Explaining video

► Fictional PLANETS Size Comparison 🌑🌍🪐 (3D) - YouTube
► Fictional PLANETS Size Comparison 🌑🌍🪐 (3D) - YouTube
→ The fictional planets shown to scale to see the different sizes there are. From the smallest to the most colossal. ► Many planets are missing (Caprica, Planet 4546B, Planet Miller, Xandar, Kerwan, Namek, Planet Vegeta, Vekta, Spherus Magna, Secunda and Masser, Pandora, Magrathea, Polus, Typhon etc, etc, etc) due to lack of information or impossibility of measurement, they could not be included. I'm sorry. Including habitable asteroids, moons, and artificial planets (but shaped like a planet) There may be some exceptions like the Discworld. ~ - Approximate ± - Error range *UM - Unreliable Measure White texts have sources Yellow texts are MBS estimates 🎵MUSIC: (CC BY) sb_precipice, sb_indreams, sb_discovery by Scott Buckley – www.scottbuckley.com.au 📝SOURCES: Aegis VII - https://deadspace.fandom.com/wiki/Aegis_VII Endor - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Endor Yavin 4 - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Yavin_4 Yavin Prime - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Yavin_Prime/Legends Bespin - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Bespin Hoth - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hoth Tatooine - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tatooine Naboo - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Naboo Coruscant - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Coruscant Requiem - https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Requiem Reach - https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Reach Genesis - https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Genesis Zebes - https://metroid.fandom.com/wiki/Zebes Tallon IV - https://metroid.fandom.com/wiki/Tallon_IV Ego the Living Planet - https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Egros_(Earth-616) Acheron (LV-426) - https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Acheron_(LV-426) Mar Sara - https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Mar_Sara Korhal - https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Korhal Gallifrey - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Gallifrey Pandora - https://james-camerons-avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Pandora Trantor - https://asimov.fandom.com/wiki/Trantor Krypton - https://dcuniverseonline.fandom.com/wiki/Krypton Ilum - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ilum Kerbin - https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin Calpamos - https://weyland.fandom.com/wiki/Calpamos Solaris - https://aliens.fandom.com/wiki/Solaris Arrakis - https://thewertzone.blogspot.com/2019/03/sf-questions-how-large-is-arrakis.html Timber Hearth & Giants deep - https://www.reddit.com/r/outerwilds/comments/efyh4s/diameters_of_planets_and_distance_from_the_sun/ Dwarf Terrace-9 - https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Dwarf_Terrace-9 Ilus IV - https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Ilus_IV Land of Light - https://ultra.fandom.com/wiki/Land_of_Light Mesklin - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesklin Qo'noS - https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Qo%27noS Romulus - https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus Cybertron - https://transformers.fandom.com/wiki/Cybertron_(planet) Homeworld planet (Spore) - https://www.reddit.com/r/Spore/comments/4liqcg/the_age_old_mystery_the_size_of_the_spore_planets/ Discworld - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discworld_(world) Corneria - https://starfox.fandom.com/wiki/Corneria Feros - https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Feros Nessus - https://www.destinypedia.com/Nessus Moon - https://youtu.be/yFPPKz6Y2hY Oris - https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/2vbgxn/size_comparison_of_well_known_planets_and_moons/ Dyson sphere - https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Dyson_sphere King Kai's Planet - https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/King_Kai%27s_Planet Titan - https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Titan_(Moon_of_Saturn) Klendathu - http://oldwiki.sstrp.net/index.php/Klendathu Vulcan - https://i.stack.imgur.com/4AAjM.jpg Polyphemus - https://james-camerons-avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Polyphemus Aiur - https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Aiur Tuchanka - https://masseffect.fandom.com/es/wiki/Tuchanka 👉 Budget for customised Comparisons: Send me an e-mail 🢂MY WEBSITES🢀 🔒MBSarmy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQwFuQLnLocj5F7ZcmcuWYQ/join 📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metaballstudios_official 🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetaBallStudios 🙂Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/metaballstudios/
► Fictional PLANETS Size Comparison 🌑🌍🪐 (3D) - YouTube
