Found 19 bookmarks
Bad Guy on an Electric Toothbrush - YouTube
Bad Guy on an Electric Toothbrush - YouTube
Bad Guy (Billie Eilish) played by electric toothbrushes, credit card machines, typewriters, and a steam iron. It was fun to finally make a cover of this song that you've been requesting for even 9 months now! I control the steam iron using a solenoid motor that pulls the steam button under the iron's handle, with the help of a custom made 3D-printed solenoid mount. I really like the sound of the steam iron and the showy steam it blows. The only downsides are that I need to keep my camera away from the steam as well as the fact that the iron sole itself is so hot that it's challenging to place the googly eyes without melting them. Device Orchestra store: #badguy *** ► SPOTIFY: ► APPLE MUSIC: ► PATREON: ► MERCH: ► INSTAGRAM: ► FACEBOOK:
Bad Guy on an Electric Toothbrush - YouTube
Play the Barcoder - YouTube
Play the Barcoder - YouTube
Barcoder: generates sounds by connecting scan-signals of a barcode scanner directly to a powered speaker, not a cash register. And this is a huge receipt version┃┃┃┃_ρ゙ ー バーコードリーダーのスキャン信号をレジではなく、スピーカーに直接接続して音を鳴らす《バーコーダー》。 そしてこれは巨大レシートバージョンです┃┃┃┃_ρ゙   Created by Hideki Tanaka + Ei Wada + Nicos Orchest-Lab Played by Ei Wada   Official web site| Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | #electronicosfantasticos ++++++ 本作品の使用条件はクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスの下で許諾されています。 作品を使用する際は、「ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!」と「作品タイトル」を表示し、下記の使用条件を必ずお守りください。 「クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-非営利-継承 4.0 国際」 The terms of use for some of the videos available on Youtube are licensed under a Creative Commons license. When using the work, please display "ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!" and the title of the work, and be sure to observe the following terms of use. "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)".
Play the Barcoder - YouTube
Jingle Bells song played with Marker - YouTube
Jingle Bells song played with Marker - YouTube
“Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way” played with a Marker. Hope y’all enjoy, i will start to put up some New and different content soon, Comment down below what you would like to see involving Music 🎼 Comment, Like, & Subscribe
Jingle Bells song played with Marker - YouTube
Smash Mouth - All Star (Melon Cover) - YouTube
Smash Mouth - All Star (Melon Cover) - YouTube
Squash Mouth - Melon Star Music only video - Spotify - Apple - iTunes - Amazon - MORE MELON PLAYING: BASS Melon - Vocal Melon - Harmony Melon - FOLLOW ME:
Smash Mouth - All Star (Melon Cover) - YouTube
Unusual and Strange Musical Instruments Compilation - YouTube
Unusual and Strange Musical Instruments Compilation - YouTube
Have a listen to some of the unusual instruments that I came across lately. Here´s some info to each instrument, followed by a link to the original video. #1 Factory Fan Bass: By attaching a disk with holes to the fan, it converts blinks of lights to electric signals and generates sound from a bass amplifier. Different numbers of holes can generate a musical scale, and turning on/off of the power makes it roar. #2 A nyckelharpa is a traditional Swedish musical instrument. It is a string instrument or chordophone. Its keys are attached to tangents which, when a key is depressed, serve as frets to change the pitch of the string. (no source) #3 The hammered dulcimer is a percussion-stringed instrument which consists of strings typically stretched over a trapezoidal resonant sound board. #4 The sador is the synthesis of the lute, the Indian sitar and guitar. #5 Two Arduinos are used as capacitive touch sensors, which deliver a midi signal. #6 The Carnyx, is a wind instrument of the Iron Age Celts, used in warfare between 200 BC and 200 AD. #7 DIY PVC pipe xylophone
Unusual and Strange Musical Instruments Compilation - YouTube
We Will Rock You on 7 Electric Devices - YouTube
We Will Rock You on 7 Electric Devices - YouTube
Device Orchestra album out now! ► Spotify: ► Apple Music: Queen's We Will Rock You played by an electric toothbrush, credit card machine, epilator, ladyshave, and three typewriters. You can see how the whole table shakes because of the three typewriters. This is the first time I made the typewriters also actually type something in addition to the carriage movement. #WeWillRockYou, #Queen *** ► PATREON: ► MERCH: ► INSTAGRAM: ► FACEBOOK:
