HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge BaseBest way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.#Software: Collaborative#Software: Open-Source#❤️·hackmd.io·May 31, 2021HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base
MacDownMacDown is an open source Markdown editor for macOS, released under the MIT License.#Software: Open-Source·macdown.uranusjr.com·Jul 23, 2022MacDown
Omni-NotesOpen source note-taking application for Android#Software: Open-Source·omninotes.app·Sep 9, 2022Omni-Notes
QOwnNotesOpen source markdown note taking for Linux, macOS and Windows, that works together with Nextcloud Notes#Software: Open-Source·qownnotes.org·Jul 27, 2021QOwnNotes