How to change a Git repository from HTTPS to SSH – Pandammonium
Informatic articles
What's the difference between using "let" and "var"?
ECMAScript 6 introduced the let statement.
I've heard that it's described as a local variable, but I'm still not quite sure how it behaves differently than the var keyword.
What are the differences...
xmodmap - ArchWiki
How to remap or swap special keyboard keys in Linux?
Remapping keyboard keys in Linux can be performed by following two methods. If a key is broken or you need to change the functionality of certain key, keyboard remapping is necessary. You can tweak the keys to function differently with following command.
Ctrl + Alt + key doesn't work on non-US (f.x. German, Danish) keyboard layout
I have just recently moved from MS windows to Linux, and it is great; but there is one thing that really bugs me, and that is the use of Ctrl+Alt+key instead of using Alt Gr+key.
When I program, it
How to remap a key combination to a single key?
I'm using Ubuntu on a Samsung Chromebook. As some of you may know, the keyboard used in ChromeOS based netbooks is a bit awkward: amongst other things, it doesn't have a Del key*. If I were going t...
Help:Reading - ArchWiki
Learn the Basics of Git in Under 10 Minutes
by Gowtham Venkatesan Learn the Basics of Git in Under 10 Minutes Yes, the title is a clickbait. There is no way you can understand the basics of git technology in just 10 minutes. But you can get pretty close in about 25 minutes. And that is the purpose of
Completely Remove Snap from Ubuntu Linux [Tutorial]
Complete guide on how to remove snap from Ubuntu Linux and re-install Software, Firefox as deb version.
How to Create a Website
Want to know how to build a website? This step-by-step guide will help you create your own website, using the right tools. Updated for 2022.
r/SteamDeck - Fall Guys (F2P Epic Version) tutorial for Steam Deck
149 votes and 174 comments so far on Reddit
How to Install Fall Guys on Linux With Multiplayer Support
Learn how to install Fall Guys from the Epic Games Store to enjoy the seamless platform battle-royale gaming experience on your Linux desktop.
Vim cheatsheet
One-page guide to Vim: usage, examples, and more. Vim is a very efficient text editor. This reference was made for Vim 8.0. For shortcut notation, see :help key-notation.
How To Use Display Flex In CSS, Flexbox Working With Example
Understand the working of Flexbox Containers and Items with interactive demos. Flexbox Terminology and Properties Explained. Learn about Compatible Flex values.
Aligning Icons to Text: Example 2
Almost there. Everything is aligned but the music note is closer to the text than the other icons....
Pure CSS speech and thought bubbles
15 CSS Speech Bubbles
Collection of hand-picked free HTML and CSS speech bubble code examples. Update of April 2020 collection. 4 new examples.
How to Use Multiple GitHub Accounts With One Computer
How to set up and change SSH keys to use multiple GitHub accounts on one machine
macOS Setup Guide
How to horizontally center an element - Stack Overflow
Mail regex validation
How to Install Software from Source Code in Linux
Sooner or later you will have to compile some software from sources. This article guides you through that (not so) epic journey by showing you how to compile and install NodeJS from scratch on Debian and Red-Hat/CentOS based systems.
A Letter to Discord for not Supporting the Linux Desktop | TheEvilSkeleton
Discord is popular among the Linux desktop community. Thanks to Electron, the framework that Discord uses, it was possible for Discord to port the client over to Linux very easily. Electron facilitates deploying the same application in different desktop platforms.
pacman - ArchWiki
Object-Oriented Languages |
Object-Oriented Languages
An object-oriented language is a computer programming language that revolves around the concept of an object. Object-oriented languages were developed
to make it easier to develop, debug, reuse, and maintain software than is possible with earlier languages. Understanding objects, and object-oriented languages, requires knowledge of the evolution of computer programming languages and data structures. Source for information on Object-Oriented Languages: Computer Sciences dictionary.
Facebook’s TransCoder — an AI source-to-source compiler
Using more than 2.8 million open-source GitHub repositories, TransCoder translates code between three popular languages- C++, Java, and…
It's Time to Get Back Into RSS
A lot of people who were on the internet in the early 2000's remember something called RSS. It stands for Really Simple Syndication, and it allowed
Personal Archlinux Installation Guide with btrfs and snapshots – Telegraph
Content 1 Errors in archiso∟ 1.1 SCHED ERROR∟ ∟ 1.1.1 Solution2 Keyboard and font terminal3 Wifi∟ 3.1 Iwd∟ ∟ 3.1.1 Adapters and devices∟ ∟ 3.1.2 Station mode∟ ∟ ∟ Visible networks∟ ∟ ∟ Hidden networks∟ 3.2 Check internet connection4 UEFI or legacy bios∟ 4.1 UEFI bios∟ 4.2 Legacy bios5 Update system clock6 Storage devices∟ 6.1 List storage devices∟ 6.2 Verify storage device partition scheme∟ 6.3 Partitions∟ ∟ 6.3.1 Create partitions∟…
6 Tools To Translate Code Between Programming Languages
The syntax conversion between programming languages isn't the only way to convert a code from one language to another.
Converting Code From One Programming Language to Another
Tips for Translating and Porting Code