We Will Rock You on 7 Electric Devices - YouTube
Super Mario Bros. Theme on 2 Credit Card Machines - YouTube
Super Mario Bros. Theme on 2 Credit Card Machines - YouTube
Super Mario Bros theme played by two printing credit card machines. This is my first video game music video. Super Mario theme is one of those melodies that I've seen played a lot by floppy drives. Credit card machines may be even further away from the gaming world but I still wanted to test how the theme sounds on these devices. That 1-up mushroom effect is also played by the payment terminals. I had to watch this video for like 20 times at the lowest possible speed to find out how it was actually composed. Though the effect is very short, I learned that it consists of about 30 notes. #SuperMarioBros, #GameMusic, #Nintendo *** ► SPOTIFY: ► APPLE MUSIC: ► PATREON: ► MERCH: ► INSTAGRAM: ► FACEBOOK:
Super Mario Bros. Theme on 2 Credit Card Machines - YouTube
An Epilator Plays The Imperial March - YouTube
An Epilator Plays The Imperial March - YouTube
Epilator shows its dark side by playing The Imperial March. I also show how I tuned the device. Epilator is not the easiest instrument to play. While stepper motors make it possible to keep floppy drives and credit card machines accurately in tune, this epilator uses a DC motor to rotate the head. Basically, this means that you have to find the right voltage for each note by hand. In addition to that, the motor warms up during the song, which means that the epilator goes out of tune very easily if you don't take the heating into account. Though I spent hours finding the right tunings, I know that some of the notes are still out of tune a bit. But I still think the melody is recognizable. #ImperialMarch, #StarWars *** Device Orchestra album: ► SPOTIFY: ► APPLE MUSIC: Support me: ► PATREON: ► MERCH: Socials: ► INSTAGRAM: ► FACEBOOK:
An Epilator Plays The Imperial March - YouTube
US National Anthem on 7 Credit Card Machines - YouTube
US National Anthem on 7 Credit Card Machines - YouTube
My alternative to floppy disk music: credit card machine music! The devices play the national anthem of the USA by printing paper. It took some time to find some other odd instruments that can play the US anthem as well as floppy drives. Finally, the solution was credit card machines. They use stepper motors to move the thermal paper. Just like floppy drives use stepper motors to move the magnetic read/write head. Thanks to the stepper motors card machines can be tuned accurately, but I'm also happy with the fact that the machines actually do something clearly visible while playing the notes. Even the thermal paper itself adds a cool visual effect. But creative use of the paper also makes many kinds of choreographies possible. See also my other credit card machine music videos! *** Share this video: Subscribe: *** More on credit card machines: Pharrell Williams - Happy: Super Mario Bros. Theme: *** On electric toothbrushes: Tetris Theme: Spice Girls - Wannabe: The Final Countdown: La Donna È Mobile: *** Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:
US National Anthem on 7 Credit Card Machines - YouTube
Music in Objects 3: Oats - YouTube
Music in Objects 3: Oats - YouTube
Big shout out to the lid and all the cool sounds it provided. Get up and a thing of oats! What is Music in Objects? Intro video here: Stream/Buy this song: Support my work on Patreon: I can work on your next project. Email me: @musicinobjects on Instagram and Twitter New videos every other week so be sure to subscribe. Thanks for watching. See you soon!
Music in Objects 3: Oats - YouTube
Music in Objects 1: Paper - YouTube
Music in Objects 1: Paper - YouTube
In this series, I take an object, record the sounds it makes, and then make music using ONLY sounds I recorded from that object. I never know how each piece will turn out until I start making it. This week's inaugural object: Paper! Rips and squeaks turned into dubby electronica. Enjoy! More videos coming soon! If you want to see more, please consider subscribing to my channel. Visit my bandcamp page if you want to stream/buy this song or other things I've made It takes a lot to make these videos happen. So if you like my work, please consider supporting me on patreon. I am a composer/sound designer and I can work on your next project. Get in touch with me at Thanks for watching. See you soon!
