Hi there 👋 Welcome to the beta OpenAI API Community Forum! We are excited to get to know you better. Tell us a little bit about yourself and about what makes you excited about the API.
Hello everyone! Ok, I admit had help from OpenAi with this. But what I “helped” put together I think can greatly improve the results and costs of using OpenAi within your apps and plugins, specially for those looking to guide internal prompts for plugins… @ruv I’d like to introduce you to two important parameters that you can use with OpenAI’s GPT API to help control text generation behavior: temperature and top_p sampling. These parameters are especially useful when working with GPT for tas...
Check antonio_'s trails, Waypoints, and Photos, download antonio_'s GPS tracks and follow the itinerary of the routes on a map.Senderismo, en familia y con buenos amigos.
Andalucía, Sierra de Aracena(España), Pyrénées, Alpes (France), Al-Garb (Portugal) y Maroc.
"el camino no es cuestión de saber o no saber. Saber es una ilusión, no saber es una confusión" "¿cuántos pájaros oyes?...pues aún te faltan los insectos, las hojas,... y años hasta oir el silencio" Koan Zen
(fotografía Lac Opal (Pyrènées))
Check Aviva.laub's trails, Waypoints, and Photos, download Aviva.laub's GPS tracks and follow the itinerary of the routes on a map.Mountain girl born and raised in Banff, Canada. Currently living on Mallorca and exploring the beautiful Serra de Tramuntana.
Barcelona Travel Hacks's trails and waypoints | Wikiloc
Check Barcelona Travel Hacks's trails, Waypoints, and Photos, download Barcelona Travel Hacks's GPS tracks and follow the itinerary of the routes on a map.Travel website of popular and unknown attractions in Barcelona authored by a local passionate about exploring, adventure, live music, local food, festivals, and nightlife.
Check bicings's trails, Waypoints, and Photos, download bicings's GPS tracks and follow the itinerary of the routes on a map.En aquestes pàgines podreu trobar diferents projectes de recòrrer el món sobre dues rodes.
En estas páginas podéis encontrar diferentes proyectos de recorrer el mundo a dos ruedas.
In this pages you will find diferents projects to ride bikes all over the world:
WCRVBB. Cyclotourist saddlebag routes all over the world.
DCRVBB. One day cyclotourist routes around the world.
KCRVBB. Routes to do with family and kids.
COLVBB. The climbs of Tour, Giro, Vuelta, ...
BCNVBB. Routes around Barcelona.
RBTTCASSA. MTB routes around Cassa de la Selva (Girona).
RBTTCAT. MTB routes around Catalunya.
Fernando Todo Rutas's trails and waypoints | Wikiloc
Check Fernando Todo Rutas's trails, Waypoints, and Photos, download Fernando Todo Rutas's GPS tracks and follow the itinerary of the routes on a map.Gran amante de la montaña, bicicletero empedernido y de vez en cuando lo que de tiempo
Nota: No me hago responsable de las condiciones y factores que incurren en las rutas que he realizado, (vallas nuevas, cortes en los caminos, errores en los tracks, etc). Cuando las hice pasé EXACTAMENTE por donde indica el track. Las rutas están perfectamente documentadas (las de ahora nada porque, no se agradece).
La medición de las rutas se realiza mediante el indicador IBP, que es el indice de dureza/ciclabilidad de la ruta.
Os dejo MI escala de dificultad:
La medición de las rutas:
IBP 1 - 50: Fácil
IBP 51 - 100: Moderada
IBP 101 - 150: Difícil
IBP 151 - 200: Muy Difícil
IBP 201 - 250: Sólo Expertos (esto es relativo)
IBP 251 en adelante: ¡ Máquina !
Check saskiam's trails, Waypoints, and Photos, download saskiam's GPS tracks and follow the itinerary of the routes on a map.Book: 35 Best walks around Marbella.
Amazon.es, Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Target etc