gdbguiA browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger)#Software: Open-Source··Jul 5, 2024gdbgui
NeardNeard is a portable WAMP software stack involving useful binaries, tools and applications for your web development.··Nov 22, 2022Neard
Local WordPressLocal WordPress development made simple…#Software: WordPress··Sep 28, 2022Local WordPress
VagrantVagrant enables users to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments.··Jul 8, 2021Vagrant
LaragonLaragon is a fast & powerful local development environment.#Software: Desktop#❤️··Sep 28, 2022Laragon
XAMPP - Apache FriendsXAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP and Perl.#Organization: Apache#Software: Desktop#❤️··Mar 1, 2021XAMPP - Apache Friends
WampServerWampServer est une plate-forme de développement Web sous Windows pour des applications Web dynamiques à l’aide du serveur Apache2, du langage de scripts PHP et d’une base de données MySQL.··Mar 1, 2021WampServer