Exercice video

5 Minute Full Body Mobility Follow Along (Beginner Friendly)
5 Minute Full Body Mobility Follow Along (Beginner Friendly)
Here's a QUICK 5-minute full-body mobility routine with beginner and advanced modifications. 3 Day True Beginner Calisthenics Program: https://summerfunfitness.com/3-day-true-beginner-calisthenics-program Free Calisthenics Workouts: https://summerfunfitness.com/calisthenics-workout-routines/ Dip Bars: https://lebertfitness.com/en-ca/products/lebert-equalizer/?ref=Summer CODE: SUMMER Yoga Mats: https://www.scoriaworld.com/collections/all-adult-cork-yoga-mats/aff=Summerfunfitness CODE: SUMMERFUNFITNESS Follow me on Instagram for unique #calisthenics tips. @summerfunfitness_ https://www.instagram.com/summerfunfitness_/ #5minutemobility #quickmobility #fullbodymobility
5 Minute Full Body Mobility Follow Along (Beginner Friendly)
Swim with LESS Effort - YouTube
Swim with LESS Effort - YouTube
This video will save you a lot of time and frustration. We will share with you what we have learned these last 5 years of research and in more than 20 years of swimming experienced that my brother and I each have. The video format is different but it is the best way to help you improve as soon as possible. 00:00 - Swim with less effort 00:19 - Swim like an ironman, triathlete 01:00 - Hidden problems 02:43 - Push off the wall 03:35 - Denise 03:53 - core muscles 04:53 - Pull buoy 06:37 - Swim above the water? 07:39 - Breathing technique Our dry-land channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMx5IKVnc7RfNCs2TyjoLuw Swimming camps: https://skillswimming.com/swimming-camp/ If you like swimming, you will like our webpage: https://skillswimming.com/swimming/ Tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@skillsntalents Our favorite Amazon products: http://bit.ly/SkillsNAmazon Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/skillsntalents Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SkillsNTalents Thanks for watching! Swim fast! Sources: http://robslink.com/SAS/democd79/body_part_weights.html
Swim with LESS Effort - YouTube
Cardio Workout: Five-Minutes
Cardio Workout: Five-Minutes
Subscribe for more workouts and tips: http://goo.gl/sxLYmP Additional fitness tips: http://goo.gl/vFWbTL Quick Workouts: http://goo.gl/mj1b0C Sometimes fitting a 30 minute workout into your day can be a challenge, or even a complete no-go. We don't want you to miss out on getting a workout in just because of time restraints though, so we put together this five-minute cardio workout so you can get a quick cardio blast in. Squeeze this in once in the morning, and once in the evening, or if you have time, go through it a couple times in one shot. Whatever fits your schedule. Here’s what the cardio workout includes: 7 exercises for 30 seconds each with 15 seconds of active recovery jogging between each exercise. Since each exercise is only done for 30 seconds, be sure to challenge yourself to maximize your results in the short amount of time this workout takes. Total time: 5 minutes Skaters – 30 seconds Jog in place – 15 seconds Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds Jog in place – 15 seconds Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds Jog in place – 15 seconds Jump Lunges – 30 seconds Jog in place – 15 seconds High Knees – 30 seconds Jog in place – 15 seconds Squat Punches – 30 seconds Jog in place – 15 seconds Burpees – 30 seconds Other fitness resources you may find helpful: http://www.Bowflex.com - Find all the fitness solutions you'll ever need to get on your way to being a healthier you. http://www.BowflexInsider.com - Head to the Bowflex Insider blog to read the latest in all things related to fitness and health and find simple ways to start losing weight.
