Found 136 bookmarks
Tesla, el Universo Electrico y el Sri Yantra - YouTube
Tesla, el Universo Electrico y el Sri Yantra - YouTube
COLABORA CON MI TRABAJO DESDE YOUTUBE GRUPO EN TELEGRAM: Si queres y podes colaborar hacelo via: •PATREON: •PAYPAL: •MERCADO PAGO: CONOCE MI TIENDA ON-LINE DE PROCUTOS -------------------------------------- INFORMACION GENERAL: ------------------------------------------ ✔Canal Principal: ✔Canal En Odysee: ✔Canal En Ingles: ✉EMAIL: •WEBSITE: •FACEBOOK: •INSTAGRAM: •TEESPRING: •TWITTER: ----------------------------------------------------------
Tesla, el Universo Electrico y el Sri Yantra - YouTube
¿Qué es el horizonte? | Curiosity432 - YouTube
¿Qué es el horizonte? | Curiosity432 - YouTube
Hay una pequeña errata en el video la altura del lago Michigan es de 176 metros sobre el nivel del mar (msnm) y la altura de la base de Willis Tower está a 178 msnm o 2 metros sobre el lago. Lo que sí es 139 metros es la altura oculta por curvatura. Partes del vídeo: 0:10 - Etimología 0:42 - Horizonte geométrico 1:11 - Horizonte óptico 4:48 - Caso práctico. ¿A qué distancia se encuentra el horizonte? 11:48 - Filosóficamente === Referencias: - Horizon - Wiktionary: - Mirror line horizon EmpyThea Princess: - Playa australiana: - Skyline de Chicago y lago Michigan: - JTolan Media: - Vuelo Bangkok - Dubai (se ve el Himalaya): - Dwayne Kellum - High Altitude Balloon 7: Música - Zero Gravity Flight - Wattr fluid - Dynamic wave - ALIVVVE - So Far master file (Magenticka) Explicación de los cálculos - - === Links de archivos de Patreon: Dona aquí: - Patreon: - Bitcoin: - Ethereum: Redes - Blog: - Odysee:
¿Qué es el horizonte? | Curiosity432 - YouTube
Tierra Plana Menorca 2022 - YouTube
Tierra Plana Menorca 2022 - YouTube
NUEVOS PROYECTOS: ------------------------------------------ NUEVO NUR TV: GRUPO EN TELEGRAM: ------------------------------------------ FORMAS DE COLABORAR: ------------------------------------------ • MEMBRESIA YOUTUBE: • BIZUM: 617-153508 • PATREON: • PAYPAL: • MERCADO PAGO: • BINANCE REFERIDO: ------------------------------------------ MIS TIENDAS: ------------------------------------------ •TEESPRING: •FLASHCOOKIE: ------------------------------------------ INFORMACION GENERAL: ------------------------------------------ •EMAIL: •WEBSITE: •FACEBOOK: •INSTAGRAM: •TWITTER: ----------------------------------------------------------
Tierra Plana Menorca 2022 - YouTube
Evento Tierra Plana Barcelona 2022
Evento Tierra Plana Barcelona 2022
FORMAS DE COLABORAR CON EL EVENTO:------------------------------------------• BIZUM: 617-153508• PAYPAL:• PATRE...
Evento Tierra Plana Barcelona 2022
Más de cien terraplanistas se dan cita en su primer congreso balear en Menorca
Más de cien terraplanistas se dan cita en su primer congreso balear en Menorca
Es un encuentro inédito en las Islas que acogerá a los «referentes» del movimiento. Ciutadella recibirá, el próximo 18 de septiembre a las 18 horas, a más de cien terraplanistas para celebrar el primer encuentro del movimiento en Balears. Acudirán personas no solo de Menorca, sino también del resto de las Islas y la Península. «Cuando anunciamos el encuentro pensamos que sería algo más íntimo y familiar, pero hay muchos seguidores del terraplanismo y gente que quiere conocer el movimiento», asegura Maria Llompart, una de las organizadoras.
