Ruined King: A League of Legends Story is a story-driven, turn based role-playing game (RPG) being developed by Airship Syndicate. Set after the events of Burning Tides, players will take control of LoL champions and explore the bustling city of Bilgewater and the mysterious Shadow Isles in a game for the first time. Featuring fan favorite champions, innovative turn-based combat, and beautiful art direction along with brand new surprises and plenty of poros, Ruined King: A League of Legends Story advances the stories of many champions in the LoL Universe and offers an exciting new way to experience the World of Runeterra.
In this fast-paced rhythm runner, every action has an explosive reaction and no amount of mayhem is too much. Take on the role of yordle and Hexplosives expert Ziggs as you rampage through the neighborhoods of Piltover.
CONV/RGENCE: A League of Legends Story, is a single player, action platformer game being developed by Double Stallion Games. Players will explore the spectacular world of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time. Convergence: A League of Legends Story, will follow the journey of Ekko, a fan-favorite LoL Champion, as he discovers that the power to change time comes with many consequences.