Universe Size Comparison 2020 - YouTube
Universe Size Comparison 2020 - YouTube
From the smallest measurable distance to the potentially infinite Universe, in this video we take a look at the size of... pretty much everything. Enjoy! Thanks to Savfk for his incredible original score: Check out more of Savfk's music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXlppUGWeGtHBp_1xKsawmQ Support the channel on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/HarryEvett Join the community Discord! https://discord.gg/B4pfwmK Thanks to Rowan Steyn 3D for his planet generators: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzjMLq5pbcpAMCCYW92yJbQ Made in blender 2.82
Universe Size Comparison 2020 - YouTube
Beyond Infinity Number Comparison - YouTube
Beyond Infinity Number Comparison - YouTube
Lets count from one to a a million, a googol, Graham's Number... all the way till infinity, and even how to count beyond infinity, into the uncountable infinities! We journey to see what amount of quantity for the all the people on earth, all the ants on earth, all the atoms in your body, all the stars in the universe and beyond. Every single mind-blown number you can think of, going bigger than infinity... this gets even more extreme! Music Used: Newtonia I by NAVIKMusic (Nevan Alexanian): https://youtu.be/nzbLku0MOf4 Newtonia II by NAVIKMusic (Nevan Alexanian): https://youtu.be/gAZKjwJHNdw Do support and subscribe to his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/navikmusic Kindly note several errors in the video (thanks to our viewers for spotting them): 69 should be the number of companies exceeding USD $100 BILLION as opposed to million. 172,000 is the usable words in Oxford Dictionary, the actual number is likely close to a 300K. The number of data bytes ever created should be 10^22 instead of 10^20. The figure for 10^20 is outdated. The number presented is not a Googolplex to the power of a Googolplex but rather 10^10^(100*(10^10^100)). Likewise for the Googolplex 3 times. The figures for the number of games are the lower bound, as opposed to the total number of games. The largest prime given should be the largest KNOWN prime found as of 2019. The simplified version of infinities are incorrectly described. The ordinals should be ω•2, ω•3... instead of 2ω, 3ω... The infinity symbol for inaccessible infinity is denoted as I instead of ε0, where ε0 refers to inaccessible from ω^ω... The infinity symbol for indescribable infinity is denoted as Πn_m instead of ζ0. The correct order would be ω, ω+1..., ω•2..., ω^ω...,ε0..., ζ0..., Γ...,ω_1... A rectified version incorporating different elements and items will be coming soon... List of items featured: Number of Planets, Number of letters in the English Alphabet, Number of Companies worth over 100 billion usd, Number of Countries as UN member states, Number of Days in a year, Number of Pokemon, Number of Deaths from 911, Number of Episodes of Jeopardy, Number of Games on Steam, Number of Aircraft on Earth, Total number of English Words there are, Total number of Movies ever released, Total number of Reigarw Comparisons Subscribers, Total number of people in New York City, Total number of Wikipedia Articles, Total number of heartbeats per year, Total number of books in the Library of Congress, Total number of Big Macs Sold, Total number of cars on Earth, Total number of humans on Earth, Total number of photos on Instagram, Total number of tweets on Twitter, Total number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy, Total number of trees on Earth, Total number of messages on Whatsapp, Total number of cells in our body, Total amount of money on Earth, Total number of ants on Earth, Total amount of financial assets on earth, Total number of all insects on earth, Total number of 3x3 Rubik Cube combinations possible, Total amount of bytes ever created by mankind, Total number of grains on sand on a beach, Total number of DNA base pairs in your body, Avogadro's Number, Total number of stars in our universe, Total number of atoms in our body, Total number of all bacteria on earth, Total number of IP address that can be created, Total number of 4x4 Rubik Cube combinations possible, Total number of atoms on Earth, Total mass of the universe, Total number of Planck time since the Big Bang, Total number of sand grains to fill the Universe, Total number of 52 deck card combinations possible, Total energy of the Universe, Total number of 5X5 Rubik Cube combinations possible, Total number of all fundamental particles in the Universe, Total data capacity of the Universe, Total number of years till the heat death of the Universe, Googol, Total number of every Chess games possible, Total number of every Xiangqi games possible, Total number of Planck Volume in the Universe, Total number of Planck Units of space-time in the Universe, Total number of every Go games possible, Total number of QR codes that can be created, Total number of 33X33 Rubik Cube combinations possible, Total number of word pages possible using every character out there, Total number of cattles in Archimedes Cattle Problem, Total number of images that can ever be created, Largest Prime Number, Total number of videos that can ever be created, Probability of a Boltzmann brain materializing this instant, Googolplex, Total number of Universe in our Multiverse, Total number of arrangement of every particle in our universe, Total number of years before our universe quantum resets itself, Poincare Recurrence Time Graham's Number TREE(3) Rayo's Number Countable Infinity Aleph Null, Uncountable Infinity, Aleph One, Epsilon One, Cantor Ordinal, Feferman Schutte Ordinal, Absolute Infinity
