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GraphicsMagick - SourceForge
GraphicsMagick - SourceForge
Download GraphicsMagick for free. Swiss army knife of image processing. GraphicsMagick provides a set of commandline tools and programming APIs for manipulating, editing, and converting raster and vector images. It is derived from ImageMagick, with the objective of providing better stability and performance than ImageMagick while retaining the original MIT/X11 license.
GraphicsMagick - SourceForge
Folder Manifest
Folder Manifest
Download Folder Manifest for free. Windows Explorer extension: generate a text manifest of files/folders. Builds a text list of file/folder contents, with only a few formatting options. Useful (in fact, for me, invaluable) for quickly generating manifests in code publish request, server inventory or any other documentation required to list file content.
Folder Manifest
X File Explorer (XFE)
X File Explorer (XFE)
Download xfe for free. A lightweight file manager for X. X File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer like file manager for X. It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander, which was developed by Maxim Baranov.
X File Explorer (XFE)