Linux distros

"#Source Code: SourceForge"
DragonOS · SourceForge
DragonOS · SourceForge
Download DragonOS_Focal for free. *Until you install the operating system, the default user = live / no password. DragonOS FocalX (22.04) and DragonOS Focal (20.04) are out-of-the-box Lubuntu based x86_64 operating systems for anyone interested in software defined radios.
DragonOS · SourceForge
PakOS - SourceForge
PakOS - SourceForge
Download PakOS for free. A resonably secure operating system from Pakistan. Now in Strategic Collaboration with Innotech An open source Linux Distro that is based on Debian 11, and was made possible with the great support from eznix ( ). Made for ease of use and reasonably secure with minimum resource utilization for office, home, internet and off-line use PakOS on Debian Derivatives List ( PakOS accepted on DistroWatch as Only Pakistani Linux OS Please contact me on for tips, tricks, advice and suggestions or join my Discord server at to learn together.
PakOS - SourceForge
Download GnoppixNG for free. Gnoppix Linux . Gnoppix is based on Kali Linux Rolling, Gnoppix comes complete with a set of additional software repositories containing the latest 64-bit versions of the Gnome/KDE desktop environment/framework, Qt 5 toolkit and other compatible software. Gnoppix was first announced in June 2003.
BluestarLinux - SourceForge
BluestarLinux - SourceForge
Download BluestarLinux for free. Bluestar Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution, built with an understanding that people want and need a solid Operating System that provides a breadth of functionality and ease of use without sacrificing aesthetics. Bluestar is offered in three edtions - desktop, deskpro and developer - each tailored to address the needs of a variety of Linux users.
BluestarLinux - SourceForge
Calam-Arch-Installer.iso - SourceForge
Calam-Arch-Installer.iso - SourceForge
Download Calam-Arch-Installer.iso for free. Current Release: Calam-Arch-Installer-2022-08 Kernel: 5.18.15. Now you can easily install pure arch linux from my Arch Live Linux with Calam-Arch-Installer through video instructions, following the steps. Install Legacy-Bios or UEFI, Support Luks Yes There are also 9 selectable graphical environments for installation, Xfce, Gnome, Plasma,Cinnamon, Budgie, Openbox, I3, Mate, Deepin Good Luck!
Calam-Arch-Installer.iso - SourceForge
Salient OS
Salient OS
Download Salient OS for free. An Arch based rolling-release distribution for Gamers / Multimedia. Salient OS is an arch-based rolling-release distribution aimed at multi-media / gaming enthusiasts. It comes pre-configured with various applications out of the box to aid you in getting started quickly without having to download these applications yourself.
Salient OS
Download BBQLinux for free. An Arch based Linux distribution for Android developers. BBQLinux is a user-friendly Linux distribution made for Android developers. It has everything on board to build AOSP or AOSP-based Distributions like CyanogenMod.
AntergOS - SourceForge
AntergOS - SourceForge
Download antergos for free. A modern, elegant and powerful operating system based on Arch Linux. The purpose of Antergos is to provide a modern, elegant and powerful operating system based on one of the best Linux distributions out there, Arch Linux. Antergos is easy to use and very customizable It is open source, free and based on the fast and lightweight Arch Linux.
AntergOS - SourceForge