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Eratosthenes Experiment Debunks Flat Earth? - YouTube
Eratosthenes Experiment Debunks Flat Earth? - YouTube
One of the most common alleged proofs quoted for the spherical Earth theory is the Eratosthenes sticks and shadows experiment. Many people may remember NASA spokesman Carl Sagan presenting this experiment by using a map of Egypt with two obelisks attached and showing their resulting shadows. The story goes that around 250 B.C. a Greek mathematician and philosopher named Eratosthenes noted that at noon during the Summer Solstice in Syene, the Sun cast no shadow and the rays could reach straight to the bottom of his well, yet meanwhile in Alexandria a vertically standing metal rod cast a significant shadow. Eratosthenes, Carl Sagan, and other globe proponents reason that this result is impossible on a flat Earth. To quote Carl Sagan, "If at a certain moment each stick casts no shadow at all, that is perfectly easy to understand provided the Earth is flat. If the shadow at Syene is a certain length, and the shadow at Alexandria is the same length, that also makes sense on a flat Earth. But how could it be, Eratosthenes asked, that at the same instant there was no shadow at Syene and a very substantial shadow at Alexandria? The only answer (he claimed) was that the surface of the Earth is curved." After reaching this conclusion, Eratosthenes then famously factored the length of the two shadows with his assumed distance to the Sun and recorded a measurement of the globe Earth's circumference close to what heliocentrist astronomers still use today. The fact of the matter is, however, that Eratosthenes, Sagan, and others are simply incorrect in their assumption that this would only be possible on a curved Earth. In reality, the exact same results occur on a flat Earth with a local Sun. Eratosthenes’ calculations were made assuming the Sun to be millions of miles away so that its rays would fall perfectly parallel even in points as divergent as Syene and Alexandria. Anyone familiar with the phenomenon known as crepuscular rays, however, knows full well that the Sun's rays simply do NOT fall perfectly parallel, especially at such distant points, rendering the entire argument moot. Furthermore, using sextants and plane trigonometry, by measuring the Sun’s angle at two points on Earth simultaneously and factoring their distance from each other, the Pythagorean theorum reveals that the Sun is NOT millions of miles away, but instead less than a few thousand. High altitude balloon footage has also filmed lighting hot-spots on clouds further proving the Sun to be local and acting as a spotlight. Therefore if globe believers wish to be honest, they must admit it is their faulty assumption that only a distant Sun with parallel rays could produce such results which has led to their faulty conclusion of a curved Earth, because Flat Earthers have always maintained that the Sun was local, and the very existence of crepuscular rays render the entire experiment invalid. Get Connected with me! Website: http://www.EricDubay.com Blog: http://www.AtlanteanConspiracy.com Forum: http://www.IFERS.123.st Books: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/groups/edfes/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericdubaz/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ericdubay SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/eric-dubay/ Mewe: https://mewe.com/i/ericdubay Minds: https://www.minds.com/EricDubay Gab: https://gab.ai/Eric-Dubay Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/ericdubay YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/flateartheric Odysee: https://odysee.com/@EricDubay:c BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/TCgwKoAf3Y9z/ BrandNewTube: https://brandnewtube.com/@EricDubay Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/EricDubay Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1286253 Telegram: t.me/flatearthericdubay Email: ericdubaynewsletter@protonmail.com
Eratosthenes Experiment Debunks Flat Earth? - YouTube
LHFE 2:1 - YouTube
LHFE 2:1 - YouTube
