Emulation & virtualization

PS2 Emulator
PS2 Emulator
PCSX2 is a free, multi-platform and open-source Playstation 2 emulator which supports over 98% of the original PS2 library. Download the latest version or read up on our most recent development progress.
PS2 Emulator
SmartOS container
SmartOS container
SmartOS is a purpose-built, container-native hypervisor and lightweight container host OS for secure, performant, and convenient container hosting in public and private clouds
SmartOS container
Porting Kit
Porting Kit
With Porting Kit, you can install Windows games and apps on macOS easily using Wineskin technology!
Porting Kit
Download q4wine for free. Q4Wine is a qt4 (http://www.qtsoftware.com/) GUI for W.I.N.E. (http://winehq.org/) It will help you manage wine prefixes and installed applications.
Fmstrat/winapps · GitHub
Fmstrat/winapps · GitHub
Run Windows apps such as Microsoft Office/Adobe in Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora) and GNOME/KDE as if they were a part of the native OS, including Nautilus integration. - GitHub - Fmstrat/winapps: Run Windo...
Fmstrat/winapps · GitHub
WineBottler packages Windows-based programs snugly into OS X app-bundles. No need to install emulators or operating systems - WineBottler uses the great open-source tool Wine to run the binaries on your Mac.