Found 23 bookmarks
Patch My PC - Home Updater
Patch My PC - Home Updater
Our home updater is a free, easy-to-use program that keeps over 300 apps updated on your PC. A key component of staying safe online is keeping your apps patched.
Patch My PC - Home Updater
marticliment/UniGetUI · GitHub
marticliment/UniGetUI · GitHub
UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers - marticliment/UniGetUI
marticliment/UniGetUI · GitHub
SUMo - KC Softwares
SUMo - KC Softwares
SUMo (Software Update Monitor) KC Softwares - Software Development Company
SUMo - KC Softwares
gavinlyonsrepo/cylon · GitHub
gavinlyonsrepo/cylon · GitHub
A CLI TUI menu driven bash shell script supporting updates, maintenance, and system checks for an Arch based Linux distro - gavinlyonsrepo/cylon: A CLI TUI menu driven bash shell script supporting...
gavinlyonsrepo/cylon · GitHub
moson-mo/pacseek · GitHub
moson-mo/pacseek · GitHub
A terminal user interface for searching and installing Arch Linux packages - moson-mo/pacseek: A terminal user interface for searching and installing Arch Linux packages
moson-mo/pacseek · GitHub
PkgBrowser - OSDN
PkgBrowser - OSDN
PkgBrowser is an Arch Linux utility for browsing Pacman databases and the AUR
PkgBrowser - OSDN
Octopi - pacman GUI
Octopi - pacman GUI
Powerful Pacman (GUI | frontend) written in Qt
Octopi - pacman GUI