Beyond Infinity Number Comparison - YouTube
CITIES size Comparison ► 3D Animation - YouTube
CITIES size Comparison ► 3D Animation - YouTube
🗺 Welcome to this video that shows the sizes of some cities by Urban area, not just city proper (administrative) or metropolitan area. I hope you enjoy it. For more information visit the source. ⚠️ Urban area: According to Demographia, an urban area is a continuously built up land mass of urban development that is within a labor market (metropolitan area or metropolitan region) and contains no rural land. 🎶Music: Luminance by Scott Buckley – www.scottbuckley.com.au 📝Sources: http://www.demographia.com/db-worldua.pdf ---My websites----- -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metaballstudios_official -Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetaBallStudios -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/metaballstudios/
CITIES size Comparison ► 3D Animation - YouTube
📊Hello everyone, today I bring you a video that shows the surface area of SOME countries (including the sea). Not all countries are there for obvious reasons, I have tried to add a little of everything. I have selected some countries based on the majority audience of my channel. 📁I include other countries in the list with similar sizes: Greenland (~Kingdom of Denmark, Saudi Arabia) Indonesia (~Sudan, Libya, Iran, Mongolia) Peru (~South Africa) Colombia (~Bolivia, Egypt) Venezuela (~Pakistan) Turkey (~Chile, Myanmar, Afghanistan) France (~Somalia, Kenya, Ukraine) Spain (~Turkmenistan, Sweden, Morocco, Paraguay) Norway (~Japan, Finland, Malaysia) Poland (~Italy) United Kingdom (~Uganda, Romania, Ecuador, New Zealand) Uruguay (~Cambodia, Syria, Bangladesh, Nepal) Greece (~Nicaragua, North Korea, Honduras, Cuba) South Korea (~Iceland, Guatemala, Hungary, Portugal) United Arab Emirates (~Austria, Czech Republic, Panama, Ireland) Denmark (~Slovakia, Netherlands, Switzerland, Taiwan, Belgium) Israe (~El Salvador, Slovenia, Kuwait, Montenegro) Cyprus (~Puerto Rico, Brunei) Luxembourg (~Hong Kong) Singapore (~Andorra, Seychelles, Malta) 🎵Music: Omega by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/omega-scott-buckley Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/ZRBsgI8PD1Y Discovery by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/discovery-scott-buckley Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/M8ZwIybVy3o 📝Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_area ---My websites----- -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metaballstudios_official -Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetaBallStudios -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/metaballstudios/
⭐️UNIVERSE Size COMPARISON ⭐️ [E͙V͙E͙R͙Y͙T͙H͙I͙N͙G͙] - YouTube
⭐️UNIVERSE Size COMPARISON ⭐️ [E͙V͙E͙R͙Y͙T͙H͙I͙N͙G͙] - YouTube
Hello, this video is very special for the channel, it may be the video that cost the most to make, but it is also the symbol of the entire channel, comparing the universe is comparing everything, from the smallest to the largest. It was certainly a special challenge to make this video, I hope you enjoy the trip! ⚡️Sources: http://htwins.net/scale2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isppUA0MZmw&t=441s https://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/science/objects/milkyway1.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andromeda_Galaxy https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/the-pillars-of-creation https://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/einsteinlight/jw/module6_Planck.htm https://futurism.com/size-comparisons-of-the-largest-objects-in-the-known-universe/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S5_0014%2B81#Supermassive_black_hole https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagittarius_A* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pyramid_of_Giza https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Unity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydra_(moon) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluto https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius https://www.solarsystemquick.com/universe/polaris-star.