Music Genres

ChartMasters - Music industry data
ChartMasters - Music industry data
Music industry data is rare. Our expertise allows us to overcome that and provide up-to-date accurate key data. Welcome to ChartMasters!
ChartMasters - Music industry data
Deezer - Music Genres
Deezer - Music Genres
What will you listen to today? Explore our catalog by genre, mood, popular artists... Find your joy!
Deezer - Music Genres
Apple Music - Genres
Apple Music - Genres
Listen to Browse by Category on Apple Music. Stream the top Browse by Category artists, playlists and songs.
Apple Music - Genres
Find music from TV and movies. Get the full soundtrack listings complete with scene descriptions. Listen to previews, download & stream music, ask questions in our forums.
Epidemic Sound - Genres
Epidemic Sound - Genres
Struggle with music licensing for video, film or YouTube? Our library is of the highest quality, usable on all social platforms and royalty-free forever.
Epidemic Sound - Genres - Charts - Charts
The world's largest online music service. Listen online, find out more about your favourite artists, and get music recommendations, only at
·· - Charts
Top40-Charts provides music charts with hot hits from all over the world, like US / UK Albums and Singles, Bilboard Chart, Dance charts and more. Read the latest music news on rock, pop, country, jazz, rap, hip hop and more, get ringtones and lyrics....
Official Charts
Official Charts
The only place you can access the definitive Official Singles and Official Albums Chart Top 100 in full, as heard on BBC Radio 1. Plus official charts for Dance, Rock, Hip-Hop, Vinyl, Streaming, Country, Classical, Afrobeats and more.
Official Charts