Cardio Workout: Five-Minutes
Full body cardio 45 mins
Full body cardio 45 mins
♥ ♥ LÉEME / DESPLIÉGAME ♥ ♥ Hola a todos! ¿Cómo estáis? ¿Estáis preparados? ¿Tenéis las pilas cargadas? Hoy os traigo una entrenamiento completo para tonificar el cuerpo de FULL BODY CARDIO de 45 minutos. Vamos a trabajar las diferentes partes del cuerpo por intervalos. Trabajaremos los abdominales, los brazos, las piernas y también haremos cardio apara quemar grasa. Así que prepararos porque vamos a sudar. Os recuerdo que si os cuesta seguir con la rutina, podéis disminuir la intensidad de los ejercicios o hacer menos repeticiones. También deciros que en la web www.gymvirtual.com encontraréis los calendarios de entrenamiento tanto para principiantes cómo los que hacéis deporte regularmente. Espero que os haya gustado la rutina y nos vemos en la siguiente. #GymVirtual #YoPuedoConTodo #YPCT ♡ ♡ ¿QUÉ LLEVAMOS PUESTO? ♡ ♡ Claudia (acompañante de mi izquierda) Camiseta: http://bit.ly/2cVdqrS Top: http://bit.ly/2nw6MOQ Mallas: http://bit.ly/2c7TUIg Zapatillas: http://bit.ly/2bvl24n Sandra (acompañante de mi derecha) Camiseta: http://bit.ly/2nrSjXy Mallas: http://bit.ly/2negLeq Zapatillas: http://bit.ly/2cmM6TT Yo: Camiseta: http://bit.ly/2dmm2gU Mallas: http://bit.ly/2dmqdEV Zapatillas: http://bit.ly/2cmM6TT ♡♡ ¡SUSCRÍBETE! ♡♡ http://www.youtube.com/user/gymvirtual ................................................................................................................................. MIS OTROS CANALES ♡ SECRETOS DE CHICAS: http://www.youtube.com/secretosdechicas ♡ SECRETOS DE CHICAS VIP: http://www.youtube.com/secretosdechicasvip ♡ GYM VIRTUAL: http://www.youtube.com/gymvirtual ♡ SECRETOS DE CHICAS VLOG: http://www.youtube.com/secretosdechicasvlog ♡ PATRY JORDAN: http://www.youtube.com/patryjordan ................................................................................................................................. REDES SOCIALES ♡ INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/gymvirtual_com ♡ SNAPCHAT: patryjordan ♡ TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/gymvirtual_com ♡ FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/gymvirtual ♡ PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/patryjordan ♡ GOOGLE +: http://bit.ly/1UKC7Jv ♡ MI PÁGINA WEB: http://www.gymvirtual.com ................................................................................................................................. ¿QUIERES MANDARME UN DETALLITO? Patry Jordán Apartado de Correos 162 17080 Girona ................................................................................................................................. ♡ COMPRAR MI LIBRO: http://bit.ly/1MxJmx9 ♡ COMPRAR MI EBOOK: http://bit.ly/1Fruwbq ................................................................................................................................. VÍDEOS POPULARES CARDIO INTENSO 30’ ADELGAZAR RÁPIDO: http://bit.ly/1WESN49 AUMENTAR GLÚTEOS 25’: http://bit.ly/1PosZU7 CARDIO 30’ ELIMINAR GRASA ABDOMINAL: http://bit.ly/1U47wYB RUTINA DE ABS & GLÚTEOS: http://bit.ly/1UhpMy8 EJERCICIOS GLÚTEOS PERFECTOS: http://bit.ly/1S2S2ho ABDOMEN PLANO: http://bit.ly/1MzbSPA ♡♡ GRACIAS POR VERME ♡♡
Full body cardio 45 mins
Intense cardio/ tonning workout Strong by Zumba 20 minutes
Intense cardio/ tonning workout Strong by Zumba 20 minutes
Try the total-body workout where every move is synced to a beat. This 20-minute demo is just a preview of what you’ll experience in a 60-minute live class. Think you have what it takes? Find a class in your area at STRONGNation.com.
