Earth video

ARFLATv2 - Video FOV 170° - Cámara a 45°
ARFLATv2 - Video FOV 170° - Cámara a 45°
Visualización de la videocámara FOV 170° inclinada 45° desde ARFLATv2 lanzado desde Ing. Jacobacci - Rio Negro - Republica Argentina, el 14 de diciembre de 2020 a las 12:03 hora local.
ARFLATv2 - Video FOV 170° - Cámara a 45°
Flat Earth // My Hypothesis of the FirmamentContainer Globebuster Presentation
Flat Earth // My Hypothesis of the FirmamentContainer Globebuster Presentation
If you want support my work, do it via: •PATREON: •PAYPAL: •MARKET PAYMENT: SUPPORT MY WORK WITH THE YOUTUBE MEMBERSHIP KNOW MY ONLINE STORE OF PRODUCTS -------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION: ------------------------------------------ ✔Canal Main: ✔Canal On LBRY.TV & ODYSEE: ✔Canal In English: SOCIAL NETWORKS & LINKS ✉EMAIL: -WEBSITE: -FACEBOOK: -INSTAGRAM: -TEESPRING: -TWITTER: -PATREON: -MARKET PAYMENT: ---------------------------------------------------------- At NUR FOR ALL we seek to achieve the "Critical Mass" necessary to bring about a change in consciousness.
Flat Earth // My Hypothesis of the FirmamentContainer Globebuster Presentation
Evidencias que no cuadran nada con la teoría oficial | Tierra Plana | Endika & Iru Landucci
Evidencias que no cuadran nada con la teoría oficial | Tierra Plana | Endika & Iru Landucci
Hablaremos con Iru Landucci de Nur para Todos sobre algunas de las evidencias más obvias que hacen pensar que la tierra no tiene la forma que nos dicen. El paradigma cientificista esta roto, el reto es descubrir cual es la verdad. Te invitamos a reflexionar con nosotros. ______ 👉 ACCESO A ENTRENAMIENTO GRATUITO SANACIÓN ENERGÉTICA: 👉 ACCESO GRUPO TELEGRAM: _______ Si te gusta este vídeo Suscríbete: ✔ Youtube: Activa las notificaciones, dale me gusta y comparte, no olvides comentar, Todo esto es de gran ayuda para llegar a mas gente 🖤 Únete a mi comunidad en Telegram y participa de actividades y meditaciones especiales: ✔ Telegram: ✔ Visita nuestros cursos y servicio en la página web y el blog: Estos son mis redes sociales publicas: ✔ Instagram: ✔ Facebook: ✔ Escríbenos un whatsapp aquí: #EndikaDrame #IruLanducci #NurParaTodos #TierraPlana
Evidencias que no cuadran nada con la teoría oficial | Tierra Plana | Endika & Iru Landucci
The Greatest Lie on Earth Proof That Our World Is Not A Moving Globe Edward Hendrie 2016
The Greatest Lie on Earth Proof That Our World Is Not A Moving Globe Edward Hendrie 2016
Take What Resonates With You And Leave The Rest. PDF: Ninth Edition 2018 Credit for video: - 7th Day Truth Seeker Please also be aware and study about "The Jesuit Order" and "The Jesuit & The Globe Conspiracy" - The Jesuits & The Globe Earth: The Mother Of All Conspiracies! - Jesuits Erasing our Flat Earth - Documentary - The Jesuit Conspiracy - Flat Earth btw: Some clue about Edward Hendrie from MIG MAG For new ones into Flat Earth awakening please check: - 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball PDF: - Flat Earth Books: - Flat Earth - Awakening - Flat Earth - The Sun All my playlists: ********* Support my channel **************** *********************************************** #TheGreatestLieOnEarth #FlatEarth #EdwardHendrie
The Greatest Lie on Earth Proof That Our World Is Not A Moving Globe Edward Hendrie 2016
Tierras más allá de los polos - la investigación (noestoydebroma)
Tierras más allá de los polos - la investigación (noestoydebroma)
Mi canal principal ya no existe recuerda suscribirte y activar la campana. Si quieres ayudar solo pido que compartas mi video. Sabemos la teoría de las tierras mas allá de los polos, pero que dicen las entrevistas al mejor almirante de la historia de EEUU? arroja luz el libro de Alejandro Giannini? Suscríbete a mi canal: Sígueme en mi canal de Lbry o en Odysee donde encontrarás vídeos que no hay en YouTube:$/invite/@noestoydebroma:e$/invite/@noestoydebroma:e Más videos en mi canal relacionado con este tema: Tags (no leer): Noestoydebroma, Rahu, Sol negro, canal borrado, tierras mas allá de los polos, tierra plana, TIERRAS MAS ALLÁ DE LOS POLOS - la investigación (noestoydebroma), no estoy de broma,sol negro,tierra mas alla de los polos,noestoydebroma,hermanos barea, alpha mind,
Tierras más allá de los polos - la investigación (noestoydebroma)
Why Flat Earth Matters? - Youtube
Why Flat Earth Matters? - Youtube
