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EVAGD - Gobierno de Canarias
EVAGD - Gobierno de Canarias
EVAGD (Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje de Gestión distribuida en Canarias)
EVAGD - Gobierno de Canarias
PINCEL eKade - Gobierno de Canarias
PINCEL eKade - Gobierno de Canarias
El proyecto PINCEL, cuyo acrónimo es "Programa INformático para la gestión de Centros Educativos según la LOGSE", nació hace más de una década como ...
PINCEL eKade - Gobierno de Canarias
iTranslate - The Leading Translation and Dictionary App
iTranslate - The Leading Translation and Dictionary App
iTranslate enables travelers, students, business professionals, employers and medical staff to read, write and speak in over 100 languages, anywhere in the world. Translate text, websites and start voice conversations. You can also look up words, their meanings, and conjugate verbs.
iTranslate - The Leading Translation and Dictionary App
FOLDOC - Computing Dictionary
FOLDOC - Computing Dictionary
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing contains terms from computing such as acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards, mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions, companies, projects, products and history of computing.
FOLDOC - Computing Dictionary
Materiales de Clase
Materiales de Clase
▷【 2023 】- MATERIALES DE CLASE de todos los cursos y para todos los alumnos y profesores al completo para descargar
Materiales de Clase
Píldoras Informáticas
Píldoras Informáticas
Cursos de informática de calidad. Cursos de programación desde 0. Resolución de dudas y ejercicios.
Píldoras Informáticas
Rosetta Stone - Aprender un Idioma
Rosetta Stone - Aprender un Idioma
Rosetta Stone incluye todo lo que usted necesita para comenzar a aprender un idioma. Nuestro programa para aprender idiomas es rápido, fácil y efectivo.
Rosetta Stone - Aprender un Idioma
Vertex School
Vertex School
Innovative Creative Tech Training to Prepare you for the Future. We specialize in immersive creative tech education for games, films, XR and the metaverse.
Vertex School
Stellarium Web
Stellarium Web
Stellarium Web is a planetarium running in your web browser. It shows a realistic star map, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
Stellarium Web is where you can find all the Purrfect Web Tutorials that you will ever need!
Web Dev Simplified
Web Dev Simplified
My name is Kyle and I have been a full stack web developer since 2015. I have a Computer Engineering degree, but am mostly self-taught when it comes to web development. Because of this I am able to leverage both my formal education as well as my experience as a self-taught developer to create the most comprehensive and easy to understand courses available. I also run the YouTube channel Web Dev Simplified with over 1 million subscribers.
Web Dev Simplified
Tennis Academy Mallorca | Rafa Nadal Academy
Tennis Academy Mallorca | Rafa Nadal Academy
Rafa Nadal Academy by Movistar is a very special project for Rafa Nadal. Offers the possibility, for young tennis players, to train with the same method that has made Rafa the number one. With the guarantees of being surrounded by the best coaches and the best technical team in the field of tennis.
Tennis Academy Mallorca | Rafa Nadal Academy
Responsive Design Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Aprende Magia con Luis Piedrahita
Aprende Magia con Luis Piedrahita
Con el curso Aprende Magia de Luis Piedrahita aprenderás trucos y técnicas con las que le volarás la cabeza a tus amigos y familiares, con solo una baraja de cartas.
Aprende Magia con Luis Piedrahita
Dictionnaire Littré - Dictionnaire de la langue française
Dictionnaire Littré - Dictionnaire de la langue française
Le Littré, dictionnaire de la langue français. Texte intégral, sans publicité ni brimborions. Dictionnaire ancien, paru de 1873 à 1877 en 4 volumes et un supplément. Les définitions sont agrémentées de nombreuses citations littéraires allant du Xe au XIXe siècle.
Dictionnaire Littré - Dictionnaire de la langue française