LHFE 2:1 I’m at a bit of a crossroads with these videos. I started making them to help people around me piece things together and wake up. That motivation is now over for obvious reasons and this video is the last of this style. I contemplated for a long time giving it the title of “LHFE-Intermission” but as it foreshadows many themes and strands of volume 2 it seems appropriate to call it 2:1. I will finish the rest of LHFE for myself and as a small contribution to the community that has served us all for so long now. More will come, sometimes just one episode and other times a cluster of them. Vol2 is all planned and written but I am slow and my motivation now falls with telling the story and sharing my discoveries so I want to make it just right. That urgency I felt when making WOEH is no longer in me. But it’s also very exciting to have finally “caught up” with these videos and now be able to share the new stuff that I have been documenting for a long time now. I can’t promise this channel will stay, it likely wont. It turns out I get a lot more done without having a channel as distraction. But I will always find a way for new content to be accessible. For now, this is the only platform I am on. Because of this, feel free to reupload. But no selling or DVDs. As usual - I recommend Terry’s channel for those wanting to wake people up to the globe deception. His videos are fantastic, short and to the point. https://www.youtube.com/user/terryrexx/featured I also recommend subscribing to Stergios’ channel (Vibes of Cosmos) - I hear he has a beautiful new moon map in the works and, until someone can fully debunk the moon-image hypothesis, it should be explored and enjoyed. It’d be great if Stergios tackles the potential distortion present in the moon’s image, let’s hope he does in the future! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0p9kL7SLlYD5HnFUy-9XA
LHFE 2:1 - YouTube
The Lost History of Earth - FULL (Ewaranon) - THIS IS BEAUTIFUL~! - YouTube
The Lost History of Earth - FULL (Ewaranon) - THIS IS BEAUTIFUL~! - YouTube
Second Series - What On Earth Happened?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sLM4OMECPE EDIT2 Update: - His new channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQDx5JfJxkbHxxtbzlDACPA This is 1-7 of the LH_E series. There is another series called What On Earth Happened which goes 1-13, I believe I have mixed the two up, and I think Ewar is currently working on episode 8 (feel free to correct me if there IS a LH_E #8 already out somewhere and it's not confused with the WOEH series #8). If youtube does not remove this (looks like they removed it many times from many channels) then I will hunt down and compile the other stuff (I'm still new to this person, and I have a bit of a raised eyebrow while in discovery mode). Also the other mirrors of this video are infested with bots so watch for them in the comments below before I catch and clean them. Also I do not remove real comments. I am noticing some of them in my notifications but when I go to reply they are gone and are NOT on the video. If your comment is removed pls know it's not me (unless you attack someone or the collective like a douche-bag with verbal diarrhea, that's about the only time I remove stuff). Not much impresses me anymore, not many videos or bits of intel are 'new' anymore, however every once in a while I'm left pleasantly surprised. It was hard to want to watch this seeing the length, but damn this guy did a great job and the 5hrs fly's by. I had to mirror it, shout out to Ewaranon (I believe this is who put this together) and team for the work. (this is not monetized by me, copyright claims are already in, it's not Ewar monetizing it either, it's the music he used so I'm happy to help make those composers some backpay money and credits with my currently un-utilized outreach on top of giving Ewar some light). Most of you that have been down these rabbit holes will recognize a lot of this info, but please watch to the end as the last hour is the most potent, and there's many jewels throughout that reaffirm my own theories and videos with great tidbits (especially re frequency, electromagnetism, mercurian energized water grids, civilization resets, faked history, star stations, structures as aether ion harvesters, etc). Hope you guys are starting to get up from under the spell of 2020, I'm