

JosefNemec/Playnite · GitHub
JosefNemec/Playnite · GitHub
Video game library manager with support for wide range of 3rd party libraries and game emulation support, providing one unified interface for your games. - GitHub - JosefNemec/Playnite: Video game ...
JosefNemec/Playnite · GitHub
henrypp/simplewal · GitHub
henrypp/simplewal · GitHub
Simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which can configure network activity on your computer. - GitHub - henrypp/simplewall: Simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (...
henrypp/simplewal · GitHub
Xerox Star - Wikipedia
Xerox Star - Wikipedia
The Xerox Star workstation, officially named Xerox 8010 Information System, is the first commercial personal computer to incorporate technologies that have since become standard in personal computers, including a bitmapped display, a window-based graphical user interface, icons, folders, mouse (two-button), Ethernet networking, file servers, print servers, and e-mail.
Xerox Star - Wikipedia
Imponente ruta nocturna al Teide. En busca del amanecer desde la cumbre. E24
Imponente ruta nocturna al Teide. En busca del amanecer desde la cumbre. E24
Intentamos inextremis y sin tiempo hacer cumbre en el volcán Teide caminando toda la noche por el sendero de montaña blanca. Un sendero sin dificultad técnica pero que se complica debido a la altura, el viento y el frío del invierno Canario. Subir al Teide para ver el amanecer es una aventura que no queríamos perdernos antes de dejar las Islas Canarias. Además la hacemos con luna llena y cielos despejados, ¿lograremos ver su sombra proyectada sobre el océano? Nos acompañan @WoMoGuide No os perdáis @sierraintothewild EPISODIO 24 (S1E24) Te invitamos a que nos acompañes en esta aventura fotográfica dando la vuelta al mundo en nuestra furgoneta camper Mercedes Sprinter 4x4. Nuestro proyecto se llama WILD EARTH EXPEDITION. No olvides suscribirte y seguirnos en redes! Toda la información de Wild Earth Expedition en 10% descuento en productos GLASSY con el código WILD o si utilizas este link: #tenerife #teide #camper
Imponente ruta nocturna al Teide. En busca del amanecer desde la cumbre. E24
getgrav/grav · GitHub
getgrav/grav · GitHub
Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony - GitHub - getgrav/grav: Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly P...
getgrav/grav · GitHub
Personal knowledge management - Wikipedia
Personal knowledge management - Wikipedia
Personal knowledge management (PKM) is a process of collecting information that a person uses to gather, classify, store, search, retrieve and share knowledge in their daily activities (Grundspenkis 2007) and the way in which these processes support work activities (Wright 2005). It is a response to the idea that knowledge workers need to be responsible for their own growth and learning (Smedley 2009). It is a bottom-up approach to knowledge management (KM) (Pollard 2008).
Personal knowledge management - Wikipedia
vuejs/vue · GitHub
vuejs/vue · GitHub
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to - GitHub - vuejs/vue: This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to
vuejs/vue · GitHub
Rob--W/crxviewer · GitHub
Rob--W/crxviewer · GitHub
Add-on / web app to view the source code of Chrome / Firefox / Opera 15 extensions and zip files. - GitHub - Rob--W/crxviewer: Add-on / web app to view the source code of Chrome / Firefox / Opera 1...
Rob--W/crxviewer · GitHub
Gadgetbridge - Codeberg
Gadgetbridge - Codeberg
A free and cloudless replacement for your gadget vendors' closed source Android applications. See the list for supported devices.
Gadgetbridge - Codeberg