MadLipz - Funny Voice Dubs
xkcd: Scientific Briefing
eBaum's World
A nonchalant collection of funny pictures, slightly-dank memes, and somewhat crazy videos that eBaum's World users uploaded from all over the internet from dashcams, the deep web, security cameras and sometimes right off Youtube or even their own phones.
I Waste So Much Time
IWSMT - The site that deprives you of productivity one minute at a time. Replacing productivity with entertainment since 2010.
Täglich ►Lustige Videos◄ Egal wie mies der Tag, es gibt immer was zu lachen. PicDumps, Lustige GIFs, Funny Vines! Gewaltfreie Unterhaltung ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
The Oatmeal
You get a Cheezburger, and YOU get a Cheezburger. EVERYONE GETS A CHEEZBURGER. The original internet funny site.
Geek Cheezburger
Magical memes and gifs that only a true geek could appreciate and laugh at.
Pormeme tiene las mejores imagenes graciosas, gifs, videos, gaming, anime, manga, peliculas, series de tv, cosplay, deporte, comida, memes, bonitas, fail, wtf... de Internet!
Cuánto cabrón
La mejor recopilación de memes y cómics en español, lo más viral de Internet
Memes de humor a diario. Cada día añadimos nuevos memes españoles y chistes gráficos para que puedes compartirlos. Te molan los memes y lo sabes! ;)
Web de entretenimiento con la mejor selección de vídeos, memes, imágenes, gifs y fails de Internet. 1 post cada media hora de 7am a 1am
9GAG is your best source of FUN! Explore 9GAG for the most popular memes, breaking stories, awesome GIFs, and viral videos on the internet!
Meme Center
A Place for Pure Laughter. 100% Funny - 100% Original
Memedroid is the best place to see, rate and share memes, gifs and funny pics. Visit the website or download our app featuring a meme generator!