Nouveau - ArchWiki
Informatic articles
How to Change Kernel Runtime Parameters in a Persistent and Non-Persistent Way - Tecmint
Boycott Wayland. It breaks everything! · GItHub
Boycott Wayland. It breaks everything! GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
How to Create and Use Alias Command in Linux
In this article, we will show how to create your own alias and execute frequently used commands without having to type each command again and again.
How to Clone Your Linux Hard Drive: 4 Methods
Need to clone your Linux hard disk drive or partition? Use one of these drive cloning tools to clone your Linux disk.
Enabling Flatpak or Snap plugins using Pamac
Have access to Snap and Flatpak package installation by activating support under Pamac.
Plasma/Wayland/Nvidia - KDE Community Wiki
USB flash installation medium - ArchWiki
Installation guide - ArchWiki
Linux: 'Username' is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported - Stackoverflow
After logging into ssh, I got this message:
'Username' is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
How can I resolve this? I'm connecting ssh to my virtual private server.
Comparison table - chezmoi
Manage your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely.
FreeDesktop - Nouveau FeatureMatrix
FreeDesktop - Radeon Feature
Error “Cannot Delete folder: The directory is not empty” Fix - Technipages
Solve the “Cannot Delete folder: The directory is not empty” error in Microsoft Windows.
How To Perform SSD Health Check (6 Effective Ways)
Well, an SSD health check simply means determining the solid state drive's status, transfer speed, optimization, and performance. Thus, this gives you an idea
7 easy methods to check disk type (HDD or SSD) in Linux | GoLinuxCloud
how to check my hard disk is ssd or hdd. what kind of hard drive do I have. how to check ssd. how to check disk type hdd or ssd. how to check disk interface type in Linux.
How to Repair Linux Disk Using FSCK and Recover Linux Files
Montar particiones en Linux. Mount - Antonio Sánchez Corbalán
Agregar un disco duro nuevo en Linux
como agregar un disco duro nuevo en linux
What is an API? - API Beginner's Guide - AWS
Find out what is an API, how and why businesses use APIs, and how to use APIs on AWS.
dual boot - A common /home partition for multiple Linux distributions - Ask Ubuntu
I have an Ubuntu installed in one partition, Debian on the other and now I am planning to install backtrack and SUSE also. Debian mounts a separate partition as its home mount point, whereas Ubuntu
How to Move Home Directory to New Partition or Disk in Linux
In this article, we will explain how to move a Home directory into a dedicated partition possibly on a new storage disk on a Linux system.
Move Home Directory To New Partition Or Drive In Linux - OSTechNix
This step by step article will walk you through the procedure to move home directory to new partition or drive in Linux.
The /var directory, explanation by The Linux Information Project
How to Move Your Linux home Directory to Another Drive
Want to move your Linux home folder to another drive? Here’s a straightforward and step by step way to do it that should work on any distribution. Moving your home folder means you can reinstall Linux and not have to worry about your personal files.
How to re-mount a different partition as /home? - Ask Ubuntu
How to Create Bootable USB Drive Using dd Command
Need to write an ISO file to a bootable USB drive? The command line ‘dd’ tool can do that with minimal effort.
# list devices
# umount and format
sudo umount /dev/sda1
sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sda
sudo mkfs.exfat /dev/sda
# create booteable usb
sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/user/downloads/path.iso of=/dev/sda status=progress
Adding Users to Sudoers in Linux - A Step-by-Step Tutorial - LinuxForDevices
Adding users to Sudoers file in Linux is really easy. You can do it either by manually editing the file or with the use of the usermod command. Either of the
How to Create Bootable Linux USB Drive - Linuxsize
This tutorial will take you through the steps necessary to create a bootable Linux USB stick on Windows, macOS and Linux machines.
Self-hosting notes with a Raspberry Pi and TiddlyWiki
Self-hosted note taking with a Raspberry Pi, TiddlyWiki and encrypted backups.