slowly doing better, and look forward to reconnecting with this channel and you guys somehow/someway in the near future. I know it's hard to stay relevant for more than 2min in this fast world now so I'm glad to see my subs still growing despite no new content. The replay value and potency of subject matter is to thank, and some talent/expressionisms as the cherry on the truth cake. All of our collective and individual curious minds that are fascinated by this shit are also to thank for the organic virility of our rediscovery and deprogramming. We can't help it. It's an instinctual progression for those that have receivers capable of seeing/hearing/feeling reality vs having it dictated. I do feel it's just a matter of time before another tipping point is among us as a collective and 2020 helped fast-track this mass awakening. Special thanks to FlatFact for the research in the last hour of the vid, here's more: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL85o1ka5TKaVek3X0uGK-yKbSLbfH0VGX More Love, Norb. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNWo_EGKuPqIuaDwl1bNdwAtoZswd7wfD #WhatOnEarthHappened #LHFE #Ewaranon
The Lost History of Earth - FULL (Ewaranon) - THIS IS BEAUTIFUL~! - YouTube
Refutación del giro de la tierra - Apocalipsis de la falsa ciencia - YouTube
Refutación del giro de la tierra - Apocalipsis de la falsa ciencia - YouTube
El contenido de esta obra pone de manifiesto la falsedad del modelo cosmológico oficial demostrando que: LA TIERRA NO GIRA Se pone en práctica la falsabilidad y se utiliza el Modus Tollens como forma deductiva para refutar el supuesto giro terrestre. P implica Q por tanto si Q es falsa P también es falsa. En este caso P es: -La supuesta rotación terrestre- y Q es: -Las implicaciones cinemáticas y dinámicas que se manifestarán en la trayectoria de los móviles que se desplazan sobre la supuesta tierra giratoria- Los objetos de experimentación que se utilizan para verificar si Q es verdadera o falsa son: -Todos los móviles que se desplazan sobre la tierra en especial los corredores de larga distancia, las aves y los aviones- Desde el minuto al minuto 8:30 hasta el minuto 15:00 se muestra cómo se manifiesta Q en un marco de referencia que sí está girando usando la modelación de un experimento análogo verificable y repetible del cual la física moderna ha derivado todos sus parámetros. Desde el minuto 15:20 al minuto 30:40 se muestra: 1-La modelación de las trayectorias de los móviles en una TIERRA ESTACIONARIA y cómo esta es CONSISTENTE con el 100% de las trayectorias que se manifiestan en la experimentación real (minuto 19:00) 2- La modelación de las trayectorias de los móviles en una TIERRA GIRATORIA y cómo esta es CONSISTENTE con el 0% de las trayectorias que se manifiestan en la experimentación real (minuto 21:20) Desde el minuto 24:50 al minuto 30:40 se demuestra la imposibilidad física que representa la ilógica proposición de que "todos los móviles que se desplazan sobre la tierra están CORRIGIENDO su trayectoria de forma tal que se manifiestan idénticas a las que se predicen en una tierra estacionaria. Desde el minuto 30:40 al 33:35 se refuta la única tesis que intenta falsificar cómo los aviones estarían corrigiendo su trayectoria, cuyo autor es el ingeniero @Walter Bislin De esta forma queda REFUTADA la rotación de la tierra. Varias publicaciones científicas reconocen que la astronomía moderna está en crisis pero ninguna de ellas está dispuesta a asumir el hecho conocido de que el único escenario donde es posible predecir distancias usando la expresión d=v•t es en un marco de referencia INERCIAL porque en un marco GIRATORIO la trayectoria será curvada -[2·Ω×v] y acelerada -[Ω(Ω×r)] con radio de giro R=v/2Ω. Por tanto, el único motivo por el cual en la práctica podemos predecir distancias exitosamente con d=v•t es porque no vivimos en un marco giratorio. Gracias a @JTolan Media1 @Ciencia de Verdade @Oliver Ibáñez @Dios Films @IgotQuestions @aliesky rodriguez T.P. @la escuela invisible lei @Despertando a La Vida @wide awake @Guillermo Wood @Sanchez Ma @Eric Dubay @p-brane @NAOV @Nur Para Todos @VICTROM M @Javi Gomba @Libertalya @jeranism @EN HONOR A LA VERDAD Y a todos los que me inspiraron de una forma u otra a hacer esta obra.
