Microsoft - SQL Server
Microsoft - SQL Server
Get the flexibility you need to use integrated solutions, apps, and innovations in technology with your data—wherever it lives—in the cloud, on-premises, or at the edge.
Microsoft - SQL Server
Teable - Postgres-Airtable Fusion
Teable - Postgres-Airtable Fusion
Teable, a no-code database, allows quick app development and real-time collaboration on databases. With scalability, high performance, and integration with BI, low-code, and ETL tools, it's perfect for data analysts, developers, and business pros.
Teable - Postgres-Airtable Fusion
ScyllaDB | Monstrously Fast + Scalable NoSQL
ScyllaDB | Monstrously Fast + Scalable NoSQL
ScyllaDB is the distributed database for data-intensive apps that require high performance and low latency.
ScyllaDB | Monstrously Fast + Scalable NoSQL
Fauna | The distributed serverless database
Fauna | The distributed serverless database
Fauna is a flexible, developer-friendly, transactional database delivered as a secure, web-native API GraphQL. Sign up for free.
Fauna | The distributed serverless database
TiDB: The Advanced Distributed SQL Database
TiDB: The Advanced Distributed SQL Database
TiDB powers business-critical transactional apps with elastic scaling, real-time analytics, and continuous data access—all in a single database.
TiDB: The Advanced Distributed SQL Database
Snowflake | The Data Cloud
Snowflake | The Data Cloud
Discover how the Snowflake Data Cloud can unite data and smash silos to solve your biggest challenges.
Snowflake | The Data Cloud
dbForge Studio for MySQL - Database Management Tool
dbForge Studio for MySQL - Database Management Tool
dbForge Studio for MySQL is a universal GUI tool for MySQL and MariaDB databases administration, development, and management, a full-fledged IDE with a wide range of features. Supported Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.
dbForge Studio for MySQL - Database Management Tool
A truly Open Source MongoDB alternative Star Get started MongoDB is a life-changing technology for many developers, empowering them to build applications faster than using relational databases. However, MongoDB abandoned its Open-Source roots, changing the license to SSPL making it unusable for many Open Source and Commercial Projects. See and try FerretDB in action!
Firebird - OSS database
Firebird - OSS database
Firebird SQL: The true open-source relational database
Firebird - OSS database
MongoDB - The developer data platform
MongoDB - The developer data platform
We're the creators of MongoDB, the most popular database for modern apps, and MongoDB Atlas, the global cloud database on AWS, Azure, and GCP. Easily organize, use, and enrich data — in real time, anywhere.
MongoDB - The developer data platform
SingleStore a modern relational database for cloud and on-premises delivering immediate insights for modern applications and analytical systems. Database for All Data-Intensive Applications
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker
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