Informatic articles

Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine
Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine
Find the recommended Docker Engine post-installation steps for Linux users, including how to run Docker as a non-root user and more.
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine
Linux Commands - Linux config
Linux Commands - Linux config
In this tutorial you will learn the basics of Linux Commands. This tutorial will get you started with Linux command line.
Linux Commands - Linux config
Database, Table and Column Naming Conventions? - StackOverflow
Database, Table and Column Naming Conventions? - StackOverflow
Whenever I design a database, I always wonder if there is a best way of naming an item in my database. Quite often I ask myself the following questions: Should table names be plural? Should column...
Database, Table and Column Naming Conventions? - StackOverflow
Insolite : attaquer un radar avec une injection SQL
Insolite : attaquer un radar avec une injection SQL
Une équipe de hackers a "sérieusement" planché sur les excès de vitesse pour éviter de payer des PV. Contrairement à ce que l'on pourrait penser aucune attaque via botnet ou Déni de Service... mais un simple bout de carton, du scotch et une requête SQL : Etant donné que les radars automatiques utilisent la reconnaissance
Insolite : attaquer un radar avec une injection SQL
¿Qué base de datos usa Google?
¿Qué base de datos usa Google?
[¡Solución encontrada!] Mesa grande Un sistema de almacenamiento distribuido para datos estructurados Bigtable es un sistema de almacenamiento...
¿Qué base de datos usa Google?
Páginas web estáticas vs páginas web dinámicas
Páginas web estáticas vs páginas web dinámicas
Te mostramos una comparativa entre una página web dinámica y estática, destacando sus diferencias y en qué casos es recomendable utilizar una u otra.
Páginas web estáticas vs páginas web dinámicas
5 Ways to Access a Locked Windows Account
5 Ways to Access a Locked Windows Account
Here are five of the most approachable ways for resetting or recovering your Windows password along with abridged instructions on how to execute them and some alternatives.
5 Ways to Access a Locked Windows Account
How to Set Up Your Own Home VPN Server
How to Set Up Your Own Home VPN Server
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are very useful, whether you’re traveling the world or just using public Wi-Fi at a coffee shop in your hometown. But you don’t necessarily have to pay for a VPN service—you could host your own VPN server at home.
If you want to host your own VPN at home, purchase a router that supports a home VPN as a built-in feature or with third-party firmware. You could also build a specialized home VPN server using software like OpenVPN on an old computer or a Raspberry Pi.
How to Set Up Your Own Home VPN Server