Refutación del giro de la tierra - Apocalipsis de la falsa ciencia - YouTube
Objetos visibles tras la "curvatura" terrestre (a nivel del mar) - YouTube
Objetos visibles tras la "curvatura" terrestre (a nivel del mar) - YouTube
Video completo en Odysee, no puedoo subir más de 15 min a Youtube, ahí explico más en detalle https://odysee.com/@curiosity432:d/islas-horizonte-plano:c Partes del vídeo 1. Breve descripción 2. Intro 3. Cálculos para altura visible en modelo esférico - Distancias a las 3 islas (Google Earth) - Altura oculta por curvatura (calculadora online y python) - Altura máxima islas (Wikipedia) - Altura visible (h_vis=h_max-h_ocult) 4. Explicación - Según modelo esférico: - Caso sencillo: a nivel de agua objetos a 1 Km se ocultan 5 cm, a 3.5 Km ocultación 1 m. - El Hierro desde nivel de mar a 140 Km sería invisible, nuestro caso es a 130 Km (caso límite) - En la realidad: - Se ven las tres islas al completo, no hay corte por curvatura si lo hubiese sería a 1.3 Km de altura a en el caso de El Hierro y La Palma. En el caso de El Hierro solo podría verse la parte central más alta y en La Palma toda altua mayor de 1.3 la caldera de Taburiente estaría a ras del corte y no ocurre - La Gomera se ve la costa y los coches de ella - El Hierro se ve la orografía entera a lo ancho - La Palma humo del volcán da una idea de la altura total visible y del ancho completo 5. Modelo esférico no se cumple - Argumentos básicos que no se cumplen: - Objetos no se ocultan por curvatura - Agua no se curva macroscópicamente en reposo - La luz no puede generar un efecto óptico en el horizonte de los objetos ocultos, ya que no hay demostración de que la luz en una esfera los rayos provenientes del objeto suban a la atmósfera, bajen se den la vuelta y se sitúen a la altura del horizonte para cualquier observador a lo largo de la línea de visión. - Gravedad no sirve, no puede existir una esfera rotando y trasladándose con millones de materiales y agua fija a la superficie por acción gravitatoria. Se trata de un equilibrio de densidades: el helio sube en el aire, hielo flota parcialmente en el agua, aire caliente y frío (sube y baja) 6. Por qué seguir defendiendo un modelo que no se cumple en la realidad - Programación predictiva por imágenes de tierra esférica en todos los lados desde niños - Sistema no permite dudar - Principio de autoridad, creemos las imágenes como verdaderas - Globo aerostático independientes a gran altura muestran un horizonte circular plano 7. Como investigar en ciencia - Mayor parte de los argumentos han de tomarse de tierra y comprobarse - La investigación es un proceso personal - Se debe explicar la realidad a través de un modelo que se vaya adaptando a esta a través de la experimentación, el planteamiento teórico e intentar refutar el modelo. Y no crear un modelo e ir adaptandolo la realidad con parches, ajustes matemáticos y considerando casualidad o despreciando los argumetos que no se cumplen Referencias: Calculadoras online: - https://earthcurvature.com/ - https://dizzib.github.io/earth/curve-calc/?d0=130&h0=5&unit=metric - https://github.com/suspha/curvature - https://github.com/dizzib/earthcalc Wikipedia: - https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Hierro - https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Gomera - https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Palma
Objetos visibles tras la "curvatura" terrestre (a nivel del mar) - YouTube
REvelación UNiversal : ORigenes EL TEtragrammaton - YouTube
REvelación UNiversal : ORigenes EL TEtragrammaton - YouTube
Esta es una teoría basada en sincretismo, conocimiento científico y cotidiano. Video 1- trabajo de Sevan Bomar-explicando el tetragrammaton, al igual que yo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVv-G1vicqQ&t=4649s Video 2 - Parte 2- TIENE SUBTITULOS EN ESPAÑOL Y EN OTROS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXy3SET6EsM&t=4238 Teoría Del Spindle- UNiversal Disclusure en Ingles. porfavor disectenlo, copienlo y hagan reacciones si es que encuentran estoe importante. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH44AfehEdY&t=78s
REvelación UNiversal : ORigenes EL TEtragrammaton - YouTube
What On Earth Happened? (Ewaranon) 1-13 ~ Another MUST Watch - YouTube
What On Earth Happened? (Ewaranon) 1-13 ~ Another MUST Watch - YouTube
Ewars channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQDx5JfJxkbHxxtbzlDACPA please go sub and show him some love. His channels are getting terminated and he's getting strikes from other youtubers, which means he's doing it right :). I remember my first 6months of this journey so I relate to the foockery he's going through... This is a compilation of 1-13 of WOEH - however parts 5, 6, 7, and 9, are not in this, I found a channel on GAB that has them all individually, just scroll a bit: https://gab.com/yafer/posts/105737949291678773 His other masterpiece - must watch - "Lost History Of _ Earth": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVVzz5-1tco Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNWo_EGKuPqIuaDwl1bNdwAtoZswd7wfD As with the other video, this is not monetized by me, and now I understand it's not monetized by ewar either. He's using music that has copyrights, a lot of it, which is ok as the original composers are getting some well deserved backpay on these pieces :). Anyway, there is no money or incentive here just in-form-at-ion. Njoy~! #WhatOnEarthHappened #LHFE #Ewaranon
What On Earth Happened? (Ewaranon) 1-13 ~ Another MUST Watch - YouTube