Music in Objects 1: Paper - YouTube
Star Wars Fan Plays Imperial March on Coffee Stirrer - YouTube
Star Wars Fan Plays Imperial March on Coffee Stirrer - YouTube
Star Wars Fan / musician Deyta Meyra plays Imperial March on a Coffee Stirrer. The tune is famous for being used as Darth Vaders theme in the Star Wars films. The song was originally composed by John Williams for the film Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back in 1980. Imperial March is one of the most famous symphonic movie themes. Full Story: SUBSCRIBE ► facebook: twitter: Coaster Nation: Dan Hower BB Ken Emma instagram: CoasterNation
Star Wars Fan Plays Imperial March on Coffee Stirrer - YouTube
Musica en la cocina - YouTube
Musica en la cocina - YouTube
La banda Uruguaya Bungee hace una gran coreografía en la usando cosas que usamos en la cocina como instrumentos.
Musica en la cocina - YouTube
Discover the Didgeridoo - YouTube
Discover the Didgeridoo - YouTube
Musician Pitz Quattrone performs on the didgeridoo, and talks about its role in the culture, rituals, and traditions of Australia. In the second half of the performance, Pitz is joined by "Shrimp" on djembe and acoustic guitar. It has been said that if the earth had a voice, it would be the didgeridoo with its low-pitched resonant sound and complex rhythm patterns. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about this ancient wind instrument in a program for people of all ages.
Discover the Didgeridoo - YouTube
Song Made Entirely w/ Household Items!!!!!! - YouTube
Song Made Entirely w/ Household Items!!!!!! - YouTube
I made this movie one day using things I found around the house. I play this short clip before live drum solos. Twitter: @austinrhoads
Song Made Entirely w/ Household Items!!!!!! - YouTube
Dropped into a turbine engine - YouTube
Dropped into a turbine engine - YouTube
Hey! You found the original. Rare opportunity to demonstrate a sound that no turbine tech wants to hear... ever! ... because it means you have to get that thing you dropped in there back out. Jet engines are heavy and sensitive, so it's a big deal to lift one up and turn it over, just to hopefully drop out a small piece that some dumbass dropped in there. If that does not work, the engine must be disassembled to the point where the item can be retrieved. This will be an expensive process. ... that's why it's a bad sound. To help support the channel, check out Patreon for AgentJayZ. Thanks! Shot in summer 2010 with a Canon Power Shot SD980is, at its max setting of 720P and 30 fps. It was a 275.00 camera then. This article/instrument is the compressor section of an LM1500, which is the ground running version of the mighty J79 turbojet. It is sitting with the inlet facing down, so the blades get bigger the lower you get, making the notes or sounds get lower in frequency as the screw drops through. This actual piece of an engine has been turned into a public display and art piece, called the Turbinophone. Google that, and enjoy! The Turbinophone is mounted inlet up, so the notes rise in progression as pellets are dropped into it. If you want to hear an experimental dubstep composition using this sound, check out "Ghost Turbine" on YouTube If you like something subterranean, subterfugal, and possibly subversive... you might like Skenik's work. He has also made one using the sound of the starter for a Rolls Royce Olympus engine from another of my videos. It's called Kiryu Lab Oh, and please don't post links to the ripped off versions of my video.
Dropped into a turbine engine - YouTube
The Revenge: Timo Boll vs. KUKA Robot - YouTube
The Revenge: Timo Boll vs. KUKA Robot - YouTube
Last year, Timo Boll challenged the KUKA KR AGILUS in his area of expertise: table tennis. Now, it is up to Timo to prove his qualities in a completely different kind of duel. The revenge is on. Man and machine are ready. The KUKA KR AGILUS and Timo Boll face each other for a new match. But this time, there are no rackets and no balls – there’s only glass. Watch this fantastic commercial featuring two worthy opponents that both provide utmost precision, speed and flexibility. Which side are you on? Are you “Team AGILUS”, supporting one of the fastest robots on earth? The KUKA KR AGILUS is unrivaled in his payload class and offers a lot of other talents, too, e.g. in picking and placing, assembling, loading and unloading machines. Or are you “Team Timo”, backing Timo Boll, the terrific German table tennis star and brand ambassador for KUKA Robotics? Who will break first? Check out now. For everyone who missed the first duel – just check out More: Music composed and produced by Century Rolls Music. Glassharp Composer & Player: Glass Duo Anna & Arkadiusz Szafraniec Music-mix & Sound-mix & Mastering: MSM Studios Munich - Christoph Stickel Mastering by Christoph Stickel - MSM Studios Munich Director: Matthias Zentner Programming: MIchael Hasslacher Production: Velvet Mediendesign GmbH // Munich Producer: Oliver Loessl
The Revenge: Timo Boll vs. KUKA Robot - YouTube