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Sxmo: Simple X mobile
Sxmo: Simple X mobile
A minimalist linux smartphone environment that is truly yours to control! Sxmo, or Simple X Mobile, is a collection of simple and suckless X programs and scripts used together to create a fully functional mobile UI adhering to the Unix philosophy for the Pinephone and other Linux smartphones.
Sxmo: Simple X mobile
Patrick Kage
Patrick Kage
Artificial Intelligence & Full-Stack Developer. PhD Student @ the University of Edinburgh's Artificial Intelligence and its Application Institute (AIAI).
Patrick Kage
Whimsy Space - ZineOS
Whimsy Space - ZineOS
I have long been alarmed by people’s sheeplike acceptance of the term ‘computer technology’ — it sounds so objective and inexorable — when most \ncomputer technology is really a bunch of ideas turned into conventions and \npackages.\n\n— Ted Nelson
Whimsy Space - ZineOS
QuickFind - official site
QuickFind - official site
QuickFind is an all-in-one solution for instantly finding files, apps, music, videos, and web content. Thanks to the support of popular search engines. Increase productivity with QuickFind, a tool for quick and easy access to everything you need!
QuickFind - official site
Parallel Launcher
Parallel Launcher
A simple easy-to-use launcher for the ParallelN64 and Mupen64Plus-Next emulators.
Parallel Launcher
Puter is a privacy-first personal cloud that houses all your files, apps, and games in one private and secure place, accessible from anywhere at any time.