The Lost History of Earth (Full Documentary - 5 hours) - YouTube
The Lost History of Earth (Full Documentary - 5 hours) - YouTube
The upload of this documentary was mirrored with permission by the author (Ewar). A very interesting and compelling documentary detailing the lies and deception embedded within the history books. Ewar's channel is no longer on YouTube. 🔊 Download 'Breathe' for FREE: https://tinyurl.com/yadt3q7w 🔊 Download 'Brain Dead' for FREE: https://urlzs.com/69Uhi Please support Sage of Quay™ Radio: * Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sageofquay * Sage of Quay Hub Website: http://www.sageofquay.com/ * Sage of Quay blog: https://sageofquayblog.blogspot.com/ LEGAL STUFF Sage of Quay™ is a TRADEMARK. All Sage of Quay™ Radio Hour shows and interviews are COPYRIGHTED. No portion of this presentation or any Sage of Quay Radio Hour show may be used, reproduced, altered or uploaded in part or whole without the expressed written consent of Mike Williams. The views and opinions expressed by any guest featured on The Sage of Quay Radio Hour are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the host Mike Williams or of The Sage of Quay Radio Hour as a whole. All content provided on The Sage of Quay Radio Hour is for informational purposes only. We make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information discussed or presented during the show or found by following any link mentioned in the broadcast or in the show notes. Any and all images used in this video or any other Sage of Quay Radio Hour presentation are considered to be in the public domain, free to use, royalty-free material we have licensed or in compliance with the Fair Use Clause contained within the Copyright Act (17 US Code § 107). If by chance this is not the case and you are the rightful owner please contact us at sageofquay@aol.com. Please visit Labor of Love Music for more information about Mike's music: http://www.laboroflovemusic.com/
The Lost History of Earth (Full Documentary - 5 hours) - YouTube
There Are No Forests On Earth (Mirror/Backup) Credit & homage to Людин Рɣси - YouTube
There Are No Forests On Earth (Mirror/Backup) Credit & homage to Людин Рɣси - YouTube
When I first watched this it blew me away - and since we're on a roll here I've decided to mirror/back it up as Людин Рɣси is no longer anywhere to be found. If you've seen it, and have watched Ewar's stuff, it's worth another watch. If you haven't seen it before - give it a watch and give it at least 10-15 minutes as some might find it hard to get into (very very progressive as it moves forward, if you get bored, please skim forward). Main playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNWo_EGKuPqIuaDwl1bNdwAtoZswd7wfD EDIT: Someone just found his channel - thank you: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa346x9hzqOrP6TiGiNt0Hw/videos #noforestsonearth @ЛюдинРɣси
There Are No Forests On Earth (Mirror/Backup) Credit & homage to Людин Рɣси - YouTube
Under The Dome - Full Documentary - YouTube
Under The Dome - Full Documentary - YouTube
The Flat Earth model is a belief that the Earth's shape is a plane or disk. Many ancient cultures have had conceptions of a flat Earth, including Greece. It was also typically held in the aboriginal cultures of the Americas. They believed in a flat Earth domed by the firmament in the shape of an inverted bowl. A lot of people today, believe that the Earth is round but they've never seen it from a distance. Not even being on an airplane could reveal the true shape to someone who doesn't know. Being on top of the highest mountain wouldn't help either. Is NASA and it's friends lying to us about the world? Keep an open mind. There's no good reason to doubt it. (Production/Narration by Mark Sargent)
Under The Dome - Full Documentary - YouTube
How the 4 seasons work on the Flat Earth model - YouTube
How the 4 seasons work on the Flat Earth model - YouTube
I've read quite a bit about how the sun and moon allegedly moved in the Flat Earth model, but I really needed to visualize how the 4 seasons worked. So, I got creative with the free software, Stellarium. Now, it should be noted that the programming for Stellarium is based on the heliocentric globe model, however I figured out how to essentially manipulate it in order to show the rotations of the sun and moon over a Flat Earth. What REALLY intrigued me was how the sun literally speeds up and slows down depending on what path it is on during a particular point in the year. I sped the whole animation up (more than 500x) for the sake of time (otherwise, the video would be over an hour long), but other than that, I did not manually adjust the speeds for each season nor do any other (motion) manipulation at all. What you see here is exactly what the software rendered, just overlaid on top of the Flat Earth map. Toward the end, you will see how January and June syncs up day for day perfectly, with a faster sun going around the outer rim and a slower sun moving in the tighter northern circuit. I based my change of seasons titling as follows... Spring - starting March 1 and ending May 31, Summer - starting June 1 and ending August 31, Fall (autumn) - starting September 1 and ending November 30, and Winter - starting December 1 and ending February 28 Note: I didn't have time to mess around with day and night as part of this animation. It's just meant to show the seasons and moon phases throughout the year as the sun and moon move above the "circle of the earth." I hope you find this as fascinating as I did.