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UY_Scuti https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tardigrade https://topjoyturf.com/whats-the-standard-size-of-running-track-397.html https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/resources/2142/the-king-of-gas-giants/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler-186f http://www1.lsbu.ac.uk/water/water_molecule.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_radius#Empirically_measured_atomic_radius https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucleic_acid_double_helix https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarantula_Nebula 🎧Music: Mechanolith - Kevin MacLeod Restless Natives - Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions Magical Gravity - Asher Fulero Air to the Throne - Doug Maxwell Grass - Silent Partner ---My websites----- -Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetaBallStudios -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/metaballstudios/
⭐️UNIVERSE Size COMPARISON ⭐️ [E͙V͙E͙R͙Y͙T͙H͙I͙N͙G͙] - YouTube
Group theory, abstraction, and the 196,883-dimensional monster - YouTube
Group theory, abstraction, and the 196,883-dimensional monster - YouTube
An introduction to group theory (Minor error corrections below) Help fund future projects: https://www.patreon.com/3blue1brown An equally valuable form of support is to simply share some of the videos. Special thanks to these supporters: https://3b1b.co/monster-thanks Timestamps: 0:00 - The size of the monster 0:50 - What is a group? 7:06 - What is an abstract group? 13:27 - Classifying groups 18:31 - About the monster Errors: *Typo on the "hard problem" at 14:11, it should be a/(b+c) + b/(a+c) + c/(a+b) = 4 *Typo-turned-speako: The classification of quasithin groups is 1221 pages long, not 12,000. The full collection of papers proving the CFSG theorem do comprise tens of thousands of pages, but no one paper was quite that crazy. Thanks to Richard Borcherds for his helpful comments while putting this video together. He has a wonderful hidden gem of a channel: https://youtu.be/a9k_QmZbwX8 You may also enjoy this brief article giving an overview of this monster: http://www.ams.org/notices/200209/what-is.pdf If you want to learn more about group theory, check out the expository papers here: https://kconrad.math.uconn.edu/blurbs/ Videos with John Conway talking about the Monster: https://youtu.be/jsSeoGpiWsw https://youtu.be/lbN8EMcOH5o More on Noether's Theorem: https://youtu.be/CxlHLqJ9I0A https://youtu.be/04ERSb06dOg The symmetry ambigram was designed by Punya Mishra: https://punyamishra.com/2013/05/31/symmetry-new-ambigram/ The Monster image comes from the Noun Project, via Nicky Knicky This video is part of the #MegaFavNumbers project: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLar4u0v66vIodqt3KSZPsYyuULD5meoAo To join the gang, upload your own video on your own favorite number over 1,000,000 with the hashtag #MegaFavNumbers, and the word MegaFavNumbers in the title by September 2nd, 2020, and it'll be added to the playlist above. ------------------ These animations are largely made using manim, a scrappy open-source python library: https://github.com/3b1b/manim If you want to check it out, I feel compelled to warn you that it's not the most well-documented tool, and it has many other quirks you might expect in a library someone wrote with only their own use in mind. Music by Vincent Rubinetti. Download the music on Bandcamp: https://vincerubinetti.bandcamp.com/album/the-music-of-3blue1brown Stream the music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1dVyjwS8FBqXhRunaG5W5u If you want to contribute translated subtitles or to help review those that have already been made by others and need approval, you can click the gear icon in the video and go to subtitles/cc, then "add subtitles/cc". I really appreciate those who do this, as it helps make the lessons accessible to more people. ------------------ 3blue1brown is a channel about animating math, in all senses of the word animate. And you know the drill with YouTube, if you want to stay posted on new videos, subscribe: http://3b1b.co/subscribe Various social media stuffs: Website: https://www.3blue1brown.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/3blue1brown Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/3blue1brown Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/3blue1brown_animations/ Patreon: https://patreon.com/3blue1brown Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/3blue1brown
Group theory, abstraction, and the 196,883-dimensional monster - YouTube
Bob Ross - Island in the Wilderness (Season 29 Episode 1)
Bob Ross - Island in the Wilderness (Season 29 Episode 1)
Take a walk with Bob Ross down a little lakeside path in a secluded place; you’ll delight in the discovery of a small uninhabited island. Season 29 of The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross features the following wonderful painting instructions: island in the Wilderness, Autumn Oval, Seasonal Progression, Light at the Summit, Countryside Barn, Mountain Lake Falls, Cypress Creek, Trapper’s Cabin, Storm on the Horizon, Pot O’ Posies, A Perfect Winter Day, Aurora’s Dance, and Woodman’s Retreat. Subscribe to the official Bob Ross YouTube channel - http://bit.ly/BobRossSubscribe Season 29 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAEQD0ULngi6c0D5_ELtW5p_NLShDktAN Originally aired on 8/24/1993
