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Rek - Mastodon
Rek - Mastodon
3.71K Posts, 92 Following, 1.59K Followers · Sailor & cartoonist. Lives aboard a 10m sailboat. ༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄ ⋊⋗ ⋊⋗ ⋊⋗ ⋊⋗ ⋊⋗
Rek - Mastodon
Waferbaby · GitHub
Waferbaby · GitHub
I do the stuff on the Internets. . waferbaby has 9 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Waferbaby · GitHub
Jackyzha0 · GitHub
Jackyzha0 · GitHub
writes code, words, and sometimes climbs rocks. jackyzha0 has 46 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Jackyzha0 · GitHub
Hundredrabbits · GitHub
Hundredrabbits · GitHub
We only use github to host the javascript versions of our applications, for the C and Assembly versions, see: - Hundredrabbits
Hundredrabbits · GitHub
Hundred Rabbits - Youtube
Hundred Rabbits - Youtube
Rekka is a cartoonist and writer, Devine is a programmer and musician, together we create interactive design software as we sail aboard Pino, our Yamaha33. Since 2016, we have circumnavigated the Pacific Ocean, and realized our goal of sailing to Japan. Aboard Pino, we operate a small research studio called Hundred Rabbits, where we do experiments in resilience and self-reliance using low-tech solutions. In all, we like to keep things simple, for our software and our boat. The ways in which we spend our time vary wildly from day to day, but we focus on alternative ways to store power and minimum viable solutions for technological tooling (which we document on our website The nomadic life, is a way to embrace impermanence, as we explore systems resilience. Cheers, Rek & Dev
Hundred Rabbits - Youtube
Hundred Rabbits | Patreon
Hundred Rabbits | Patreon
Become a patron of Hundred Rabbits today: Read posts by Hundred Rabbits and get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
Hundred Rabbits | Patreon
bbatsov · GitHub
bbatsov · GitHub
Hacker. Emacs fanatic. Author of RuboCop, CIDER, Projectile and others. I'm not the best, but I'm pretty good. ;-) - bbatsov
bbatsov · GitHub
UTP | Twitter
UTP | Twitter
The latest Tweets from UTP #MiVidaMiOxígeno (@tecn_preocupado). #MiVidaMiOxígeno No al #Nazi_Pass IVOOX UTP BLOG Valencia, España
UTP | Twitter
Zoom Earth | Twitter
Zoom Earth | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Zoom Earth (@zoom_earth). Track the latest tropical storms and weather at with LIVE satellite images, rain radar and wind maps ⛈🛰. Geostationary orbit
Zoom Earth | Twitter
Ks found | Twitter
Ks found | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Knowledge Standards Foundation (@ks_found). Nonprofit defining tech standards for encyclopedias. Started by @lsanger. Central Ohio
Ks found | Twitter
Abián San Gil | Twitter
Abián San Gil | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Abián San Gil (@abiansangil). Fotógrafo. Guía en @CanariasPhotoT. Profesor en Islas Canarias, España
Abián San Gil | Twitter
PiXimperfect - YouTube
PiXimperfect - YouTube
PiXimperfect, hosted by Unmesh Dinda, is a free resource for learning Photoshop and Lightroom. We believe in learning the concept, rather than learning the steps so that you can translate "your" imagination visually to the world. This will make you a better decision-maker, rather than letting others make decisions for you. Since every situation is different and the definition of "beauty" is subjective, it is essential that you master the approach, and then the steps will automatically follow. Our motto is "Keep Creating." We always say to our students: "Don't worry so much about the quality, because time will improve it. Don't spend so much time getting things pixel-perfect, so that you end up not finishing it. Just 'Keep Creating,' and your consistency will take care of the rest." PiXimperfect is free, and will always be. ► Support the cause:
PiXimperfect - YouTube
Fazt - YouTube
Fazt - YouTube
I'm Fazt. and in this Channel you can FInd Everything about Programmig, Web Development. From doing your own Brand Logo to upload your site and aplicattion to the web, with the best practices. Welcome to the world of the web, a world in wich information is free, as is the information of this channel.
Fazt - YouTube
Dovydas Music | Patreon
Dovydas Music | Patreon
Become a patron of Dovydas Music today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
Dovydas Music | Patreon