How the 4 seasons work on the Flat Earth model - YouTube
THE HORIZON | Flat Earth vs Round Earth - Round 1 - YouTube
THE HORIZON | Flat Earth vs Round Earth - Round 1 - YouTube
Welcome to a new series where I test Flat Earth Theory vs Round Earth Theory! In this video I look at the flat horizon line, our eye level, objects beyond the horizon, and analyze Jeranism's laser test. I also create a 3D mockup of Flat Earth and a to scale illustration of Round Earth. Join the discussion and let's work towards figuring out the shape of the Earth! YouTubers In This Video: Jeranism - http://bit.ly/1RB4LcG Eric Dubay - http://bit.ly/1WBuB6V Earth Curvature Calculator - http://bit.ly/1MnszRb Google+ - http://bit.ly/20zpdQY My Blog - http://bit.ly/1keL1AU All images, sounds, and music are royalty-free. Everything else is covered under fair-use.
THE HORIZON | Flat Earth vs Round Earth - Round 1 - YouTube
The Firmament and the Waters Above - Flat Earth - YouTube
The Firmament and the Waters Above - Flat Earth - YouTube
This Video can be viewed in HD here: https://youtu.be/_vLyyUmdEFk It seems more and more evidence is showing that what the bible refers to as the Firmament above our heads is actually up there, and what's even more astonishing is I believe there is water up there also. The Bible is proving true. Research the Flat Earth. (Strongs Number H7549: Extended surface (solid), Firmament (supporting waters above)) Ezekiel 1:25 "And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads," Ezekiel 1:26 "And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne" Genesis 1:6 "And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." Amos 9:6 "The One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens And has founded His vaulted dome over the earth, He who calls for the waters of the sea And pours them out on the face of the earth, The LORD is His name" Big thanks to Brian Mullin and Crrow777. https://www.youtube.com/user/Crrow777/videos Getting saved is the easiest and most important thing you can do :) You just have to come to the knowledge that you (like everyone else on earth) are a sinner in need of salvation or we would spend eternity in Hell. Salvation is not something we could ever attain on our own, that is why Jesus came to this earth and paid the ultimate price for our sins by allowing himself to be sacrificed for all mankind so through him we can be saved. Jesus led a sinless life and by doing so was able to take all of humanities sins they would ever commit on himself making one sacrifice that covered all sin. To be saved you have to say a prayer something like this (and most importantly mean it because God reads your heart). Say "God I know I am a sinner. I know that because of my sin Jesus came to this earth and died for me making atonement for all the sins I would ever commit. I believe Jesus died on that cross and raised from the dead three days later conquering death and making a way for me to be saved by taking my sins upon himself. I pray Lord that you save me and come into my heart and life allowing me to be born again through Jesus, living in this world but no longer being of this world. Thank you Lord for saving my soul please lead me, guide me, and direct me all the remaining days of my life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen." If you said that prayer and meant it you are saved and sealed and nothing anyone could ever say or do can take that away. I would continue to pray daily building a relationship with God, and read the bible some everyday as well. He knows you, but that's the only way to get to know him. Try your best to stop sinning (this is not possible by the way) but you have to make the effort because that is what true repentance means is that you will turn from your sin. Don't give up, this is not easy, I repent and ask God to forgive me for something or another every single day. He knows we aren't perfect, but if we truly love him we gotta try :) God bless you, here are some scriptures that you might find helpful, and welcome to the family! :D John 3:3 (KJV) 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Romans 3:23 (KJV) 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 6:23 (KJV) 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:8 (KJV) 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 10:9-10 (KJV) 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:13 (KJV) 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. John 3:16-17 (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. How to be Saved - The Most Important "Truth" https://youtu.be/4RSj-CMPBlw
