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Misterios, curiosidades, cosas raras, animes, películas, teorías, cosas que no sabías. Tengo de todo primoh
Animated Stats - YouTube
Animated Stats - YouTube
Data is the most important thing in the world from the past few decades. It has helped scholars solve the hardest equations or figure out the biggest problem a person can ever face. With accurate data humans can even predict future implications to their current actions. Without data you would not have the internet, apps or any other industries. With the help of the data available, the industries all over the world have grown exponentially over the past few decades. This channel shares that data in the simplest way possible so that even a layman can understand it.
Animated Stats - YouTube
Data Is Beautiful - YouTube
Data Is Beautiful - YouTube
This channel is my passion project taking us on a fun trip down memory lane together so we can relive the colorful events we all experienced. I am a first-year PhD student, data geek, who enjoys making visualizations as a hobby. I stumble upon numerous data while I research and I'm happy to share it with you. I read every suggestion you guys post. I appreciate your contributions! People looking to steal my content: I'm the most pro-sharing type of person. I believe in information being public and accessible. I spend most of my daily hours, working hard digging for interesting data sets. If you want to use my videos elsewhere for educational purposes, drop me a line. For any other usage, you can embed the YouTube player. I am alerted about stolen videos every day thanks to my subscribers. I am actively submitting copyright infringements on YT, FB, IG. Sad. I encourage you to search for interesting data and create your own unique videos. You'll find it can be fun and rewarding :)
Data Is Beautiful - YouTube
Mark Rober
Mark Rober
Former NASA and Apple engineer. Current YouTuber and friend of science. Answers to some common questions: 1) I studied Mechanical Engineering in School. I did my undergrad at BYU and Masters at USC. 2) I worked for NASA JPL for 9 years, 7 of which were working on the Curiosity Rover (I made a video about it you should def totes watch cause it's probably my favorite of all my videos). Then I created Digital Dudz (made some videos about this too) and eventually sold it after 2 years. Then I worked for Apple in their Special Projects Group doing Product Design as a Mechanical Engineer for 5 years. As of 2019, I just make my monthly YouTube videos. 3) Link to free and therefore substandard build plans for my custom workbench can be found below. 4) I made a 30 Day Creative Engineering Class that teaches my end to end engineering process so you can make stuff too! Check it out here-
Mark Rober
Antonio García Villarán
Antonio García Villarán
En este canal hablo de Arte y Hamparte, entre otras cosas. También podrás encontrar tanto mis dibujos y pinturas como mis reflexiones sobre temas de actualidad. También te enseño mis cursos de dibujo y pintura Online (en la plataforma Udemy) como los que doy en mi Academia ubicada en Sevilla (España) CREA 13. Contacto profesional: Contacto público: Criptoarte:
Antonio García Villarán
La Vida Moderna
La Vida Moderna
El programa que la Cadena SER nunca haría. De lunes a viernes, a las 4h. Y si no puedes esperar, te lo avanzamos a las 20:00h aquí, en este canal de Youtube. Escucha (y mira) 'La vida moderna' con David Broncano, Quequé e Ignatius. Política de privacidad:
La Vida Moderna
Here you will find intellectual talks, pseudo-intellectual talks, debates, discussions, live stream highlights, and more. Destiny's official YouTube channel.
CheetoSenior - YouTube
CheetoSenior - YouTube
En este canal encontraréis mis desvaríos varios, mi pasión por cocinar, por los videojuegos, y por hacer el idiota un rato. No hay nadie que me haga más gracia que yo mismo aburrido, y este aburrimiento lo comparto con vosotros. PD: ES MI CANAL Y HAGO LO QUE QUIERO CON ÉL. Contáctame!
CheetoSenior - YouTube
TheGrefg - YouTube
TheGrefg - YouTube
¡Bienvenido a mi canal! No sabría ni yo describir las locuras que hago día a día... =) Business Contact:
TheGrefg - YouTube
Rubius Z - YouTube
Rubius Z - YouTube
Canal secundario de Rubius. Aqui resubiré cosas que haga en Twitch y moar. Esto antes era mi antiguo canal. RIP por el.
