Linux phone OS
Kali NetHunter | Kali Linux Documentation
Kali on your Android phone
manjaro-pinephone/plasma-mobile · GitHub
Manjaro Plasma-Mobile. Contribute to manjaro-pinephone/plasma-mobile development by creating an account on GitHub.
dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch · GitHub
PKGBUILD for running Arch Linux on PinePhone/PineTab. - GitHub - dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch: PKGBUILD for running Arch Linux on PinePhone/PineTab.
OpenAtom OpenHarmony
Purism – Librem 5
Introducing the – Librem 5 by Purism
Our most sustainable smartphone yet, now with 5G speed, 5-year warranty and electronic waste neutral.
Mobian, Debian for mobile devices
Plasma Mobile
Privacy-respecting, open source and secure phone ecosystem
DivestOS Mobile
JingOS is a ‘convergent’ Linux-Based Open-Source OS for future tablets&laptops.It is a product of JingLing Tech. JingPad A1 is the World’s FIRST Consumer-level ARM-based Linux Tablet.
Ubuntu Touch
HarmonyOS is a next-generation operating system that empowers interconnection and collaboration between smart devices. It delivers smooth simple interaction that is reliable in all scenarios.
microG Project
Aiming for a 10 year life-cycle for smartphones
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The comments section on the blog will be closed starting December 21 as the website receives an overhaul. In the meanwhile, there is a dedicated thread on the PINE64 Forum to discuss this month'