The Firmament and the Waters Above - Flat Earth - YouTube
Square Earth - horizon line and disappearing ships - YouTube
Square Earth - horizon line and disappearing ships - YouTube
Part 2 of the series "square earth , perspective, 4 dimensional light Body.The field of view is the 4 dimensional light Body.The circle of intersection between the light Body and the Surface is experienced as the horizon line whereas it doesnt matter how high you are the circle of view always remains eye Level Music credits : Stellardrone - The Divine Cosmos Stellardrone - Pale Blue Dot MonkByTheSea https://themonkbythesea.bandcamp.com/track/at-the-end-of-time
Square Earth - horizon line and disappearing ships - YouTube
Flat Earth Dome Explained 100% & the Entrance to Agartha - YouTube
Flat Earth Dome Explained 100% & the Entrance to Agartha - YouTube
My other YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3oirsVtK1LwkBuPuxaTX0w *This video contains a model that has since changed. For an update, please check out recent videos. I talk about the flat earth dome including the Sun, the moon, stars, planets, satellites, rainbows, mythology, the Great Flood, the black sun, the North Star Polaris, & another urge to engage in Blood Over Intent, our spiritual currency into the center of the plane--our Divine Destination
Flat Earth Dome Explained 100% & the Entrance to Agartha - YouTube
Los Eclipses en la Tierra Plana - YouTube
Los Eclipses en la Tierra Plana - YouTube
La predicción de los eclipses se hace mediante ciclos temporales establecidos hace miles de años por las antiguas civilizaciones, mucho antes de que se inventara la teoría heliocéntrica de Copérnico. Además, la causa de los eclipses es muy diferente a la que nos han contado... ▸Todo sobre la Tierra Plana en mi nuevo libro: http://amzn.to/2pwxfAs ▸Puedes apoyarme en Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/oliveribanez ▸Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Oliver-Ib%C3%A1%C3%B1ez-Youtube/148673148642691# ▸Twitter: https://twitter.com/Oliver_Youtube ▸¡Suscríbete a mi canal!: https://goo.gl/xnkfYy
Los Eclipses en la Tierra Plana - YouTube
Las Fotografías Reales de la Tierra - YouTube
Las Fotografías Reales de la Tierra - YouTube
Puedes colaborar como Mecenas de este Canal en Patreon https://www.patreon.com/MagnaVeritas O si lo prefieres hacer una donación única a través de Paypal https://www.paypal.me/MagnaVeritas Primer Capítulo de la serie "Las Mentiras de Apollo" * Si andas mal de tiempo y quieres ir directo al grano: 15:16
Las Fotografías Reales de la Tierra - YouTube
TIERRA PLANA: ¡Los Científicos Desvelan Datos Sorprendentes! - YouTube
TIERRA PLANA: ¡Los Científicos Desvelan Datos Sorprendentes! - YouTube
¿Que opinan sobre la forma de la Tierra un físico, un arqueólogo, un divulgador científico y astrólogo, un candidato a doctor en ciencias técnicas y miembro de la academia rusa de astronáutica, un astronauta de la NASA, un ex empleado de la Nasa, un candidato a doctor en ciencias médicas y fisiólogo, el presidente de ciencias fundamentales de Rusia y un escritor? Contesto a los comentarios persistentes por puro desconocimiento: en España el verbo "develar" casi no se utiliza, sino el verbo "desvelar". Aquí le dejo la explicación de la RAE (Real Academia Española de la Lengua). Fuente: http://lema.rae.es/dpd/srv/search?key=desvelar
TIERRA PLANA: ¡Los Científicos Desvelan Datos Sorprendentes! - YouTube
La Luna y los Eclipses en el Mundo (Plano) - YouTube
La Luna y los Eclipses en el Mundo (Plano) - YouTube