When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 500 year deception it was, Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have all been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational ball-Earth myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our flat Earth gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the flat Earth truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally all of the other conspiracies, and exposes them. Get Connected with me! Website: Blog: Forum: Books: Facebook: Instagram: Telegram: Twitter: SoundCloud: Mewe: Minds: Gab: Flote: Goodreads: YouTube: Odysee: BitChute: BrandNewTube: Rokfin: Email:
Why Flat Earth Matters? - Youtube
Epic 500 mile visibility in Infrared from 31000 ft. Astounding and Shocking Flat Earth Phenomenon!
Epic 500 mile visibility in Infrared from 31000 ft. Astounding and Shocking Flat Earth Phenomenon!
Astounding and Shocking Flat Earth Phenomenon! Mountains in Colorado are visible at over 500 miles (800 km) in Infrared from 31 000 ft altitude. We use the principles of triangulation to determine what we are seeing way in the distance. I use a full spectrum IR converted HD Sony CX405 camcorder, that features a 60x zoom, and I use a 950nm infrared long pass filter to block visible light and only let infrared through. This was filmed in late March 2018 and the mountains still had snow on top, which is key to this long range visibility. I'm convinced that we can probably see these mountains on a clear winter day at perhaps twice that distance, so about 1000 miles but from where? there is usually haze over the ocean and the mid west, perhaps from Canada looking down south? Thanks for your comments and encouragement folks, it means a lot to me. God Bless! -JT
Epic 500 mile visibility in Infrared from 31000 ft. Astounding and Shocking Flat Earth Phenomenon!
Daylight Debunks the Globe
Daylight Debunks the Globe
One simple and definitive proof that you are not living on a spinning ball orbiting around the Sun is the fact that daytime and nighttime never switch places as they must for the heliocentric model to be true. According to the globe doctrine, Earth makes one complete rotation on its axis every 24 hours, while simultaneously orbiting around the Sun and completing one full revolution every 365 days. If this was truly happening however, as you can see from the following image, the daytime and nighttime sides of the globe would have to flip every 6 months. For a more detailed illustration of this, imagine the Sun rising at 6am in New York on the Summer solstice. After 3 months of 24 hour rotations, the globe would be 90 degrees from its previous position and a quarter turn away from the Sun, meaning that sunrise in New York during the Autumnal equinox should now be happening at midnight. After 3 more months of 24 hour rotations, the globe would be on the complete opposite side of the Sun, 180 degrees from its starting position, so that sunrise in New York during the Winter solstice should be happening at 6pm, or in other words, daytime and nighttime would have completely flipped from 6 months earlier. After 3 more months of 24 hour rotations, the globe would be 270 degrees from its original position, and sunrise in New York during the Spring equinox should be happening at noon. In reality, as you can test and observe for yourself, this simply does not happen and remains yet another nail in the globe's coffin. Globe apologist naysayers make either one of two ridiculous claims in an attempt to excuse away this clear problem in their model. Their first defense is to claim that days are not actually 24 hours long, but instead only 23:56 long, and this 4 minute difference per day fixes the math allowing day and night to flip. Now it is true that there are two kinds of days known as solar days and sidereal days, and sidereal days are in fact 23:56 minutes long, but solar days, which everyone on Earth sets their clocks by, are exactly 24 hours in duration. Sidereal days, which nobody sets their clocks by, are actually how long the fixed stars take to make one revolution over and around our Earth plane. As you can observe and measure for yourself, the constellations rotate just slightly faster than the Sun, so that they take exactly 23:56 minutes to come back to their starting point, while the Sun takes exactly 24 hours to come back to its starting point. Firstly, the fact that sidereal and solar days both exist and are not exactly the same duration, is yet another proof that the stars and Sun are moving and not the Earth. If the apparent movement of the stars and Sun was actually the result of us living on a spinning globe, as we're told, then there