

DECEL - Diccionario Etimológico Castellano en Línea
DECEL - Diccionario Etimológico Castellano en Línea
Esta página revela la etimología de más de quince-mil palabras listadas por orden alfabetico. Además su motor de búsqueda arriba a mano derecha ofrece otras dieciocho-mil entradas mínimas, que no aparecen en la lista.
DECEL - Diccionario Etimológico Castellano en Línea
Palabras que
Palabras que
Laboratorio de palabras, para buscar que acaban con una letra, palabras que empiecen o que tengan la letra que quieras y muchas opciones más.
Palabras que
Flat Earth Dome Model - Walter Blisnis
Flat Earth Dome Model - Walter Blisnis
Here is an interactive Flat Earth Model that can explain Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, Moon Phases, Moon s apparent rotation, Sun s position on Equinox, Seasons, some aspects of Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Star trails, 24 hours Day Night at the Northpole and Antarctica, Celestial Poles, why people south of the equator can see the same Stars rotate clockwise around a singe celestial pole at the same time at different continents. But many aspects of reality are not solvable by this Model. The flat earth dome model had to be derived entirely from the heliocentric model which results are then simply projected onto the flat earth and the dome. To connect the flat earth projections with the dome projections, light must bend in a physically impossible way.
Flat Earth Dome Model - Walter Blisnis
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Online Doc Translator
Online Doc Translator
Servicio gratuito en línea que traduce documentos de oficina (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, OpenOffice, texto) a múltiples idiomas, preservando el diseño original. Formatos de archivo admitidos: Word: doc, docx; PDF: pdf; Excel: xls, xlsx; PowerPoint; Ppt, pptx; Texto xml, txt ....
Online Doc Translator
Linguistic search engine and smart translator that helps you find the perfect word or sentence to express your ideas.
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Lingva Translate
Lingva Translate
Alternative front-end for Google Translate, serving as a Free and Open Source translator with over a hundred languages available
Lingva Translate
Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. 100% self-hosted, no limits, no ties to proprietary services. Run your own API server in just a few minutes.
Mike Dane
Mike Dane
Mike Dane has one simple goal, to create the highest quality and entertaining educational content on the internet.
Mike Dane
Network Chuck
Network Chuck
Whether you want to become a network engineer, a hacker, cloud engineer or just want to know how to get started in IT, you’ve come to the right place.
Network Chuck
Porque creemos que la única forma de ser mejores es ayudando a otros. Y que incluso al divertirte puedes hacer cosas increíbles... si tu tienes la pasión por algo, pero no encuentras el lugar donde mejorar tus conocimientos, Webtraining es para ti.
Babylon Software
Babylon Software
With Babylon translation software You can instantly translate any word that appears on your screen, while also receiving dictionary and Wikipedia results.
Babylon Software
CheckYourMath has answers to your every day Math questions. Online calculators to quickly convert units between US Customary Units, the Imperial System, and the Metric System with formulas, examples, and tables.
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The easy to understand dictionary with example sentences, famous quotes and audio pronunciations. Includes: thesaurus, computer dictionary, investment dictionary, law dictionary and more.
Palabras con
Palabras con
Buscador avanzado de palabras en español, también con opciones para Aworded/Angry words, Mezcladitos/Words Crack y Scrabble.
Palabras con