Descubre el misterio de los eclipses y la Luna en el modelo del mundo plano e inamovible. ¡Muchas gracias por ver este video! Si te gustó suscríbete al canal y únete a las redes sociales de NAOV para estar en comunicación: Suscríbete a NAOV: https://www.youtube.com/NaovEnt Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaovTV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naovtv/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NaovTV Apoya mi canal: https://bit.ly/2JvnpHH Música: Frostbitten Sunrise by TeknoAXE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCZNL5xxuoE What_Remains_of_the_Yamato by TeknoAXE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3kA_AqwJfs Burnt_Out_Space_Hulk by TeknoAXE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XxFolpCbZ8 © 2019 NAOV. Todos los Derechos Reservados. #Tierra #Luna #Misterio
La Luna y los Eclipses en el Mundo (Plano) - YouTube
Rotación y Giro Lunar | Info PLano - YouTube
Rotación y Giro Lunar | Info PLano - YouTube
Video para comprender la rotacion y el giro lunar desde las diferentes posiciones de la tierra plana. Los comentarios han sido desactivados porque no tengo tiempo que perder discutiendo con personas indeceadas y mal educadas. El canal es para informar sobre el plano, como el nombre lo indica y a quien no le guste, que pase de largo y que siga girando. Saludos cordiales a los que aprecian el trabajo, tiempo y esfuerzo que conlleva hacer y editar cada video que se sube. Gracias por comprender.
Rotación y Giro Lunar | Info PLano - YouTube
Flat Earth Clues : End of the World audio book - Narrated by Mark Sargent ✅ - YouTube
Flat Earth Clues : End of the World audio book - Narrated by Mark Sargent ✅ - YouTube
My videos are FREE to use by everyone. Edit and repost as you see fit. I've never thrown a strike and never will. Contact Mark directly at msargent23@comcast.net Mark Sargent phone number 303-494-6631 Mail him something at 2125 Myres Lane Langley WA 98260 Get the Flat Earth app! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/flat-earth-sun-moon-zodiac/id1440996640 Get Flat Earth trail mix! https://truthsmacks.com/ Get Flat Earth and truther hoodies from Stephen Carpenter of the Deftones! Use code STRONG for discount! https://mosaimusic.com/thestrong Get Flat Earth models! https://flatearthmodels.com/ If you are really new to Flat Earth, watch this first: https://youtu.be/h1ij1hCl9AY If you are kind of new to Flat Earth, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLltxIX4B8_URNUzDE2sXctnUAEXgEDDGn If you want to plant the seed in your global friends, family, and coworkers, show them this https://www.behindthecurvefilm.com/ Great Flat Earth Music by Conspiracy Music Guru! https://songwhip.com/conspiracy-music-guru I AM MARK SARGENT shirts! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FlatEarthAnonymous Flat Earth Clues Books! https://tinyurl.com/y5parsnf https://tinyurl.com/y9y6bjg5 https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2015/07/20/new-blue-marble George Orwell Tribune, 27 December 1946 Most people, if asked to prove that the earth is round, would not even bother to produce the rather weak arguments I have outlined above. They would start off by saying that ‘everyone knows’ the earth to be round, and if pressed further, would become angry. In a way Shaw is right. This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible. Hot Sex
Flat Earth Clues : End of the World audio book - Narrated by Mark Sargent ✅ - YouTube
Flat Earth Universe Concept 2016 - YouTube
Flat Earth Universe Concept 2016 - YouTube
Credit: - Shahzwar Bugti https://www.youtube.com/user/TruthIncSB/playlists For new ones into Flat Earth awakening please check: - 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball https://youtu.be/c2CStzqJ0-E Please check also: All my playlists: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4GYW8I6WOkAqy4G-bMvBAj0lKbVXSJik **************** Support ********************* https://www.paypal.me/Piotr-Gaca *********************************************** #FlatEarthAwakening #FlatEarth #PlanetEarth
Flat Earth Universe Concept 2016 - YouTube
Measuring Curvature on the Beach - YouTube
Measuring Curvature on the Beach - YouTube
High accuracy measurements using a theodolite reveal an interesting variation of atmospheric properties.
Measuring Curvature on the Beach - YouTube
The Earth Is Flat - YouTube
The Earth Is Flat - YouTube
The Earth is as flat as a stationary plane... not a planeT!
The Earth Is Flat - YouTube