would and could only be one duration of day, namely, the amount of time it takes to complete one full rotation. The fact that there are two different durations of rotation time for the Sun and stars just further proves that they are moving at their own unique speeds over and around a motionless, fixed Earth. Secondly, if globe apologists want to claim solar days are now suddenly only 23:56 minutes, then why hasn't anyone in history ever noticed that our 24 hour clocks, which billions of people have used for thousands of years, actually fall behind reality 4 minutes every single day!? The reason is because it doesn't happen, and trying to claim solar days are the same duration as sidereal days just shows the disingenuous lengths these zealots will go to cling onto their false cosmology. Their next defense, even more ridiculous than the first, is to claim that the Earth actually must complete 361 degrees of rotation per day, and that that somehow makes up for it. They completely redefine what a "day" means and claim, instead of a day being one full 24 hour rotation of the globe as we have always been taught, a "day" now suddenly means "the amount of rotation until the Sun reaches the same point in the sky," which they say is approximately 361 degrees. With this excuse, however, new problems arise because the globe's supposed orbit around the Sun is actually elliptical, so depending where/when during its revolution around the Sun, the Earth's rotation on its axis would have to be both speeding up and slowing down at different times of the year just to maintain their new definition of what a "day" means. But of course in their own model, the Earth's alleged rotation never speeds up or slows down and remains constant always. They cannot have it both ways, but like the kid who wants to have his cake and eat it too, these leaps of logic pose no problem for the willfully ignorant. For the fearlessly inquisitive critical thinkers out there, if you still believe you live on a big blue marble spinning faster than the speed of sound, please find some time to watch our new feature documentary, LEVEL:
Daylight Debunks the Globe
How Maps, Compasses, and Circumnavigation Work on Flat Earth
How Maps, Compasses, and Circumnavigation Work on Flat Earth
There is a popular myth taught to school children (which most adults today still believe) that people in history have travelled in perfectly straight lines Eastwards or Westwards and eventually arrived back at their starting point. It is heralded as proof of the globe Earth, and claimed that hundreds of adventurers since Magellan have completed such successful circumnavigations, but the truth is that no one in history has ever set off travelling in a perfectly straight line and returned back at their starting point. All successful circumnavigations in history, whether by sea or air, have instead followed the same pattern, which is sailing or flying the most convenient route from port to port stopping for supplies and re-fueling until a complete circle has been made. Not a single sailor or aviator in history has (or could) travel only in the same one perfectly straight direction and magically arrive back where they began. This ridiculous lie becomes obvious when critically examined, but when taught to young children successfully bends and warps their minds into accepting globe indoctrination. Unlike the cardinal directions on a compass rose, North, South, East, and West on Earth are not simply straight lines separated by 90 degrees. North, rather than being an upward shooting arrow, is actually a point - a centerpoint - THE centerpoint of the entire Earth known as the geographic North Pole situated directly below Polaris, the North Pole star, the only motionless star in the heavens which marks the exact Northern centerpoint of the sky. South, rather than being a downward shooting arrow, is actually every line tangent to the Northern centerpoint, or in other words, every straight line extending outwards from the North Pole heads due South. East and West, rather than being right and left facing arrows, are actually clockwise and counter-clockwise circles around the Pole. The Sun, Moon and stars all rise in the East and set in the West, making perfect circles over and around us every day. As you can observe, they travel in a circular Westwards path over and around the Earth, and do not all travel in a straight leftward direction as suggested by a compass rose. Likewise navigators since ancient times have used Polaris to guide