

unbug · GitHub
unbug · GitHub
Front-end since 2010, creator of MIHTool, Codelf, React Native Training, WebAssembly Rocks. etc. - unbug
unbug · GitHub
sindresorhus · GitHub
sindresorhus · GitHub
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focuses on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages. Likes unicorns. - sindresorhus
sindresorhus · GitHub
Daniel Stenberg - Mastodon
Daniel Stenberg - Mastodon
481 Posts, 46 Following, 1.9K Followers · Internet protocols geek at wolfSSL. I lead the curl project. I don't know anything.
Daniel Stenberg - Mastodon
bagder · GitHub
bagder · GitHub
Network code and protocols. Debugging and standards. I don't know anything. I work on @curl, employed by @wolfSSL. GitHub star. - bagder
bagder · GitHub
eamodio · GitHub
eamodio · GitHub
Father, husband, code monkey, entrepreneur, geek. Creator of GitLens for VS Code. CTO/CPO @GitKraken. Previous VS Code dev @Microsoft. ❤ open-source - eamodio
eamodio · GitHub
VideoFromSpace - YouTube
VideoFromSpace - YouTube is where humanity’s journey to new and exciting worlds is transmitted back down to Earth. Where we vicariously explore the cosmos with astronauts, astrophysicists and enthusiasts. Here, we converse with the top minds in space exploration. Our mission: to keep you informed on the latest in space exploration, tech innovations, space travel polices and interstellar breakthroughs. Leave gravity behind and join us as we help foster the next generation of explorers, scientists and engineers; subscribe!
VideoFromSpace - YouTube