Más de cien terraplanistas se dan cita en su primer congreso balear en Menorca
Los Jesuitas y su Cosmos - YouTube
Los Jesuitas y su Cosmos - YouTube
COLABORA CON MI TRABAJO DESDE YOUTUBE GRUPO EN TELEGRAM: Si queres y podes colaborar hacelo via: •PATREON: •PAYPAL: •BINANCE REFERIDO: •DUKASCOPY BANK: •TEESPRING: •MERCADO PAGO: -------------------------------------- INFORMACION GENERAL: ------------------------------------------ ✔Canal Principal: ✔Canal Twitch: ✔Canal Respaldo: ✔Canal Terciario: ✔Canal En ODYSEE: ✔Canal En Ingles: ✉EMAIL: •WEBSITE: •FACEBOOK: •INSTAGRAM: •TWITTER: ----------------------------------------------------------
Los Jesuitas y su Cosmos - YouTube
La CIENCIA es la NUEVA RELIGIÓN por José Luis Parise - YouTube
La CIENCIA es la NUEVA RELIGIÓN por José Luis Parise - YouTube
Video extraído del canal MÁGICA-Mente: La Ciencia nos viene IN-FORMANDO (dando FORMA) a nuestra Realidad acerca de cómo es el lugar en el que Existimos. Según ella somos un granito de arena en el Universo, y no IMPORTANTES SERES DIVINOS CREADORES. Los planetas y las estrellas no parecen cuerpos físicos a millones de años luz, parecen seres de energía vibrando:
La CIENCIA es la NUEVA RELIGIÓN por José Luis Parise - YouTube
VoC Documentary
VoC Documentary
VoC Documentary c 2022 Vibes of Cosmos 14 Topics - Episodes, in a Full Documentary video with narration. Topics - Timer : 00:00 / 1. Moon, the Map of the Earth 12:14 / 2. Sun, Daylight, Moonlight 24:30 / 3. The Black Sun 31:58 / 4. Constellation Circle and Moon's Phases 43:16 / 5. Oceanografia, Craters, Stars 54:27 / 6. Planets and the 7 Ceilings 1:07:27 / 7. Moon's Rotation and the Axes of Phases 1:16:36 / 8. The Motion of the Sun and the Moon 1:26:56 / 9. Eclipses 1:36:12 / 10. Space, Elements and Atmospheric Ratings 1:44:09 / 11. Celestial Phenomena 2:04:36 / 12. Biogeochemical Cycles 2:13:45 / 13. Underground Water Cycle 2:21:59 /14. Climate Zones and Ground Epochs 2:29:30 / Outro VoC Books and Maps: World Map by Plasma Moon / Download : World Map by Plasma Moon / Banner - Flag 1m x 1m orders: 3rd Book VoC Download : 3rd Book VoC Hard Copy orders : 2nd Book VoC Download : 2nd Book VoC Hard Copy orders : 1st Book VoC Download : 1st Book VoC Hard Copy orders : Atlas World Map by Plasma Moon download :
VoC Documentary
La Armada y la forma de la tierra
La Armada y la forma de la tierra
Recuerda suscribirte y activar la campana!.Adentrémonos en el Mar con este radiotelegrafista y cabo primero de la Armada Española para saber como funcionan l...
La Armada y la forma de la tierra
COSMIC CLOCK - Creation, Space, Time, Matter, Extraterestial lands & beings, 2020.
COSMIC CLOCK - Creation, Space, Time, Matter, Extraterestial lands & beings, 2020.
Podcast: Patreon: Contact me: EARTH IS FLAT, although outer space does exist & we are not alone... We are part of a universe that is contained within an electromagnetic torus field, what NASA calls cosmic background microwave radiation. This was known by almost all ancient cultures as the COSMIC EGG. The Terra firma earth is a flat & motionless plane of land (geocentric) that runs diametrically across the heart/middle of this cosmic egg universe….. This plane is divided into 4 concentric districts, each separated by their own electromagnetic torus fields (Van Allen belts). Along & within the various districts or dimensions are many other extraterrestrial, lands, races, beings & cultures. Outer space - space/area beyond currently known parameters. Extra - more of Terrestrial - terrain / land. So in essence Outer space is the expanse of space that stretches across the entire plane of all the districts of our vast earthly plane. And extraterrestrials are being from extra terrains of land we are yet to rediscover. It is well documented that there were times in the not so distant past when we openly interacted with these other extraterrestrial beings from these extraterrestrial lands here on earth. Many ancient cultures literally etched, wrote, carved, drew & moulded these truths in stone. But due to various reasons public contact & interaction between us stopped & this basic of knowledge of where we are has been hidden from us by certain factions. These factions are what we might call the “elite” or the “establishment” that secretly runs and controls this district of Earth we are in. How have they managed to do this for so long? By keeping us, the masses ignorant of the facts generation after generation. Thus maintaining their status quo of rulership over us generation after generation. Knowledge is power...they've had this knowledge so they've had the power. Essentially these “elites” are gatekeepers keeping us separated & isolated from the rest of the earthly plane universe. But that paradigm is ending, with the advent of technology and this so called conscious shift, we are beginning to find & share this hidden knowledge exponentially quicker than at any other time in modern history. As this knowledge spreads It's only a matter of time before it reaches critical mass at which point “they” will have no choice other than to publicly disclose these hidden truths, lift the lid & finally allow us to rediscover who, what, where we are & our place & purpose within this universe. Research - Cosmic Egg by Martin Kenny or visit my Youtube channel flat earth universe, if any of this resonates. …………………………………...
COSMIC CLOCK - Creation, Space, Time, Matter, Extraterestial lands & beings, 2020.