Bob Ross - Island in the Wilderness (Season 29 Episode 1)
Explaining The Spinning Water Demo - YouTube
Explaining The Spinning Water Demo - YouTube
Curious how I made this? check out the build video here: https://youtu.be/uzMKOTfQ_MA If you wish to build this for yourself you could find more information, including plans and 3d printable models on my website: www.rad-head.com If you like what I do and want to support rad-head: https://www.patreon.com/radhead -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this video I go into the physics of my spinning water demo. I derive the exact curve of the water surface using simple high school physics and math. It turns out that the shape is a parabola! more specifically it's a paraboloid, but my thin tank only shows a cross section of it. I use the derived curve to estimate how fast the tank spins. I was able to verify the obtained value by directly measuring the RPM, and it seems that everything holds up :)
Explaining The Spinning Water Demo - YouTube
Cultivating a digital knowledge garden (PKM)
Cultivating a digital knowledge garden (PKM)
I discovered the area of Personal Knowledge Management this year, and it's been a rewarding journey to develop a system that works for me, and that now houses the majority of my writing from years gone by. In this video, I explain some of the ways that I approach this topic (as well as briefly going off piste to discuss why I like the terminology of a 'digital knowledge garden'.) Enjoy! Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction - Cultivating a digital knowledge garden (otherwise known as PKM) 01:23 What I want to achieve with this system 03:28 World after midnight - a world with too much information 04:53 Some principles that I'm trying to apply to my knowledge garden 07:54 How do I actually go about cultivating my garden? 08:58 'Deep dive' on capturing information 11:43 ''Deep dive' on idea generation 13:34 The trade-offs that result from flexible systems 14:08 Mistakes I've made in my structuring 16:21 Demo of searching database with filters and queries 18:23 Further resources 18:36 What's coming up next? Further resources - Building a Second Brain: An Overview https://fortelabs.co/blog/basboverview/ - Ali Abdaal The Second Brain - A Life-Changing Productivity System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP3dA2GcAh8 - Note Wars: The Age of the Linked Note https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWkCmR3KkLs - What is PKM? What is Personal Knowledge Management? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2WBHyqRsxA - World after Midnight TED Talk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjSuaeVfE9I Attribution: Icons from Freepik at Flaticon.com
Cultivating a digital knowledge garden (PKM)
Learn Greek While You Sleep
Learn Greek While You Sleep
How to learn Greek? Learn Greek while you sleep. This video features the most important basic Greek words and phrases that teach grammar automatically. They are especially useful for the beginning student of this cool European Language. Audio in English and Greek To use just play the video before sleeping... If you want to really learn Greek, the best way is to listen and speak the most common Greek phrases as often and as accurately as possible. If you want to learn Greek well, these videos will help you do that. And doing it in a relaxed way is even better!!!! Check Out Some Other Languages! Learn Egyptian Arabic While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/a_SY1x9sZ6k Learn Standard Arabic While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/phZWosGLu9o Learn Mandarin Chinese While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/dADTBoYH6Fo (3 Hours) https://youtu.be/-XInxwAPkxQ (8 Hours) Learn Spanish (Spain) While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/FvYnk9muPkU (8 Hours) Latin American https://youtu.be/YNdCaefkmbA Spain Spanish Learn Japanese While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/DcCdJilQGZw Learn Korean While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/dEm-FrgwW8Y Learn Italian While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/i3GFZAKijww https://youtu.be/Dn4_9V64fWM (Updated 8 Hours) Learn French While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/tefSeVVq2T0 (1 Hours) https://youtu.be/IrqSErElxmI (8 Hours) Learn German While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/m8sa8Iwpbyo ( 8 Hours) Learn Hindi While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/ctq6UQ5RRjk (3 Hours) https://youtu.be/W1WmqLODrPk (8 Hours) Learn Russian While You Sleep: https://youtu.be/w4WphuQFt9A (3 Hours) https://youtu.be/oWVziZiD-fE (8 Hours) The idea is to be in as relaxed or calm a state as possible. Put on headphones if you need to. Best time is the right before you go to bed. The brain is supposedly more receptive in that relaxed state. The plan: listen to this as often as possible until the words and phrases are natural to you, that you don't even need to think to say them. These phrases can be used mainly for the first encounters. What do you say to people who you don't know at all or don't know very well? Those phrases. My name is Evan (eko). Happy learning. Let me know if you want to learn anything specific. :) "Untold Depths" by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. http://www.christopherlloydclarke.com
Learn Greek While You Sleep
Entiende Bitcoin y Ethereum
Entiende Bitcoin y Ethereum
Esta es una explicación técnica para todo el mundo de como realmente funcionan las criptomonedas, sus transacciones, mineria o minado, sus origenes, problemas y mucho más. ¿Como funciona la minería? ¿Vale la pena minar? No solo aprenderás la historia del Bitcoin y como funciona si no que también entenderas los principios y mecanismos que tiene detrás. En este video también explico como funciona Ethereum y para que sirve el Ether. ¿Quieres montarte un PC? 💻 Presupuestos ➞ https://nategentile.com Aprende Programación e Informática: 👨‍🎓 Mi academia ➞ https://mastermind.ac Series: 🖥️ Montaje PCs ➞ https://bit.ly/30OCj3M 💾 Divulgación Informática ➞ https://bit.ly/3nx4Ch2 ⚙️ Videos de Hardware ➞ https://bit.ly/3nxTGzE 🧰 PC Modding ➞ https://bit.ly/34DeY6o ⌨️ Guías Teclados Mecánicos ➞ https://bit.ly/2Gxz7Tz 🖱️ Guías Mouse de Gaming ➞ https://bit.ly/3nGFRzh 💻 Portátiles ➞ https://bit.ly/3jFUxvX 🎧 Auriculares para jugar ➞ https://bit.ly/3iL1jzg 👁️‍🗨️ Retro PC ➞ https://bit.ly/2GFq1Ec ⚗️ Nate Labs ➞ https://bit.ly/30P6Grc Redes Sociales: 📷 Instagram ➞ https://instagram.com/nategentile7 🐦 Twitter ➞ https://twitter.com/nategentile7 🔴 Twitch ➞ https://twitch.tv/nategentile7 👾 Discord ➞ https://discord.gg/mw4FSmt Marcas de tiempo: 0:00 Introducción 0:38 Dinero Digital 2:00 Sistema Bitcoin 4:12 Block Chain 5:48 Reglas del Bitcoin 7:24 Hash 9:37 Contenido de un Bloque 11:38 Evitar el Fraude 12:59 Sistema Proof of Work 17:52 Los 10 minutos 19:33 Origen de los Bitcoins 22:00 Ethereum y Smart Contracts 23:11 Despedida
Entiende Bitcoin y Ethereum
Desmontando el NOM
Desmontando el NOM
Entrevista del canal @Alto y Claro TV en el que que abordo el Nuevo Orden Mundial (NOM), sus objetivos, fines, características y modus operandi para resetear aquello que somos antes de instalarnos el "nuevo chip". DÓNDE PUEDES ENCONTRARME ----------------------------------------------------- Twitter: https://shorturl.at/qFSW3 Facebook: https://shorturl.at/qLUY2 Instagram: https://shorturl.at/jyGL0 Telegram: https://shorturl.at/kmyHJ Tu difusión ayuda a llegar a más gente y a continuar con mi labor ¿QUIERES APOYAR LO QUE HAGO? ------------------------------------------------------- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/javiervillamor Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/javiervillamor
Desmontando el NOM
Can You Recover Sound From Images?
Can You Recover Sound From Images?
Is it possible to reconstruct sound from high-speed video images? Part of this video was sponsored by LastPass: http://bit.ly/2SmRQkk Special thanks to Dr. Abe Davis for revisiting his research with me: http://abedavis.com This video was based on research by Dr. Abe Davis and colleagues. I found out about this work years ago and was fascinated by the way he was able to capture vibration information in image-only video. I always imagined the motions of objects would be visible as when recording a tuning fork in slow motion - so deriving sound from high speed images seemed a feasible task. But the reality is much more difficult. Sound vibrations only cause objects to wiggle by about a micrometer. This is much smaller than a pixel, so the algorithm must understand the characteristics of the image. A move in one direction should cause some pixels to lighten slightly, while others darken - and this behavior is correlated along the edges of the image. So noise can be reduced because it's random over the image and there are enough places to sample that you can get it to cancel out. Something I'm wondering now is - would it be possible to capture sound in a single image? I'm thinking it would have to be an image of a large object or space because the wavelengths of typical sounds are quite long. Maybe a high frequency sound could be imaged in a suitable medium... Animations by Alan Chamberlain Music from http://epidemicsound.com "Seaweed"
Can You Recover Sound From Images?
How To DeGoogle An Android Device - YouTube
How To DeGoogle An Android Device - YouTube
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How To DeGoogle An Android Device - YouTube
Why Does Music Only Use 12 Different Notes?
Why Does Music Only Use 12 Different Notes?
