From basic IP address to location to detailed cyber threat analysis, the DB-IP Geolocation API and database offer superior accuracy and performance. Learn more about our API and database here when you visit our website and get what you need with our free downloads today.
Free service to geolocate a visitor's IP location, such as country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code/postal code, time zone, ISP, area code, mobile data, weather data, usage type and many more.
Free IP Geolocation API and Accurate IP Database provides country, city, zip code, ISP data in REST JSON and XML format from any IPv4 and IPv6 Address.
We're the trusted source for IP address information, handling 40 billion IP geolocation API requests per month for over 1,000 businesses and 100,000+ developers provides free lookup tool to check location of your IP Address. Data is gathered through several GEO IP data providers. Just enter an IP and check location.