Communicators channel
CheetoSenior - YouTube
En este canal encontraréis mis desvaríos varios, mi pasión por cocinar, por los videojuegos, y por hacer el idiota un rato.
No hay nadie que me haga más gracia que yo mismo aburrido, y este aburrimiento lo comparto con vosotros.
Science and stories about our awesome planet!
Created by Henry Reich, with Alex Reich, Peter Reich, Ever Salazar, Kate Yoshida, David Goldenberg, Arcadi Garcia, Sarah Berman, Jasper Palfree, Melissa Hayes and Julián Gómez. Music by Nathaniel Schroeder.
MinuteEarth is produced by Neptune Studios LLC
PS Audio - YouTube
PS Audio. Family-owned and run with a love of audio, music, and community. We build high-value, high-performance 2-channel audio products, as well as produce original audiophile recordings through our Octave Records. We're easy, friendly, and proud of our unmatched commitment to customer service and high-performance gear for our thousands of worldwide customers. We're all family here, from our team members to the hundreds of thousands of audiophiles we've served over the past 45 years. Join us. And don't miss a single informative video from our CEO, Paul McGowan. Paul brings daily insights into all things audio. Subscribe today so you don't miss out.
metal571 - YouTube
A computer engineer's take on tech reviews.
Please note that I may only respond to businesses and individuals who want to send me one of their headphones at the email below. No emails regarding questions or recommendations will receive a response. Post those in the comments or mention me on Twitter.
Z Reviews - YouTube
I do product review and educational / instructional videos, mostly involving Home Theater or budget Audiophile items such as headphones, speakers, dac and amps, music players, etc. If you would like to send me a product to review as an individual or as a company (not a distributor) contact me below. Your email will be ignored if anything sketchy about the products or site is detected.
ZeosPantera & Z Reviews is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Vsauce - YouTube
Our World is Amazing.
Questions? Ideas? Tweet me:
Vsauce was created by Michael Stevens in the summer of 2010.
Vsauce is...
Michael Stevens: Producer/Host of Vsauce1
Kevin Lieber: Producer/Host of Vsauce2
Jake Roper: Producer/Host of Vsauce3
Eric Langlay: VFX for Vsauce1/2/3
You: Thanks for watching!!!
The Slow Mo Guys
Gav and Dan take on the world in Slow Motion!
Definitely in the top 10 of slow motion based Youtube channels!
If you can, watch our videos at the highest possible resolution on your device for some offensively crisp slow motion footage.
For business enquiries, use the link below. All emails are read.
¡Ciencia! ¡y con animaciones! El lado más loco (y real) del Universo.
Síguenos en Twitter:
En Facebook:
¡Y (sí, como no) también en INSTAGRAM!
El Merchandising de Quantum Fracture:
Nomadic Ambience - YouTube
Hello, I'm a solo traveler who loves photography, video and exploring new cultures. I record ambience sounds during my world travels. Those sounds include city soundscapes, cafes, waterfalls, rain, thunderstorms, wind, and more. Enjoy my many recordings. and consider subscribing. Please do not use my videos without my permission. Thank you!
Soy un canal de matemáticas. Un canal rematadamente sexy, para qué nos vamos a engañar. Lleno de historias, problemas, paradojas y curiosidades que mi creador, Jaime, un chico casi tan sexy como yo, ha ido reuniendo a lo largo de estos años. Estudié Matemáticas y Física en Barcelona, donde me especialicé en Astrofísica y Cosmología. Ahora investigo temas relacionados con teoría cuántica de campos y otras cosas de nombre complicado. Más cosas en