Why does Western music divide the octave into 12 different notes? Why not 13, or 19 or 24 notes? For such a simple sounding question, the answer is actually a tangle of history, physics and human preference. Get ready for some serious music theory! Thank you to Modartt for gifting me a copy of their amazing Pianoteq software. Find out more here: https://www.modartt.com/pianoteq Sources: Gamelan Music: https://youtu.be/UEWCCSuHsuQ 12Tone talking 12TET: https://youtu.be/ZOLRvbPURXQ Where does the 12-tone scale come from: https://youtu.be/CFbG-8eYKJU Audio Spectrum (AdminOfThisSite): https://youtu.be/qNf9nzvnd1k Perception of Octaves: https://www.quantamagazine.org/perceptions-of-musical-octaves-are-learned-not-wired-in-the-brain-20191030/ Playable Harmonic Series: https://alexanderchen.github.io/harmonics/ Octave circularity in the auditory brain: http://www.neuroscience-of-music.se/eng7.htm An extra special thanks goes to Vidad Flowers, Austin Russell, Christopher Ryan, Bruce Mount, Toot & Paul Peijzel, the channel’s Patreon saints! 😇 SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/davidbennettpiano
Why Does Music Only Use 12 Different Notes?
Nodejs y Mysql, Apo completa
Nodejs y Mysql, Apo completa
Aprende a crear una aplicación web Backend y Frontend, utilizando Nodejs, Mysql, Express y otras tecnologías de Javascript. En este ejemplo crearemos una aplicacion de Enlaces, que sera un CRUD de nodejs, más un Login y Registro utilizando Mysql, ademas de proteger nuestras rutas del servidor y estilizar nuestra aplicación con CSS, Bootstrap4, y Handlebars. INDICE DEL TUTORIAL 1. Backend, Creando el servidor: 04:08 2. Mysql, Conexión: 31:55 3. Views (Template Engine): 53:28 4. Guardar datos en Mysql: 01:10:26 5. Obteniendo Datos desde Mysql: 01:17:35 6. Eliminando Datos de Mysql: 01:33:47 7. Actualizar Datos de Mysql: 01:40:58 8. Mensajes de connect-flash y navegación: 01:53:27 9. Registro de Usuarios en Mysql: 02:11:28 10. Login de Usuarios en Mysql: 02:50:56 11. Protegiendo Rutas del servidor: 03:12:12 12. Datos Privados: 03:31:05 CÓDIGO FINAL: https://github.com/FaztTech/nodejs-mysql-links/tree/version-2018 CURSO DE JAVASCRIPT https://youtu.be/RqQ1d1qEWlE CURSO DE NODEJS https://youtu.be/BhvLIzVL8_o MAS EJEMPLOS DE JAVASCRIPT ORIENTADO A OBJETOS https://youtu.be/nqre9kKFRpc CURSO DE GIT: https://youtu.be/HiXLkL42tMU VIDEO DE VSCODE: https://youtu.be/zbycB-Yetb0 VISITA MI SITIO WEB PARA MÁS CURSOS Y TUTORIALES http://www.faztweb.com http://blog.faztweb.com FAZT CODE - YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMn28O1sQGochG94HdlthbA/videos TWITTER http://twitter.com/fazttech INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/fazttech/ FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/fazttech COMUNIDAD EN DISCORD https://discord.gg/37PHuNw #javascript #nodejs #mysql #bootstrap4 #expressjs #handlebars #crud
Nodejs y Mysql, Apo completa
10 pasos Davinci Resolve
10 pasos Davinci Resolve
Volvemos a la carga con un tutorial al más puro estilo RunbenGuo "antigua usanza", esta vez con una introducción a Davinci Resolve de 10 primeros pasos para empezar a aprender a manejar este editor de videos (con versión gratis) que puede ser una gran herramienta de trabajo para miles de personas. Por ello era necesario traer no solo este tutorial, sino también un curso completo de 18h donde desengranar al completo este programa, que quizá sea el mejor editor de vídeos gratis (aunque tiene versión de pago) que hay ahora mismo. CURSO DAVINCI: https://www.runbenguo.com/escuela/curso-davinci-resolve/ Davinci Resolve: http://bit.ly/36MaOrQ #Davinci #10primerosPasos #runbenguo 0:00 Inicio 1:33 0 Dónde descargar el programa 2:49 1 Gestor de proyectos 4:10 2 Entender la interface 7:57 3 Gestión de materiales 10:10 4 Crear una secuencia 13:56 5 Recortar 18:07 6 Títulos 19:46 7 Audio 22:40 8 Texto fusión 27:32 9 Etalonaje 30: 54 10 Entrega
10 pasos Davinci Resolve
Domina la magia del montaje
Domina la magia del montaje
