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Maps without New Zealand on them. This place is all about the meme and fact about how we're missing from so many maps. it's not that serious. Please don't post a Risk board, it's done too often.
Lucía Bellido🧿 (@its.bellido) on TikTok | 933.6M Likes. 10.1M Followers. 444 not me, just my videos:) Lú💌 📨: the latest video from Lucía Bellido🧿 (@its.bellido).
RoRo (@roro.bueno) on TikTok | 72.8M Likes. 4.9M Followers. just a fashion girl who loves cooking 📥 Okiko/Creatives.Watch the latest video from RoRo (@roro.bueno).
Former MSFT dev; I wrote Task Manager, Zip Folders, ported Space Cadet Pinball, worked on the Shell 93-03. Also added Product Activation to Windows :-) - davepl