Intense cardio/ tonning workout Strong by Zumba 20 minutes
Pilates Clase Completa
Pilates Clase Completa
Hola pilater@ssss!!! como soy una mujer viajera, terrestre y cósmica (como diría Jodorowsky) os dejo esta muestra de lo que hicimos el curso pasado para que podáis seguir la rutina de cuidar vuestro cuerpo-mente y ser superior. No olvidéis que todos los ejercicios de la clase debéis hacerlos trabajando desde vuestras limitaciones sin frustraciones sino aprendiendo a amarlas para entenderlas y trabajarlas mejor. El momento de esfuerzo siempre es desde la relajación; la exhalación para dejar que el músculo pueda elongarse más sin brusquedad. Al final del video tenéis la relajación que sé que es lo que más os gusta jajaja Especial agradecimiento a Patri por la realización y edición (PROD. PATO ECHEVE) gracias por tu interés y ayuda. Un abrazo a tod@s, espero poder resolver cualquier duda que se os presente. Hasta el próximo Pilater@ssss
Pilates Clase Completa
STRONG by Zumba 30-Minute Class
STRONG by Zumba 30-Minute Class
Try the total-body workout where every move is synced to a beat. This 30-minute class is just a preview of what you’ll experience in a 60-minute live class. Think you have what it takes? Find a class in your area at STRONGNation.com.
STRONG by Zumba 30-Minute Class
STRONG by Zumba 7 Minutes to Stronger: ABS + CORE
STRONG by Zumba 7 Minutes to Stronger: ABS + CORE
It only takes 7 Minutes to Stronger abs + core! Want even more muscle-building, calorie-torching moves? Find a live class at STRONGNation.com
STRONG by Zumba 7 Minutes to Stronger: ABS + CORE
STRONG by Zumba 7 Minutes to Stronger: LEGS
STRONG by Zumba 7 Minutes to Stronger: LEGS
It only takes 7 Minutes to Stronger legs! Want even more muscle-building, calorie-torching moves? Find a live class at STRONGNation.com
STRONG by Zumba 7 Minutes to Stronger: LEGS
The Six Minute HIIT and Abs Workout
The Six Minute HIIT and Abs Workout
Check out more Bowflex workouts here: https://www.bowflex.com/blog/workouts?adID=DOXFBBYOUTUBE Do you have less than ten minutes to exercise and no equipment? No problem. By performing bodyweight moves in a circuit-style workout you can torch calories and tone your muscles in just minutes. There is a method to the madness, however. In this fat-torching, ab-flattening six-minute workout you will do a cardio move followed immediately by an abdominal move. This combination elevates your heart rate during the cardio interval, then allows for a quick recovery during the core exercise. Each movement will be done for 30 seconds each, allowing you to go at your own pace and take rest breaks if and when you need to, It’s not about how many repetitions you do, it’s about working within your limits and challenging yourself. Just starting out? Do one three-minute circuit until you’re ready for two. If you’re advanced and have a few extra minutes, you can do this workout twice for a super-challenging 12-minute workout. Here are the six exercises that you will do for 30 seconds, two times each for a total of six minutes: 1. Mountain Climbers 2. Plank 3. Squat Jumps 4. Standing Ab Crunches 5. Burpees 6. Jabs Looking for similar workouts that work the core? Try this 3 Minute Perfect Plank Workout: https://youtu.be/ynUw0YsrmSg Subscribe for more workouts and tips: http://goo.gl/sxLYmP Additional fitness tips: http://goo.gl/vFWbTL Quick workouts: http://goo.gl/mj1b0C https://www.bowflex.com/max-trainer/?adID=DOXFBBYOUTUBE - Find all the fitness solutions you'll ever need to be a healthier you. http://www.Bowflex.com/Blog?adID=DOXFBBYOUTUBE - Head to the Bowflex Insider blog to find more tips and workouts to help you reach your goals. Follow us to connect with other fans and stay up to date on the latest and greatest: https://www.instagram.com/bowflex/ http://www.facebook.com/Bowflex http://twitter.com/Bowflex http://plus.google.com/+Bowflex http://pinterest.com/Bowflex
The Six Minute HIIT and Abs Workout