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blend-os/jade-gui · GitHubA user-friendly libadwaita Linux installer that uses blend-inst as its backend. The README is from Crystal Linux's repository, that uses Jade. - blend-os/jade-gui: A user-friendly libadwait...#Source Code: GitHub··Aug 23, 2023blend-os/jade-gui · GitHub
rhinstaller/anaconda · GitHubSystem installer for Fedora, RHEL and other distributions - rhinstaller/anaconda: System installer for Fedora, RHEL and other distributions#Source Code: GitHub··Apr 30, 2023rhinstaller/anaconda · GitHub
Crystal Linux / 💽 Software / Jade GUI · GitLabGitLab Community Edition#Source Code: GitLab··Apr 24, 2023Crystal Linux / 💽 Software / Jade GUI · GitLab
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