Maths articles

Graph theory intro
Graph theory intro
Recently, graphs have attracted a plethora of attention by the machine learning community. Graphs can represent many complex systems such…
Graph theory intro
Amazing: Hao Huang Proved the Sensitivity Conjecture! | Combinatorics and more
Amazing: Hao Huang Proved the Sensitivity Conjecture! | Combinatorics and more
Today’s arXived amazing paper by Hao Huang Induced subgraphs of hypercubes and a proof of the Sensitivity Conjecture Contains an amazingly short and beautiful proof of a famous open problem f…
Amazing: Hao Huang Proved the Sensitivity Conjecture! | Combinatorics and more
An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms
An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms
Fourier transforms are a tool used in a whole bunch of different things. This is a explanation of what a Fourier transform does, and some different ways it can be useful.
An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms
How does TREE(3) grow to get so big?
How does TREE(3) grow to get so big?
I am not a mathematician but I am interested in big numbers. I find them to be really interesting, almost god-like. I am watching a series of videos from David Metzler on YouTube. I have a basic
How does TREE(3) grow to get so big?