AlphaTechnolog/dotfiles · GitHub
BrodieRobertson/dotfiles · GitHub
Various configuration files for programs that I use - GitHub - BrodieRobertson/dotfiles: Various configuration files for programs that I use
ThePrimeagen/.dotfiles · GitHub
Contribute to ThePrimeagen/.dotfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.
rxyhn/dotfiles · GitHub
My awesomewm dotfiles for awesome people! ✨. Contribute to rxyhn/dotfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.
daviwil/dotfiles · GitHub
The path to GNUrvana. Contribute to daviwil/dotfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.
bazuin-32/dotfiles · GitHub
Dotfiles for my Arch Linux WM, compositor, bar, etc. setup. - dotfiles/config.conf at main · bazuin-32/dotfiles
Firewolf05/dotfiles · GitHub
Contribute to Firewolf05/dotfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.
Mortal22Soul/dotfiles · GitHub
My dotfiles. Contribute to Mortal22Soul/dotfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.
richleland/dotfiles · GitHub
my dotfiles. Contribute to richleland/dotfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.
tgrosinger/dotfiles · GitHub
My linux configs. Contribute to tgrosinger/dotfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.
rafamadriz / dotfiles
There's lots of configurations out there, but this one is mine. - GitHub - rafamadriz/dotfiles: There's lots of configurations out there, but this one is mine.
Maximbaz / dotfiles
Configuration for Arch Linux, sway, kitty, kakoune, zsh and more + scripted installation guide - GitHub - maximbaz/dotfiles: Configuration for Arch Linux, sway, kitty, kakoune, zsh and more + scrip...
Store dotfiles | Atlassian Git Tutorial
Learn how to store your dotfiles using a bare Git repository. You can easily get started using the code snippets in this step-by-step tutorial.
GitHub does dotfiles
Derek Taylor / Dotfiles · GitLab
Dotfiles are the customization files (their filenames usually begin with a period) that are used to personalize your linux or other Unix-based system. This repository contains my personal...
bspwm & more on my current arch setup. Contribute to ericmurphyxyz/archrice development by creating an account on GitHub.
Derek Taylor / DTOS
DTOS is an Arch Linux-based post-installation script that will deploy my Xmonad config, my Emacs config, as well as associated programs that are needed to create a proper...
Antonio Sarosi / Dotfiles
My dotfiles repo, here you can find all my window manager configs as well as documentation and a guide on how to make your own desktop environment. - GitHub - antoniosarosi/dotfiles: My dotfiles re...