Become a patron of TechHut today: Read posts by TechHut and get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
Welcome to Mustard Plays! If you love Fortnite, then this is the place for you! If you love Fortntie Creative mode, then you'll be even happier! You'll see a lot of Fortnite, I created and play the best fan made maps around. You'll have fun, feel good, and love the content you see here. Subscribe to the channel and follow me on twitter, that's where I'm most active. (See links below)
Building @stabilityai wherein we are working so that the AI that helps us maximise our potential is open and owned by all, not centralised and feeding on us.
Become a patron of Gwern Branwen today: Read posts by Gwern Branwen and get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
Здравствуйте, на своем канале я показываю и рассказываю о методиках мануальной терапии, остеопатии, физиотерапии, которые сам практикую. Целевая аудитория канала это мои пациенты, коллеги и люди интересующиеся оздоровительными техниками, своим здоровьем. Также я провожу обучение в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге и Ростове-на-Дону, авторским методикам в мануальных техниках. Прием пациентов я веду в своем центре мануальной терапии и остеопатии "Восстановление". Контакты для записи на обучение и лечение в ссылках ниже. Для коммерческих предложений по сотрудничеству пишите на почту. Hello, on my channel I show and talk about the methods of manual therapy, osteopathy, physiotherapy, which I practice myself. Contact us to register for training and treatment in the links below. For commercial proposals for cooperation, write to the mail.