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Linking Your Thinking - YouTube
Linking Your Thinking - YouTube
This is an exciting time in "Personal Knowledge Management". We now have the power to create something wonderfully meaningful—to us—and the people in our orbit. With [[Linking Your Thinking]], my prime directive is helping you get more joy out of your digital notes. You're going to be at home here. Especially if: - You don't want to lose thoughts - You might want to build and create things - You are an independent thinker and interested in many things And perhaps most importantly: You find thinking to be inherently valuable. So... If you're tired of switching apps and chasing the shiny stuff—and you're ready to regain a sense of trust and mastery with your digital notes... And you're okay with putting in the work... Then I promise you, that you can develop your own personalized, antifragile, flexible, and future-proofed PKM system. It will be a system you can create and grow with—over decades. And it will be a system that can give you peace of mind and tremendous joy.
Linking Your Thinking - YouTube
Whatever happens to be going through my head at any one time, basically a conduit for my ADHD to the internet.
Robert W Malone | Twitter
Robert W Malone | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD). Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, Bench to Bedside vaccines and biologics consulting. Madison, VA
Robert W Malone | Twitter
f250d2af06d5595a Canal oficial del periodista Luis Carlos Campos y, la web nº1 en conspiraciones con un foro de escándalo donde se cuenta la verdad que te ocultan los Mass Mierda y los conspiranoicos rata. Luis Carlos Campos es autor de best sellers como Calor Glacial, La macroestafa del sida,, o el misterio de los vampiros bakaladeros y Best readers como Historias de Doc Horlock.D Su red es pionera en unir despiertos .Telegram
Jorge Guerra - Youtube
Jorge Guerra - Youtube
Canal dedicado a desvelar los entresijos de las élites ocultas que gobiernan el mundo conspirando contra la población para mantener el control del poder mundial.
Jorge Guerra - Youtube