their ships, knowing that Polaris was the heavenly North Pole, South was traveling keeping your back to Polaris, East meant traveling keeping your left shoulder 90 degrees to the Pole Star, and West meant traveling keeping your right shoulder 90 degrees to the Pole Star. All circumnavigations in history have been Eastwards or Westwards and never Northwards or Southwards because the latter is geographically impossible. Likewise Southern hemisphere flights from Australia to South America, or New Zealand to South Africa, for example, never fly the shortest, most direct route on a globe which would be Southwards over Antarctica. It is claimed this is because such flights would allegedly be too cold for any airplanes to handle, but the reality is the routes are geographically impossible because Antarctica is not a tiny ice-continent confined to the underside of a spherical spinning ball-Earth. Antarctica is actually the outer Southern perimeter of our level motionless plane Earth and surrounds the other six continents. How far Southwards Antarctica actually extends and how it terminates or what exists beyond it are all unknown to and kept from the general public however, and as a result, no completely accurate, fully functioning flat Earth map exists or could exist without the people being first allowed full independent exploration of the Arctic, Antarctic, and every where else. There are, however, several maps which work as good visual aids for approximating the geography of our flat, stationary Earth. The Gleason's 1892 new standard map of the world and Hammond's 1945 air-age map of the world are two such maps. These so-called "Azimuthal Equidistant" maps are used in practical navigation and can be found in the logos of the United Nations, World Health Organization, International Maritime Organization, and International Civil Aviation Organization. They purport these to be simply two-dimensional representations of a spherical Earth with the North Pole at the centerpoint and claim these maps were made by flattening the globe, but just the opposite is true, and the globe (specifically the so-called "continent" of Antarctica) was made by spherizing our flat Earth, and bundling the expansive outer perimeter into a cramped oddly shaped ice-continent under the ball, kept off-limits by treaty from the general public. To learn more about our level motionless Earth, please visit:
How Maps, Compasses, and Circumnavigation Work on Flat Earth
17 Motivos por los que razonamos que la Tierra es Plana, estacionaria y circular
17 Motivos por los que razonamos que la Tierra es Plana, estacionaria y circular
Indicamos 17 motivos que nos llevan a pensar y razonar que vivimos en una Tierra plana, estacionaria y circular. Destacamos: observación de objetos supuestamente detras de la curvatura terrestre, mecánica de fluidos, brujulas, giroscopios, experimentos científicos, construcciones megalíticas, giro de las estrellas y "planetas", ausencia se fotografias reales, etc... __________________________________________________________________ Artículo 19. Declaración de los DDHH Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión; este derecho incluye el de no ser molestado a causa de sus opiniones, el de investigar y recibir informaciones y opiniones, y el de difundirlas, sin limitación de fronteras, por cualquier medio de expresión.
17 Motivos por los que razonamos que la Tierra es Plana, estacionaria y circular
The 35 Most Common Flat Earth Questions Answered in 35 Minutes
The 35 Most Common Flat Earth Questions Answered in 35 Minutes
TruthCenter has just released this excellent concise but comprehensive Flat Earth F.A.Q. which makes for a perfect introduction video. Please share this with all your friends, family, social medias, and subscribe to TruthCenter here: 1. What does the Flat Earth look like? (0:15) 2. Where’s the edge? (1:09) 3. Where is the Sun on a Flat Earth? (2:07) 4. What about ships disappearing over the horizon? (3:02) 5. Why can’t I see across the oceans? (3:47) 6. How is circumnavigation possible on a Flat Earth? (4:22) 7. What about the Felix Baumgartner Red Bull Jump? (4:57) 8. What is underneath the Flat Earth? (5:45) 9. Does the Flat Earth move? (6:29) 10. What about Satellites, ISS, and the Hubble Space Telescope? (7:23) 11. Why is the Moon upside down in the Southern Hemisphere? (9:02) 12. What about the pictures of Earth from Space? (9:39) 13. Is the Moonlight just reflection of the Sun’s light? (10:52) 14. What about stars and does Outer Space