Write & Improve is a free service for learners of English to practise their written English. Submit your written work and receive feedback in seconds, covering spelling, vocabulary, grammar and general style.
Speak & Improve is a research project for learners of English to practise their spoken English. Take a test and get an estimated score for your English speaking.
Pearson VUE delivers high-stakes exams that empower professions to certify and license individuals who safeguard and advance their communities across the globe. We continue to develop the leading testing technologies that drive progress through essential credentials in virtually every industry.
Sign in to buy and use the Oxford Placement Test, the Oxford Placement Test for Young Learners and more exam preparation and practice materials and more.
The Oxford Test of English is an affordable, personalized test that fits you. 100% online, it's flexible, fast and available at Approved Test Centres worldwide. Plus, it’s the only language proficiency test certified by the University of Oxford.
ETS is committed to advancing quality and equity in education for all people worldwide through assessment development, educational research, policy studies and more.
Learn American English with English language lessons from Voice of America. VOA Learning English helps you learn English with vocabulary, listening and comprehension lessons through daily news and interactive English learning activities.
The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn English and American culture. Start speaking English in minutes with audio and video lessons, audio dictionary, and learning community!
Language immersion is the key to learning a foreign language. FluentU brings language learning to life through language immersion with real-world videos.
Aprende inglés gratis con nuestros cursos. ¡Mas de 100 lecciones con ejemplos y audio! Distintas y divertidas formas de estudiar inglés: canciones, ejercicios, vídeos, expresiones, chat... Encontrarás además herramientas que te ayudarán a estudiar inglés: conjugador de verbos, traductor, buscador de verbos y phrasal verbs, etc. ¡Pruébalas!
Aprende Inglés en Cali con Nuestros Programas para Niños, Jóvenes y Adultos. Contamos con Programas Personalizados y Corporativos, así como Clases de Francés y Español para Extranjeros.
Learn English with these free learning English videos and materials from BBC Learning English. This site will help you learn English and improve your pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary knowledge.
Cualquier pregunta no contestada se marcará como incorrecta. Para enviar tus respuestas, haz click en el botón que encontrarás al final del test. A continuación verás tu resultado y la correspondencia de los niveles según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas. Good luck!
Test de Inglés'.Aprende inglés con el método Vaughan. Elige el programa que mejor se adapte a ti: clases presenciales para niños, jóvenes y adultos, curso online, inmersiones en España, inmersiones en el extranjero, clases 24 horas al día en Vaughan Radio y mucho más.
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Test your English with the EF Standard English Test (EF SET), the first free, online standardized English test built to rigorous academic requirements, and as reliable as fee-based exams.