El montaje es un arte, pero también una ciencia. Una edición magistral conlleva ser creativo pero también conocer todas las técnicas, cortes, transiciones y trucos para conseguir crear emociones y reacciones en el espectador. En este tutorial te cuento y explico los principales tipos de transiciones y cortes en la narrativa audiovisual, pero con ejemplos de escenas para que te rias un rato. ¡Espero que te guste! Más cositas sobre cine? Cómo grabar un DIÁLOGO de cine: https://youtu.be/PSSbTNLBgwE Cómo escribir un GUION de cine: https://bit.ly/2WQN9nj Toda la música es de la biblioteca Envato Elements, que es una pasada porque tiene de todo, no solo música, y es barata https://1.envato.market/rWkdR La principal es Tango Cinemático 😄 0:00 Inicio 0:43 Cortes sin continuidad 1:30 Cortes con continuidad 1:48 Salto de montaje 2:54 Corte en acción 3:44 Corte con inserto 4:20 Montaje cruzado 4:54 Acciones paralelas 5:44 Corte paralelo 6:20 Fundidos de entrada o salida 7:07 Fundido cruzado 7:54 Fundido en Iris 8:06 Fundido de cortinilla 8:29 Smash cut 8:53 Transición invisible 9:33 Transiciones en cámara 10:27 Encabalgamiento
Domina la magia del montaje
Apply exact color in Affinity Photo
Apply exact color in Affinity Photo
Ready to master Affinity Photo? Check out our complete guide: http://affinity.sale/Photo101 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Download today's image: https://affinityrevolution.com/exact-colors/ Find brand colors: http://brandcolors.net/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We all know that you can use an HSL adjustment to change an object's color, but what can you do to change an object to a specific color? How can you turn an object not just “blue”, but an exact shade of blue? This can be tricky to do, but in this video, we’ll learn a simple technique that anyone can use.
Apply exact color in Affinity Photo
Use maskAffinity Photo
Use maskAffinity Photo
Ready to master Affinity Photo? Check out our complete guide: http://affinity.sale/Photo101 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Download today's image: https://affinityrevolution.com/mask-like-a-pro/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Masking is one of the most powerful tools in Affinity Photo, but it’s also one of the most difficult. In this video, we’re going to learn 3 powerful techniques you can use to mask like a pro. TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Intro 0:19 - Grouped Masks 3:41 - Isolate the Mask 5:28 - Gradient Masks
Use maskAffinity Photo
Create perfect selection Affinity photo
Create perfect selection Affinity photo
Ready to master Affinity Photo? Check out our complete guide: http://affinity.sale/Photo101 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Download today's image: https://affinityrevolution.com/perfect-selections/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Have you ever tried to remove the background of the photo, only to find that making a good selection is really tricky to do? We’ve all been there. In this video, we’re going to learn powerful selection techniques, so that you can make PERFECT selections. It won’t be long before you’re removing backgrounds like a professional.
Create perfect selection Affinity photo
Blend two images in Affinity photo
Blend two images in Affinity photo
Ready to master Affinity Photo? Check out our complete guide: http://affinity.sale/Photo101 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Download today’s exercise images: https://affinityrevolution.com/blend-two-images/ Learn how to mask like a pro: https://youtu.be/sL9p_BE8t1s Learn how to make perfect selections: https://youtu.be/StH4Lg5EeWQ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In today’s Affinity Photo tutorial, we’ll learn how to blend two images together. This sort of editing is called “compositing”. Compositing can be tricky to do, but in this tutorial, we’ll start off with a simple example. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun, and I hope this video inspires you to make more composites on your own. This video was inspired by an amazing Photoshop tutorial: https://youtu.be/ErDuKDNhYsI
Blend two images in Affinity photo
Robocopy Backup Tutorial for Windows
Robocopy Backup Tutorial for Windows
Robocopy is the best backup solution for Windows. This tutorial shows the steps I use to generate backups for personal computers and for file servers. Here is the robocopy command I used: robocopy \\server\share Z:\backup /MIR /MT /R:5 /W:15 /NS /NC /NFL /NDL /NP /LOG+:\rlogs\log.txt (Note: use quotes for any path that includes a space like "\\server\office docs") Also, make sure to create a folder called "rlogs" on the C drive.
Robocopy Backup Tutorial for Windows