even exist? (12:18) 15. Why do the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size? (13:01) 16. What about eclipses? (13:48) 17. What about the Coriolis Effect? (15:23) 18. Are the other planets flat? (16:26) 19. What about Gravity? (17:26) 20. What about Seasons? (19:29) 21. What about Time Zones? (20:22) 22. What about the Moon and Mars Landings? (21:01) 23. What about seeing the curve from an airplane window? (22:20) 24. What about Foucault’s Pendulum? (23:11) 25. How do you explain North and South on a Flat Earth? (24:03) 26. What about meteors, comets, and craters? (24:55) 27. Is there a dome over the flat Earth? (26:39) 28. Is Flat Earth only for religious people? (27:32) 29. Does the Bible say the Earth is flat? (28:06) 30. What about the Flat Earth Society? (28:52) 31. Who is behind the deception? (30:16) 32. Why would they lie about Flat Earth? (31:17) 33. Are all Scientists, Pilots, Engineers, and members of the Government in on the lie? (32:26) 34. Who is spreading the Flat Earth message? (33:16) 35. Why does it matter if Earth is flat? (34:50) For more info about our flat, motionless earth please visit:
The 35 Most Common Flat Earth Questions Answered in 35 Minutes
Tierra Globo Matemáticamente Refutada Ft. Decimal Z
Tierra Globo Matemáticamente Refutada Ft. Decimal Z
Conoce cómo se llegó a la conclusión de que la Tierra es un globo y por qué los cálculos de Eratóstenes fueron incorrectos, comprobado matemáticamente por el Dr. Zack (Decimal Z) y su equipo de colaboradores en este interesante experimento. Canal Dr. Zack (Decimal Z): Video Dr. Zack: Refracción parte 1/3 - El Sol: ¡Muchas gracias por ver este video! Si te gustó suscríbete al canal y únete a las redes sociales de NAOV para estar en comunicación: Suscríbete a NAOV: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Apoya mi canal: Música: "Darkness" by Luca Fraula ( License: CC BY ( "Hiding Your Reality" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY ( "Stay The Course" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY ( “River of Io” by by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY ( "Morgana Rides " by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY ( "Echoes of Time" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY ( “Satiate Percussion” by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY ( “Satiate” by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY ( "Countdown" by Alexander Nakarada ( License: CC BY ( © 2019 NAOV. Todos los Derechos Reservados. #Tierra #Matemáticas #Ciencia
Tierra Globo Matemáticamente Refutada Ft. Decimal Z
Flat Earth's Sacred Arctic Land & the Polar Return: An Intro Presentation
Flat Earth's Sacred Arctic Land & the Polar Return: An Intro Presentation
**The North Seal Project has been CANCELLED for the time being.** I give a semi-complete presentation on the North Polar vortex, the Axis Mundi, what it means and how it relates to the ancients and the coming Golden Age, the Black Sun, the heart, and more. My other YouTube channel:
Flat Earth's Sacred Arctic Land & the Polar Return: An Intro Presentation
200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball (HD Remastered)
200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball (HD Remastered)
Thanks so much to all the wonderful translators and video editors, just this week we now have 4 new translations (bringing the current total to 25) and a high-definition 2019 updated version of 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball. Please help share this video and/or the free PDF now available in English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai and Urdu:
200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball (HD Remastered)
Watch "Experimento Láser Prueba que NO hay Curvatura" on YouTube
Watch "Experimento Láser Prueba que NO hay Curvatura" on YouTube