Flatten The Curve - YouTube
Flatten The Curve - YouTube
Warning- Under 107 - Fair Use Act, For Reasearch & Educational Purpose Only ! A Non-Profit Community Project Under Fair Use. When Profesionals like Pilots , Engineers, Marines , & Navy Question The Shape Of The Earth !!! #TruthFrequenciesFilms #FlattenTheCurveTheDocumentary #TruthInPlainSight #FlatEarthStuffV2 #BeaneathTheFirmament #VikkaDraziv #RobTaylor #KevinBobick #MarkHollander #BillyZigouras #EddieAlencar #BrettFreeeman #JoshuaSilva #JohnNicholson #FrancisMiller #J #AnonymousAficionado #HectorRequeña #Nezramiah #DavidJCaron #FlattenTheCurveTheDocumentary #TruthFrequenciesFilms #TruthInPLAINSight #VikkaDraziv #WorldFlatEarthAssociation #FERN-FlatEarthResearchNetwork #FlattenTheCurve #FlatEarthUnited
Flatten The Curve - YouTube
All nORBTheory + UNIversal DISClosure 2020 Banned Content Compilation - YouTube
All nORBTheory + UNIversal DISClosure 2020 Banned Content Compilation - YouTube
It's a MUST SEE for all truth seekers, share it in your groups/social media as far/wide as you can :). EDIT: Dec 6th - Thank you for being on this journey. A few words - I have to say NO to all interviews, especially MSM. Still grieving and getting way too much unwanted attention as we get close. I wish I had all the answers re those asking where to be, what to be doing, how it will affect them because they have x/y/z in their body/psyche.. As the conduit I cap out too. I wanted to physically be up North, in Poland my home country. But death came in three in my family + cov1d hit and so I'll be moving my mom on the 21'st here in Toronto vs being with the Auroras.. I hope you all have a beautiful experience no matter what happens. If nothing happens, I hope you can still look at the dozen roses we gave you here without focusing on the thorn, and that this work has helped you better understand your experience and implement positivity in to your life :). I love you. -Timestamps - - - Intro - start UD Tease: 3:45 nORBTheory Short: 6:06 I Have Questions: 11:56 nORBTheory Long: 13:35 10 Flat Commandments: 46:02 UNIversal DISClosure: 48:33 Xmas=GeoCentric Ritual: 1:34:45 Remodeling The UniFARCE: 1:39:30 2045 TransHumanism 2:08:45 - - Translated/subtitles: -------- Polish: more to come.. ------- Try to catch this one as it may get removed.Thank you! Also happy Summer Solstice, and happy Fathers Day - I lost mine a month ago (May 25th) to the rona v!ru5, Rest In Power pops. This is going to complete this body of work for me. I can't tell you how many videos were removed and or supressed over the last few years from my catalog.. I've done my best to revive most of it here. My channel continues to be shadow banned + all my videos, auto-suggestions on my channel name/popular videos gone, likes/notifications/comments disappearing/etc. I've even had a back and forth with youtube and they played dumb :) "Nothing is wrong, nothing has changed, you are not 'supressed'.. lol. After the 'truther purge' my views went down 95+% and I disappeared from the search results totally for a while. Now SOME stuff is back, I think it's because of a cool random side effect of people mirroring our work and linking back to our channels, thus forcing the algo. Otherwise this would stay buried forever. So thank you, keep mirroring all this stuff. Links to official releases on youtube + related videos I encourage you to watch. If you use any of these renders (now public domain) please link back and credit us is all we ask. Thank you. - - - - - - - NorbzWorld: Martin Kenny: - - - - - - - Please watch these to help and prepare: Official UNIversal DISClosure release: UNIversal DISClosure TEXT SCRIPT: Links to InfoGraphics/Frames: Frequency Life Chart: The nORB Theory :: FlatEarth Universe Martin Kenny :: Interview with Norb & Martin by NEO Glimmer: 3D Master Renders now entered into Public Domain: 8D ASMR Digital Detox - Frequency Healing: Frequency / Cymatics / Bio-Sonoluminescence :: ^ This is beautiful - greatly goes into the sine wave/sonar Confessions Of A Music Insider / Weaponizing Sound :: ^ This is how music really influences masses History Of Flat Earth :: Under The Dome :: 200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball :: It All Starts With Magnetism :: Thanks and stay blessed! Norb. - - - #UNIversalDISClosure #nORBTheory #MartinKenny
All nORBTheory + UNIversal DISClosure 2020 Banned Content Compilation - YouTube
NASA Mission Update: CALIPSO
NASA Mission Update: CALIPSO
NASA Mission Update: CALIPSO Clouds have forever held the imagination of skygazers who are captivated by their endless beauty and seeming randomness. But cl...
NASA Mission Update: CALIPSO
NASA Mission Update: TRMM
NASA Mission Update: TRMM
For millions of people throughout the world, tropical rain systems are a life-sustaining resource. But these systems can turn violent and dangerous, spawning...
NASA Mission Update: TRMM