Rubius Z - YouTube
Science and stories about our awesome planet! Created by Henry Reich, with Alex Reich, Peter Reich, Ever Salazar, Kate Yoshida, David Goldenberg, Arcadi Garcia, Sarah Berman, Jasper Palfree, Melissa Hayes and Julián Gómez. Music by Nathaniel Schroeder. MinuteEarth is produced by Neptune Studios LLC
Auronplay - YouTube
Auronplay - YouTube
Bienvenido a mi canal, soy AuronPlay, aunque me puedes llamar Auron. De pequeño quemaba cosas, ahora ya no.
Auronplay - YouTube
¡Canal relacionado con el mundo del doblaje y del cine en clave de humor!
The Violin Channel - YouTube
The Violin Channel - YouTube
The world's leading, comprehensive violin and strings news source | A must-join for all violinists, string players and classical music fans | |
The Violin Channel - YouTube
Somos un equipo de músicos y colegas apasionados por este tema. En esta plataforma podrás encontrar tutoriales para aprender y mejorar diferentes técnicas en tu instrumento, cómo tocar tus canciones favoritas, recursos y cursos especializados para ayudarte a crecer como músico. Contacto:
Cifra Club - YouTube
Cifra Club - YouTube
Seja bem-vindo(a) ao Cifra Club, seu canal de aprendizado musical e entretenimento. Aprenda a tocar diversos instrumentos como violão, bateria, guitarra, baixo e ukulele totalmente online, com um time super qualificado de instrutores! Tire suas dúvidas, aprenda as técnicas mais recentes, participe de lives incríveis e assista tutoriais interativos e covers das músicas mais bombadas do momento, tudo isso de forma gratuita. Quer saber quais são os artistas mais famosos de todos os tempos? Ou talvez conhecer os melhores modelos de guitarra para iniciantes? Acompanhe nossos vídeos especiais e se divirta enquanto explora mais do universo musical! Além disso, você pode aproveitar para montar um repertório especial ou curtir as músicas da sua série de TV favorita, com nossos vídeos de listas. Está em busca de uma comunidade musical online? Seu lugar é aqui! Inscreva-se e compartilhe conosco o seu amor pela música! ♥
Cifra Club - YouTube
PS Audio - YouTube
PS Audio - YouTube
PS Audio. Family-owned and run with a love of audio, music, and community. We build high-value, high-performance 2-channel audio products, as well as produce original audiophile recordings through our Octave Records. We're easy, friendly, and proud of our unmatched commitment to customer service and high-performance gear for our thousands of worldwide customers. We're all family here, from our team members to the hundreds of thousands of audiophiles we've served over the past 45 years. Join us. And don't miss a single informative video from our CEO, Paul McGowan. Paul brings daily insights into all things audio. Subscribe today so you don't miss out.
PS Audio - YouTube
metal571 - YouTube
metal571 - YouTube
A computer engineer's take on tech reviews. Please note that I may only respond to businesses and individuals who want to send me one of their headphones at the email below. No emails regarding questions or recommendations will receive a response. Post those in the comments or mention me on Twitter.
metal571 - YouTube
Z Reviews - YouTube
Z Reviews - YouTube
I do product review and educational / instructional videos, mostly involving Home Theater or budget Audiophile items such as headphones, speakers, dac and amps, music players, etc. If you would like to send me a product to review as an individual or as a company (not a distributor) contact me below. Your email will be ignored if anything sketchy about the products or site is detected. ZeosPantera & Z Reviews is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Z Reviews - YouTube
Vsauce - YouTube
Vsauce - YouTube
Our World is Amazing. Questions? Ideas? Tweet me: Vsauce was created by Michael Stevens in the summer of 2010. Vsauce is... Michael Stevens: Producer/Host of Vsauce1 Kevin Lieber: Producer/Host of Vsauce2 Jake Roper: Producer/Host of Vsauce3 Eric Langlay: VFX for Vsauce1/2/3 You: Thanks for watching!!!
Vsauce - YouTube