Conoce el experimento láser más grande y sofisticado realizado por el equipo de FECORE para poner a prueba el modelo del geoide WGS84. Video Original: Documento FECORE Experimento Láser: ........................................................................................................... Apoya a FECORE: ............................................................................................................ Agradecimientos especiales a: Globebusters (Bob Knodel) Karen B David Weiss Dave Murphy: Steve Torrence Patrick Zeester Sandor Szekely Rick Hummer Didi Vanh Gary John Robert Scott Jeroen Jongejans Mike Cavanaugh (The President of FECORE) Agradecimiento especial a: Video de FECORE Editado por Zack AKA Decimal Z (Dr. Zack) Apoya a Dr. Zack: ✅PayPal link 1: ✅PayPal Link 2: ​ ✅Patreon: ✅Bitcoin: 3N9YibNX8G6otuMLjQfm48NKBpe3KYQjfh ✅Ethereum: 0xe13CeD5A10CB2eF3a852f85249A9068dC2Ef7b6a ​ ✅Facebook: ​ ✅Decimal Z Channel:​ ✅Dr. Zack's Email: Música de este video: Desert City by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Morgana Rides by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: River of Io by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Impact Prelude by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: The Descent by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Floating Cities by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Begin The End by Euan Ford Link: License: Echoes of Time by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Suspenseful Cinematic Ambient by MusicLFiles Link: License: The Drama by Rafael Krux Link: License: Cinematic Logo by WinnieTheMoog Link: License: NAOV 2021 #Experimento #Láser #Ciencia
Watch "Experimento Láser Prueba que NO hay Curvatura" on YouTube
El Gran Problema de la Tierra Plana Ft. @Decimal Z - YouTube
El Gran Problema de la Tierra Plana Ft. @Decimal Z - YouTube
Este video trata sobre uno de los grandes problemas que tiene el modelo de la Tierra plana y cuál es su solución. También por qué se llegó a conformar el globo terráqueo y su circunferencia con Eratóstenes. Conocer esto nos puede llevar a comprender mejor nuestro mundo y a entenderlo de una nueva forma. Canal de Dr. Zack @Decimal Z : Video sobre la salida y puesta del Sol en la TP: Video sobre cómo se elevan y ocultan los astros: Video del experimento del Dr. Zack que prueba que una mesa plana puede ser esférica: ¡Muchas gracias por ver este video! Si te gustó suscríbete al canal y únete a las redes sociales de NAOV para estar en comunicación: Suscríbete a NAOV: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Apoya mi canal: Música: I Can Feel it Coming Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License The Descent Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Half Mystery Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Darkness by Luca Fraula Link: License: Hiding Your Reality Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Industrial Cinematic Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License © 2020 NAOV. Todos los Derechos Reservados. #Tierra #Sol #Ciencia
El Gran Problema de la Tierra Plana Ft. @Decimal Z - YouTube
Documental Tierra Plana Completo | NAOV
Documental Tierra Plana Completo | NAOV
Conoce todo sobre la teoría de la Tierra Plana en este documental especial de NAOV. Argumentos, evidencias y explicaciones que pueden hacerte ver el mundo de una manera totalmente diferente. ¡Muchas gracias por ver este video! Si te gustó suscríbete al canal y únete a las redes sociales de NAOV para estar en comunicación: Suscríbete a NAOV: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Apoya mi canal: Música: TeknoAXE ( The Tekno Files by TeknoAXE Frostbitten Sunrise by TeknoAXE What Remains of the Yamato by TeknoAXE Burnt Out Space Hulk by TeknoAXE Beauty of the Cosmos by TeknoAXE Abandoned Cemetery by TeknoAXE Cavernous Wretch by TeknoAXE At The End of All Things by TeknoAXE Dwelling in a Basement by TeknoAXE Sindragosa Takes Flight by TeknoAXE The Forgotten Crypt by TeknoAXE Alien Ship by TeknoAXE Cooler Heads Prevail by TeknoAXE Mission Objectives by TeknoAXE Suspense Introduction by TeknoAXE Base Chase 2 Prelude by TeknoAXE Road Trip Through Installation 04 by TeknoAXE Wrath of the Icestorm by TeknoAXE Quiet Breeches in Space by TeknoAXE Traversing the Heavens by TeknoAXE Crypt of Stan by TeknoAXE Quiet Breeches in Space by TeknoAXE Interplanetary Express by TeknoAXE Stellar Findings by TeknoAXE Artic Caves by TeknoAXE Wrath of the Icestorm by TeknoAXE Kevin MacLeod ( Final Battle of the Dark Wizards by Kevin MacLeod Crypto by Kevin MacLeod Satiate - only percussion by Kevin MacLeod Rites by Kevin MacLeod Satiate by Kevin MacLeod Myst on the Moor by Kevin MacLeod Hiding Your Reality by Kevin MacLeod Industrial Cinematic by Kevin MacLeod Half Mystery by Kevin MacLeod Cinema Blockbuster Trailer 1 by Sascha Ende ( Toda la música bajo licencia: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( © 2019 NAOV. Todos los Derechos Reservados. Prohibida su Reproducción Total o Parcial. #TierraPlana #Terraplanistas #Documental
Documental Tierra Plana Completo | NAOV
Lugares más planos de la Tierra Plana. Por qué te gusta vivir en agua curvada global? - YouTube
