com
Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory, December 11th 2012
Música Clásica - Canon en Re mayor, Johann Pachelbel
El Canon (cuyo nombre completo es Canon y Giga en Re mayor para tres violines y bajo continuo, en el original alemán: Kanon und Gigue in D-Dur für drei Violinen und Basso Continuo) es la obra más conocida en la actualidad del compositor de música barroca alemán Johann Pachelbel.
Pachelbel escribió esta obra alrededor de 1680, siendo originalmente una obra de música de cámara para tres violines y bajo continuo; posteriormente se han realizado arreglos para una gran variedad de instrumentos y conjuntos. Originalmente, una giga en la misma tonalidad (re mayor) sigue al canon, pero esta última danza se ejecuta o graba con mucha menos frecuencia. El Canon es muy conocido por la progresión armónica de los instrumentos de cuerda, que lo han convertido en una de las piezas mas reutilizadas en la música popular contemporánea.
El Canon suele incluirse en compilaciones musicales con otras piezas de la época barroca junto con el Adagio de Tomaso Albinoni y el Aria de Johann Sebastian Bach; también se utiliza frecuentemente en las celebraciones de bodas.
Alfred Eric Leslie Satie (Honfleur, 17 May 1866 -- Paris, 1 July 1925) was a French composer and pianist. Starting with his first composition in 1884, he signed his name as Erik Satie.
Satie was introduced as a "gymnopedist" in 1887, shortly before writing his most famous compositions, the Gymnopédies. Later, he also referred to himself as a "phonometrograph" or "phonometrician" (meaning "someone who measures (and writes down) sounds") preferring this designation to that of "musician," after having been called "a clumsy but subtle technician" in a book on contemporary French composers published in 1911.
In addition to his body of music, Satie also left a remarkable set of writings, having contributed work for a range of publications, from the dadaist 391 to the American Vanity Fair. Although in later life he prided himself on always publishing his work under his own name, in the late nineteenth century he appears to have used pseudonyms such as Virginie Lebeau and François de Paule in some of his published writings.
Satie was a colourful figure in the early 20th century Parisian avant-garde. He was a precursor to later artistic movements such as minimalism, repetitive music and the Theatre of the Absurd.
The Gymnopédies, published in Paris starting in 1888, are three piano compositions written by French composer and pianist, Erik Satie.
These short, atmospheric pieces are written in 3/4 time, with each sharing a common theme and structure. Collectively, the Gymnopedies are regarded as the precursors to modern ambient music[citation needed] - gentle yet somewhat eccentric pieces which, when composed, defied the classical tradition. For instance, the first few bars feature a disjunct chordal theme in the bass - first, a G-major 7th in the bass, and then a B-minor chord, also in the lower register. Then comes the one-note theme in D major. Although the collection of chords at first seems too complex to be harmonious, the melody soon imbues the work with a soothing atmospheric quality.
Satie himself used the term "furniture music" to refer to some of his pieces, implying they could be used as mood-setting background music. However, Satie used this term to refer to only some of his later, 20th century compositions, without specific reference to the Gymnopédies as background music. From the second half of the 20th century on, the Gymnopédies were often erroneously described as part of Satie's body of furniture music, perhaps due to John Cage's interpretation of them.
[from Wikipedia]
Artwork: Leonora Carrington "The Temptation of St.Anthony"
Played by: Daniel Varsano, Philippe Entremont
Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Quattro Stagioni - Janine Jansen - Internationaal Kamermuziek Festival
Amsterdam Sinfonietta en violiste Janine Jansen spelen Vivaldi's 'Vier jaargetijden' tijdens het Internationaal Kamermuziek Festival 2014.
La Primavera/Spring/Lente
Spring Movement 1 (Allegro) - 0:04
Spring Movement 2 (Largo) - 3:31
Spring Movement 3 (Allegro) - 6:02
Summer Movement 1 (Allegro non molto) - 10:22
Summer Movement 2 (Adagio) - 15:41
Summer Movement 3 (Presto) - 17:54
Autumn Movement 1 (Allegro) - 21:01
Autumn Movement 2 (Adagio molto) - 26:10
Autumn Movement 3 (Allegro) - 28:41
Winter Movement 1 (Allegro non molto) - 32:05
Winter Movement 2 (Largo) - 35:21
Winter Movement 3 (Allegro) - 37:00
Opname: 29 juni 2014 tijdens het Internationaal Kamermuziek Festival Utrecht in TivoliVredenburg.
Concierto de Aranjuez - Joaquín Rodrigo II. Adagio / Pablo Sáinz-Villegas - LIVE
Radio and Television Orchestra of Spain
Pablo Sáinz-Villegas, Spanish Guitar
Carlos Kalmar, Conductor / Director
Teatro Monumental
Madrid 24/04/2015
Embajador Cultural de la Fundación Vivanco. http://vivancoculturadevino.es/es/