Lugares más planos de la Tierra Plana. Por qué te gusta vivir en agua curvada global? - YouTube
⛔ 🙉🙊🙈 Videos censurados privados en Patreon: 👍 Si te gustan mis videos puedes donar $1/mes: 👍 👍 Mercado Pago: 👍 Donar Bitcoin: 3C3VZKefaDderuKv85xKDcznEqzPTegQqm 👍Twitter: 👍Facebook: 🔔 Para los pobres: ☕ Invítame a un café: ☕ 🔔 SUSCRIBETE a Libertalya – Verdad y Libertad: 🔔 ►Videos Populares Libertalya: ►Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas Artículo 19 💪Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión; este derecho incluye el de no ser molestado a causa de sus opiniones, el de investigar y recibir informaciones y opiniones, y el de difundirlas, por cualquier medio de expresión.💪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ░░░░░░░░░ LIBERTAD DE EXPRESIÓN ░░░░░░░░░ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hazte miembro del canal aquí:
Lugares más planos de la Tierra Plana. Por qué te gusta vivir en agua curvada global? - YouTube
¿Condicionamiento o Primado Negativo? Esférica o Plana... - YouTube
¿Condicionamiento o Primado Negativo? Esférica o Plana... - YouTube
#killuminati#Tierraplana#PrimadoNegativo Explicación del primado negativo, el condicionamiento y el conformismo, junto a los tipos de memoria a los que pertenecen y la capacidad de influencia de los procesos cognitivos en el ser humano mediante los medios de comunicación de masas. Para entenderlo, he hecho una recopilación de vídeos en los que directamente nos han dicho la verdad en los medios de comunicación de masas para generarnos primado negativo. Que la tierra es plana, que la carrera espacial es una gran mentira o que los actor-nautas son colgados para simular la ingravidez, son algunas de las verdades que nos han estado diciendo desde niños para manipular nuestros procesos cognitivos. Invitación para LBRY y$/invite/@Exponiendolaverdad:7 Canal de LBRY y Donativos: Donaciones en mi número de cuenta bancaria: ES6900497681812210008996 Donaciones en mi cartera de Bitcoin: 1ETzAHJpgm2ipDkNomSb4pQzYrXfZqREr6 Unirse al canal: Mapa de las líneas Ley: Enlaces de descarga del vídeo censurado desde mi web: Mi canal de LBRY: Mi canal de Twitch: Página Web oficial: Tienda con merchandising del canal: Libros recomendados: Vídeos nuevos en mi página web: Para cualquier consulta, mediante estas redes sociales, un abrazo. mail: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Blogger: Mi canal de LBRY: Mi web: Mi canal de Twitch:
¿Condicionamiento o Primado Negativo? Esférica o Plana... - YouTube
Jesus and The Sun God (Zeitgeist excerpt) - YouTube
Jesus and The Sun God (Zeitgeist excerpt) - YouTube
This excerpt from the documentary "Zeitgeist" shines a very logical light on the requirement of ancient humans to give importance to certain astrological and seasonal phenomena, and how these then became the religions we know so well today. Knowledge is power, and when you learn your own history then this knowledge has the power to liberate you from false control structures. This video is from the blog post -- The above clip is from the documentary "Zeitgeist" by Peter Joseph and can be found in its entirety here-- Come follow the white rabbit: Facebook: Twitter: Blog:
Jesus and The Sun God (Zeitgeist excerpt) - YouTube
Flat Earth Precision-Seasons, Time Zones, and Star Trails - YouTube
Flat Earth Precision-Seasons, Time Zones, and Star Trails - YouTube
The earth is not a random spinning ball hurtling through a vast Big Bang universe. The true flat earth is a precise clock with everything rotating around magnetic North. The stars, sun, moon, seasons, and inner workings are all in perfect synchrony and precision. It is truly a masterpiece of God! Donate:
Flat Earth Precision-Seasons, Time Zones, and Star Trails - YouTube
High Altitude Balloon 18
High Altitude Balloon 18
Date of Launch 10 November 2018 Max Altitude 114709 Feet Launch Location Santa Nella, Ca. Landing Site about 20 miles NE of Idria, Ca. 4 Cameras onboard: 1 GoPro Hero 3 Silver with 4.35mm Lens (Top View) 1 GoPro Hero 4 Black with 4.35mm Lens (Rocket View) 1 GoPro Hero 4 Black with 7.2mm Lens (Infrared View) 1 GoPro Hero 4 Black with 5.4mm Lens (Comparison View For IR Camera) Tracking: 1 Spot Tracker 1 Tracksoar Radio Tracker Data Logger: Z Log 7 (Hexpert Systems) Rocket Motor: A3-4T Note: No outside temperature recorded on this flight. I purchase new temperature sensor and will include it on next flight. Good Neighbor: Owner of Panoche Inn Name is Sam.
High Altitude Balloon 18